128 - It Was a Woman

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"Hmmm, you're right. Then I guess I should go now then, I still have some business I have to finish. I just came by to greet you, please do enjoy your stay here," Hanlu said, his smile as bright as the sun. Seeing this, Fyre squinted his eyes as if they were hurting just seeing Mo Hanlu. He knew the Casanova President of the Mo Empire was someone like this but seeing the signature smile in person, he was too dazzling for his poor eyes.

"O-okay I will t-thank you," Fyre stuttered before looking at the Older Alpha leaving the vicinity until he couldn't see his back anymore. Even when Mo Hanlu was gone, he still remained in a daze as if hypnotized by that resistible charm. He was only able to pull himself out of the hypnotism when Tian Zi made a sudden sound making him glare at the younger Alpha in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Hanlu hummed seemingly in a good mood. Good thing he saw Tian Zi and his friend, Fyre, that way he wouldn't be so much in a bad mood and accidentally kill his prey in an instant. Ian especially told him to make the fucker pay, he will do exactly that and he will make sure he will have fun while doing that.

"S-Should I continue my report?" The assistant suddenly asked, he couldn't help but feel nervous seeing Hanlu whistling while scanning his tools. They are now in the room where all of Hanlu's torture equipment was kept as the Alpha was looking for the right tool he would use today. Since he uses them all the time, the tools are needed to be cleaned and sterilized. Of course, Hanlu wouldn't want his prey to die due to an infection, which would have been such a boomer.

"It's okay, I remember him already," Hanlu replied, holding one tool in his left hand and another on the other hand as if contemplating which one he was going to use. In the end, he decided to take the two as he walked out of the room, and following him still was the assistant. When they finally arrived at the door where the kidnapper was kept, there was a man waiting there for him. Since the head of security was currently away, the second in command took over.

Truthfully, he was only second in command because Hanlu and Laotian both trusted Aldrin and he was one of the most efficient when it comes to doing his job but when it comes to fighting ability, the second in command was actually more dominant. He's younger and quicker, also very competitive but still has good manners.

"Sir," Nigel greeted as he opened the door for Hanlu. Hanlu briefly nodded at him before finally he walked inside the room and the first thing Hanlu could see was a blindfolded man with his hand and leg tied down on the metal chair. There was an obvious bruise on his cheek, meaning his capture didn't go as smoothly explaining why he's now unconscious.

"He tried to struggle so I had to restrain him," Seeing his curious eyes, Nigel quickly explained without being asked. Unlike Aldrin, Nigel has a little bigger frame compared to him and Laotian. One punch he will definitely send your consciousness flying.

"Hmmm, how did you know it was him?"

"He ran as soon as he saw us approaching," Nigel simply replied, making Hanlu nod imagining what might have happened. 'What an idiot, if he didn't panic and run, he wouldn't have been found out that easily. He could have still escaped and hidden a little better,' Hanlu instantly thought looking at the unconscious man.

"I doubt he's working alone," Hanlu commented suddenly. If this man was so stupid to give away his identity just lie that, Hanlu doesn't believe he would have trouble locating this man. He doesn't believe this man would be able to devise a well-planned tact like that.

When he attempted to kidnap both Lan and Luangmin he executed his plan on the perfect day where there were many people at the campus, he perfectly avoided CCTV cameras and even managed to find an escape route that no one would have ever thought of making his plan flawless, it was simple but effective that they couldn't find a single clue. If he didn't call Daniel back then, they wouldn't have known who he was.

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