134 - Let's Visit

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After everything had calmed down, Hanlu and Ian decided to talk in their room, leaving Lan in his grandfather's care since he just arrived.

Deafening silence invaded the room as Hanlu waited for Ian to finally start talking, he was very patient and made sure Ian was comfortable because he knew how angry and frustrated the Omega must have been after knowing Diego Bronson, the man who hurt their son had shamelessly called him.

It was not Hanlu's plan to tell Ian who was the culprit behind what has presently been happening to them but he was also afraid that if he didn't, the Omega would find the truth himself. So in order to stop him from doing reckless things on his own, he was feeding Ian with all the information they found at the organization. Of course, his older brother knows this too so it was fine and Hanlu believed that it was Ian's right to know as well.

"Have you calmed down?" Hanlu asked softly as he caressed Ian's flushed cheeks.

"Hmmm, I'm sorry. I was so angry..." Ian apologized as he closed his eyes before leaning towards Hanlu's broad shoulders.

"I understand, Baby," Hanlu assured and hugged Ian, giving him as much comfort as he could give. They became silent once more but they continued to hug until at last, Ian decided to pull away understanding there must have been more to this than on the surface. He didn't listen to what Diego Bronson had to say since he was so angry to even listen to him but now that he had calmed down, he realized that the man could not have just called him just to apologize and he does recall he said he tried to contact Hanlu but was unable to.

"Are you ready to talk to me now? Diego Bronson is Jordan Bronson's husband, the person who hurt Lan and Luangmin, although we don't know if he's directly involved in his wife's actions or not, the fact that the investigations came out as his taking all the blame for his wife was enough indication that he was at fault despite not being involved directly," Hanlu started, holding on to Ian's hands and caressed it in a soothing manner. Meanwhile, listening to it, Ian quickly nodded as he understood.

"I wasn't able to hear everything he said since I was so angry but it seems like he wanted to talk to you. He told me he tried contacting you but was unable to... maybe that's why he found someone to dig up my number to relay the message to you," Ian said to which Hanlu nodded in understanding.

"Okay, I don't know why he's trying to contact me. You know recently that we had an encounter with their people trying to rescue David but their current location is unknown, him calling is pretty odd. I need to tell this to Older brother," Hanlu replied after thinking. He had never seen this man in person because obviously, this man was hiding, he and his wife even left the place they were living in since they got in the country to avoid the organization so he could not believe the man was calling.

"And it's good that you hang up immediately. If by any chance that call was being tracked down, then it would be dangerous for all of us here," Hanlu added and smiled towards Ian. His father's ranch was one of his secret properties so the public shouldn't know the location, this was the reason why they were even there in the first place. If their enemies discovered it they would be in danger.

"You're right..." Ian said only just realizing this fact even though with his line of work he should have been the first one to know this. "So? What are you going to do for now?" Ian added again, suddenly getting worried about the possible risk.

"For now, I do nothing. I'll just report this quickly to Older brother since I think he's only looking for me because Older brother's whereabouts were unknown," Hanlu replied with a sigh. Hanlu already heard what had happened when Laotian was in Botswana and if Diego and Jordan Bronson were the reason why Laotian was injured then until now they must have thought he was still unconscious or something, given the fact that he came back secretly.

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