"Only a little more" Ten smiled to himself, placing the notebook back into his desk and getting ready for his next appointment.


A few days later, Ten hadn't seen Andi anywhere, and he started to get worried. He called their mom but received no answer, no matter how many times he called her.

A knock was heard on Ten's door, turning his attention to it "Come in" He turned his attention to the person who walked in.

"Hi Mrs. San, how can I help you?"

"I'm sorry for not answering your calls, but I had a reason"

"It's not a problem, where's Andi?"

Mrs. San looked away, already tearing up.

"Uh, Mrs. San? Are you alright?"

"I apologize for not telling you sooner but.."


"Andi, um, killed themself, three days ago"

"Oh..Mrs. San, I'm so sorry for your loss"

"No, no need for apologies, I should thank you. You really helped them"

"You're welcome, but how are you handling this?"

"Um, it's been okay"

"Are you sure?"


"Alright, well, give me a second" Ten pulled out a pager, tapping a button and waiting for a few seconds.

The door opened, revealing a taller American man.

"Mrs. San, this is Mr. Suh, I think he could help you a lot"

"Oh, um okay"

"If you wouldn't mind coming with me, my office is just down the hall" Johnny took her hand, leading her out of the room.

Ten sighed, taking out the notebook and ripping out the sixteenth page, throwing it in the dustbin.

Blinking back tears, he took out his phone and quickly typed out a message to his friends.

He grabbed his jacket and slipped it on, almost running out of the room as he received an okay from them.

"Sorry Lilah, I'm gonna clock out early"

"You still have three appointments"

"I know, tell them I went on a vacation or something" Ten ran out of the building, trying not to bump into anyone.

As he arrived home, he accidentally slammed the door, knocking down a small white vase. He quickly looked at the shattered pieces before sweeping them up and shoving them in a bag.

"Yo, Ten, you in there?" A loud voice boomed through his door, followed by rapid knocking.

"Hold your tortoises, I'm coming" Ten opened the door to find his friends, holding various kinds of food and alcohol.



Ten groaned as sunlight beamed down directly into his eyes, forcing him to wake up.

He sat up slightly, taking in his surroundings. He was laying on the couch, almost bum naked, on top of some kind of cheese dust.

He walked around, observing his friends with a weirded out look.

All of his friends had found their way into some weird position.

Lucas was in the bathtub with around six pounds of glitter.

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