S3 Part 22 - Commandeering the Ship(s?)

Start from the beginning

"I'll deal with them," Endeavor said, "I hope you're focusing on the upcoming exams and not getting sidetracked, Shoto. (Y/N)."

That was all you for from Shoto's dad, and he was out. For a hero on fire 24/7, he was cold and not personable. At least he acknowledged you?

"Did you really catch all the villains?" You asked Hawks.

"Yup! Quick - I know. You'll get used to it after being at my agency."

"You're working with Hawks?" Shoto asked. There was a hint of concern in his voice.

"It's a possibility," you said. You weren't buying it. Hawks was hiding something. It felt wrong to doubt him, after everything, but something wasn't adding up.

"She's just warming up to the idea," Hawks said, "Slow to commit and all. Not me, though. I know what I want."

"Great..." Shoto sighed, "I guess I should get you back to the dorms, (Y/N). It's going to be chaotic here."

"It was a little scary seeing strangers standing outside my window... so, I'm glad you came Hawks," Fuyumi said, "Oh wait, you're the succubus girl! Sorry, I can't really see 'cause dad walked out of the room... hi!"

It was true - the room was dark again but your eyes had adjusted. Fuyumi's boyfriend fanboyed all over again, now because you were in the room.

"Yeah, let's go..." Shoto took you by the hand.

"I can give her a lift if you want to stick around, Todoroki?" Hawks offered.

Shoto looked like he would rather die, but you understood if he wanted to stay, at least for a while. You were even curious and wanted to investigate the villains but you didn't want to overstep on family stuff.

"I can go if you want to stay with your family, Shoto," you said, "Don't feel bad... I know you didn't plan on having your house invaded."

You tried to make light of it for his sake, but you knew having Hawks take you home after spending time with him would irk him no matter what.

"Okay," Shoto said, "I'll walk you out, though."

The window was still open and Hawks stepped out, but Shoto took you all the way through the house to his doorstep. You enjoyed the first part of the evening with him, but you didn't feel much closer to figuring out any deeper feelings for him. You did however discover he could play rough - maybe a secret kink or something...

"Thanks, Shoto," you said, "I promise I had fun - before this part."

"I'm glad..." his eyes were focused below your chin, "Wait here."

He disappeared upstairs somewhere and returned with a white sweater. When he put it in your hands you saw that it had a turtleneck top. Your face burned as you attempted to check yourself for hickies.

"I don't think they'll last," he said, "But I don't want Hawks getting any weird ideas about what we were doing..."

You cringed. He can totally hear us, but okay.

"I liked it, though," Shoto added, "I hope I wasn't too much..."

You shook your head, "I'm glad you could, um, let loose a little?"

His eyes brightened, even in the night. He reached for your cheek and left you with one last sweet kiss before returning to Endeavor.

You sighed. This family felt loaded with drama - it almost made your life seem vanilla. You giggled at the sweater he gave you, knowing Shoto was doing his best to not embarrass you. Since you would be so close to Hawks, you pulled the sweater on over your head. Your wings weren't too happy and it squished your dress at the hips, but you would be grateful once you started flying.

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