48 - Please Leave!

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For now, he can't afford Daniel knowing his identity. He knows how Daniel loves him but that was the other side of him. What if Daniel couldn't accept that he was this kind of man? That he was someone who wouldn't even bat an eye if he kills someone? What if Daniel couldn't accept his dark side and leave him? Laotian wouldn't be able to take that.

He's afraid he would resort to locking up Daniel somewhere where he couldn't escape his gasps. He didn't want that but if Daniel leaves him, he will definitely turn desperate and mad.

"Throw him somewhere when you're done," Laotian ordered before hanging up. He put back his phone in his pocket and watched the running Diane Lopez approach him.

"Laotian, what happened to my baby?" Diane instantly asked as soon as he reached Laotian. She briefly gave the Alpha a hug before she worriedly asked again. "Are you fine? How about Minmin?"

"Luangmin and I are fine, mother. Luangmin is sleeping next to Daniel now; mother and father are inside as well." Laotian politely replied and opened the door for the middle-aged woman to come in.

"Thank goodness, h-how about the babies?" She added and rushed inside. As soon as he saw Daniel on the bed talking to Laura and Chendong, her tears started to build up. Diane quickly wiped it dry and neared Daniel.

"My baby, who in the world could have done this to you?" Diane asked, and this time she couldn't prevent herself from crying as she hugged Daniel. She had always been emotional especially when it comes to Daniel; she just couldn't help but cry seeing his precious baby lying in the bed all weak and sickly.

"Mommy, I'm fine. Please don't cry." Daniel helplessly hugged his mother back but because of the movement, Luangmin suddenly woke up.

"Momma," Luangmin babbled and joined in the hug which quickly lightens the situation. The baby's hug quickly pacified Diane, she smiled and hugged the little man, smiling as she lifted him up in his arms.

"Minmin, your mommy is really bad. He didn't tell Momma that you're soon having two little brothers or sisters or both." Diane pouted, wiping her tears. It was Daniel's time to pout this time as he listened to his mother complaining.

"It was a surprise to us as well. Laotian and I only discovered it last week and we were planning to tell you immediately mom but thought otherwise because we wanted to surprise you and Daddy." Daniel explained which Laura nodded in agreement.

"I was the one who planned it. I thought it would really surprise you and Armand." Laura added. She really wished to surprise everybody with this great news since none of them were really expecting another baby so soon in the least. But now this great news, they had to reveal in such a depressing situation.

"It did surprise us but okay, I'll forgive you this time but how are they? How are the twins? I hope nothing bad happened." Diane quickly understood and later asked about the twins' condition looking at Laotian.

"They're fine. Daniel had minor placental disruption causing him to have bleeding. The fall made his placenta move away from his uterus so he can't be discharged from the hospital yet, he needs constant monitoring and proper care. Until his bleeding stops and the twins' condition remains stable, he needs to stay here." Laotian explained.

"My God! Bleeding?! This is not something minor, Daniel could have undergone miscarriage. This person who pushed Daniel, he should be punished." Diane griped in disbelief. Accident or not, someone should take responsibility.

"It's an accident, Mommy. Besides, no one got hurt. I'm fine and the babies are fine. I don't want something this small to be the talk of the whole country. If we make something big out of this, the Mo family will once again be featured in all entertainment news when Hanlu's case hasn't been dealt with yet." Daniel said as he held his bulging belly.

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