144 - What Happened (2)

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"I'm sorry, I knew you would worry that's why I purposely didn't tell you, I didn't want to cause you anxiety in the middle of the night," Laotian said and he was right. If he did call last night narrating the whole situation, Daniel wouldn't have fallen asleep. He wasn't hurt but knowing Daniel, if he discovered that he was just attacked by enemies, he wouldn't be able to stay still and might even drive back just to see the Alpha if he was truly fine.

[I-I would indeed get worried...] Daniel replied. He himself couldn't deny this fact. [B-But you should've called me first thing in the morning!] Daniel added, this time he sounded pouting.

"I was going to call you but you beat me with it. I just finished talking to some representatives to cover up what just happened," Laotian said and he was not lying, he was truly gonna call after sending those greedy bastards away.

[Wait, don't tell me you stayed awake this whole time!?]

"Hmmm, I haven't slept a wink. I'm at the company right now, I needed to fix something before the public starts talking about what had happened at the art gallery event,"

[OMG! This is really serious, you're gonna have to tell me when I get there,] Daniel said, sighing in frustration. He already talked to himself about his husband's job, the fact that he's someone running an illegal organization like the Mafia but when he hears things like this, he just couldn't help from getting too shocked.

The Alpha told him he doesn't go on missions like his people and it's not like he had enemies or the police following his tail every second of the day so he is without doubt safe so Daniel also believe it was somewhat safe but now learning the Alpha just had an enemy encounter where they were firing guns at each other, David even got hurt. And wasn't this the second time already? The first one was with Hanlu and then now, this! He simply couldn't relax.

"I don't mind telling you now," Laotian said even though he liked the sound of Daniel going back to him at last.

[No, Minmin and I are coming back!] Daniel insisted, shaking his head.

"Okay, I've already arranged your service," Laotian said, he already asked Daniel's bodyguards to drive his family back to the city anyway. And if Daniel insisted on staying, he would have done something to convince the Omega.

[Okay, I'll hang up now and you better have rested before I arrive,] Daniel said with a hint of warning. The Alpha had just recovered from his injury and now he was exchanging bullets with his enemies. He truly can't calm down unless putting his leash on the Alpha.

"Hmmm, okay," Laotian replied with a smile. He couldn't wait to see his family again even though he was just with them the other day. After what had happened to him last night, he once again realized that he made a huge mistake in taking over the family business this way. Before, he didn't care if he was shot or facing dozens of enemies, he would not chicken out and would fight at the stake of his own life. Sometimes he even participates in missions just to let out some steam together with Hanlu.

It used to be exciting but now that he has his own family that he needed to protect and cherish for a long time, going through dangerous situations like this makes him feel nervous, as much as he hates to admit it. He's afraid that one day death would come knocking at his door and he would have no choice but to leave Daniel and their children alone.

[But are you really fine? How about David? He's not going to die right?]

"I'm fine. I was not hurt. Also, David just had a blood transfusion so he should be fine soon. We'll visit him when you arrive here," Laotian said which slightly eased Daniel. At the same time, Laotian promised himself that he would try his best to avoid dangerous situations after this one time. He would only focus on work from now on and let Hanlu handle the dirty work.

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