111 - Married a Dangerous Man

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"How are you, Sweetheart? Does your hand still hurt?" Laura asked softly. With Diane taking care of Luangmin, she focused her attention on Lan as Mo Chendong carried the eight-year-old. She softly looked at Lan and her heart felt pained seeing the bandages wrapped around the young boy's wrists and ankles.

"I'm fine, Grandma," Lan replied sweetly, wrapping his arms around his grandfather. Truth be told, he didn't know what had happened. He woke up earlier and he already had wounds on his body that hurt. The last thing he remembered before waking was helping an uncle at the toilet in his school before he suddenly fainted and now woke up in the hospital. He asked what had happened but no one told him the truth, they just told him that he fainted and they brought him to the hospital.

Lan was still young but he wasn't that naïve, he understood that his grandmother and grandfather were lying to him because he knew that fainting wouldn't give him wounds on his wrist and ankle. Additionally, he noticed the way he had been treated since he had woken up was different. He also couldn't ignore the sad expressions of the adults inside the room. It might be because his uncle Daniel is in the hospital bed again, but Lan knew there was more to it than what was on the surface.

"Your parents will be here soon," Laura said again, brushing Lan's hair. A soft but sad expression remained on her face, making Lan wonder why, but hearing this information, his adorable face frowned. His parents are supposed to be having fun. Why are they coming back now?

"Why? Aren't they on vacation?" Lan asked, confused. He knew his parents were supposed to come back a week later.

"Well, they said they already had so much fun. Now, they missed you so much," Laura replied. The reason why they kept the fact from Lan that he was kidnapped was because they were afraid that it would have a negative effect on the child's emotional condition. Even though he didn't remember anything, there are so many other references where Lan could know how it was to be kidnapped, like in books or movies that could cause him to develop depression and other mental disorders.

Lan is smart and very observant but with his very young mind, Laura and Mo Chendong decided to keep this from him for now. They wouldn't want to plant fear in the child's heart, they wanted him to grow up normally, where he could run around outside without being terrified.

"Is it because I fainted?" Lan muttered softly, slightly blaming himself. Of course, he missed his parents too and he wanted to see them, but he couldn't shake off the thought that his parents' vacation might have been spoiled because of him.

"What? Of course not, Sweetheart," Laura abruptly replied, holding Lan's arm softy. "Don't say that. Your parents simply missed you so much that they're coming back early. They told me they already had a lot of fun, so they wanted to have fun with you too," Laura lied, assuring Lan.

"Really?" Lan asked, slightly convinced because he knew how much his mother would miss him since they had never been separated this long.

"I've talked to your father. They said they'll spend the rest of their vacation with you here," Mo Chendong added. Hanlu didn't say that actually, but it was easy to make that happen. He doubted Hanlu and Ian would leave Lan's side now.

Laura and Mo Chendong talked to Lan more, making sure the child gets distracted from blaming himself, when suddenly they heard silent sobs. It didn't take three seconds for all of them to realize that it was Daniel who was crying. George and Ronald, who were the closest to Daniel, were the first ones to approach.

"Daniel, w-what is it? Are you hurting somewhere?" George asked worriedly, not knowing where to touch his son as he panicked, seeing the huge droplets of tears from Daniel's eyes. Daniel didn't respond quickly and just covered his face with his palms. Everything that happened, everything sunk in his mind, and the answer it gave him broke his heart. It all made sense now, why Laotian said that day that he wasn't a good man, that he was a bad guy. He thought the Alpha was cheating but it wasn't that.

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