"You are my new pillow."

Start from the beginning

Peter smiled.

Wade frowned.

"Babyboyyyy." Wade pinched Peter's side. Peter jumped.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You stopped playing with my hair." Wade pouted.

Peter sat up, making Wade's head rest on Peter's thigh. "I have work, Wade."

"Fineeeee." Wade wrapped his hands around Peter's waist and closed his eyes again. "Wake me up when the bell rings."

Peter huffed and patted Wade's head. "I will, you big goof." Wade made an angry noise, but stopped when a hand was combing through his hair again.

Skip was still watching. He scoffed. Of course the pretty boy was taken. Then, he had an idea.

"Hey, Harry is it?"

Harry turned around. "Yeah?"

"Can you introduce me to everyone?"

Harry hesitated. "Uhhhh, sure." He was almost done with his math, but didn't want to say no because Skip was a pretty muscular guy.

Wade was now half asleep with a laptop resting on his back.

Peter had gotten an assignment done, and now he was halfway through another one. The last one of the week.

It was hard to type because his hand was still combing through Wade's hair.

Peter saw Skip and Harry walking around talking to all of the students, knowing he'll probably come over here too.

There was now 15 minutes left of class, when Skip came around.

"And these two lovebirds are Wade and Peter. Peter is the smaller, nerdy guy with the glasses-"

"Hey!-" Peter chirped.

"And the big macho man is Wade." Harry cut him off. "He may look intimidating, but we all know he's a big teddy bear." Harry mocked.

Wade's head shot up, throwing the computer off of his back.


"Watch your mouth, Osborn." He spat.

Peter leaned and picked his laptop up.

"Guys this is Skip, but you probably already knew that-

"Nope." Wade retorted. "I wasn't listening."

Harry paused. "He-uhh...asked me to introduce him to everyone."

Skip scoffed.

"H-hi!" Peter waved, checking his laptop to see it was ok.

Wade mumbled something under his breath and buried his head back into Peter's waist.

"Sorry about him!" Peter flicked Wade's head. "He's just tired."

Skip faked a laugh. "Hahaha I can tell. It's ok though."

Harry picked Peter's laptop up. "I'll go put this away!"

"Oh, you don't have to, Har-"

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