Alive- Mark x Jaemin

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Requested by WarriorPanda2004


"DTF come in, I repeat, DTF come in"

"This is Delta task force, how may I be of assistance?"

"We need eyes on the enemy base, over"

"Roger that Delta, over"

Loud keyboard clacking rang throughout the room.

"I've located their position just northeast of the fourth perimeter wall"

"Shit, they're too close. Delta, can you send in reinforcements?"

"Reinforcements are on their way, T-minus two minutes until contact"

"Aw, fuck me, they broke in through the fences"

"Sergeant Bellmark? Are you there? Over"

"Need- Back- Sen- Quick-" The transmission cut short, leaving static behind.

"Well shit, that's not good"


"Take cover!"

"Under what?"

"Anything!" Sergeant Bellmark dove under a garbage container, leaving the other soldiers confused.

Shouting and gunshots soon filled the air, leaving metallic scents behind.

Soldiers were shot and beaten to death, unable to defend themselves from the sudden attack.

As soon as the helicopter landed, the enemies were either shot down or had fled back to their base.

"We're too late"

"We still have to check for survivors though"

"Do we have to? Couldn't we just..leave?"

"Do you wanna get fired again?"

"Ugh fine"

The helicopter crew began searching around the perimeter lazily, only saving who they saw.


"You what?!" The commander screeched at the crew

"It was Brian's idea!"

"Brian! How could you? Those were some of our best soldiers!"

"Okay, do you seriously believe Albert over me?" Brian asked


"No, wait, he has a point" The commander interrupted.

"Albert does have a history of these types of things" The commander nodded, agreeing with his own statement.

"Both of you go see HR, I'll have to send more people in later"

"Oh yeah, one more problem.."


Jaemin sighed, getting bored of bouncing a toy in front of Michi's face. Michi, however, was extremely amused, clawing at the toy with all her strength.

"Ugh, when is the food gonna get here" Jaemin groaned, throwing his head over the armrest of the couch.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, making Jaemin jump up from the couch and accidentally hit his head on the ceiling fan.

"Ow shit-" the doorbell rang again

"Coming! Just- wait a sec!" Jaemin stepped down onto the floor, taking large steps towards the door.

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