51 - Not Going to Marry Her

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With Lan on his arms, Ian planned to find Hanlu to share with him his plans when he bumped into him on the way out of the kitchen.

"Oops, careful," Hanlu whispered, catching the mother and son on his arm as the two bumped on his chest. He finished talking to Mo Laotian and so now he wanted to report it to Ian.

"Oh, you're just right. Your son has something to ask you." Ian said with a smile.

"What is it, buddy?" Hanlu asked, picking Lan from Ian's arms. He ignored Henry in the background as he urged the little kid to talk. He still, after all, hates Henry even though nothing happened between him and Ian.

"Uhmm," Lan blushed as he started. Hanlu quickly found that adorable that he had forced himself to remain calm. He knew his son was a handsome kid and he can't help but feel proud that he was his and Ian's child. The thought of making multiple of them quickly made him excited.

"Uhmm," Lan repeated. He didn't understand why he suddenly felt embarrassed asking something only a little kid would do. He is a grown-up now but he still wished to sleep with his parents. He can't help feeling shy because he never asked or insists on his mother for something that he wanted.

"Don't be shy, buddy, tell Daddy. What is it? Do you want new toys? Disney? You want to go to DisneyLand?" Hanlu guessed dotingly. Whatever his son wanted, Hanlu was positive he would get it no matter what it was.

"No. Not toys or Disneyland." Lan chuckled and hugged Hanlu. Ian watched this and he glared at Hanlu for suggesting extreme things while Hanlu just looked back at him as if saying, 'What? That's what kids usually want. I said nothing wrong.'

"I-I, Lan wanna go back home, Daddy." Lan suddenly blurted, hiding his face against Hanlu's neck. When Ian heard what his son said, he suddenly felt heartbroken. It's because it was his fault that Lan grew up so mature. He didn't have the chance to be a little kid, be spoiled and enjoy his young age. Lan had to learn to be independent at a very early age and Ian's heart broke thinking of that.

"Baby, that's not what you wanted to ask Daddy," Ian said and caressed Lan's back.

"It's okay. Instead, I don't want Daddy to leave again. I want Daddy to stay with us, Mommy." Lan said with a gentle smile on his lips looking both at his father and mother. He wasn't a child anymore and so he thought he shouldn't ask something only babies would ask. Besides, he would be so much happier if he gets to see his Daddy every day.

Smiling as he listened to the mother and son, even though he didn't want to go back so soon, Hanlu quickly agreed. "Okay. If that's what my baby wants. But you two have to stay in Daddy's house, okay?" Hanlu said dotingly. He thought if the two stayed at his house, he could protect them better because his place had better security and he would feel assured that way.

"Stay with Daddy? Does Daddy have a house?" Lan asked, surprised. He only knew from his mother that his Daddy lives in the place where he works because it would be easier for him to work there, and so that's why Hanlu can't come and visit him all the time even when it was night time because his Daddy was busy with work even at night.

"Of course, baby. You didn't think Daddy had a house? You know, Daddy's house is bigger than this house." Hanlu said proudly. Actually, his mansion was as big as the Mo Estate; his mansion was even bigger than Mo Laotian's. His place was also self-sufficient because he had a huge greenhouse garden next to it.

When Hanlu first thought of building his house, he wanted to be able to survive in it even if an epidemic or a Zombie apocalypse suddenly happens. He wanted a house that will enable him to last a lifetime even if he doesn't go out for eternity.

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