Beef- Yuta x Mark pt.2

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"You wan' come ins?"

"Yes, thank you sir" Yuta stepped inside the house, immediately noticing a stench.

"You can caw me mawkie" Mark led Yuta to the livingroom, where he found a lot of food wrappers, and a lightly sticky cat.

"Okay, um Markie, did you do all of this?" Yuta motioned to the room.

"yesh, evew since huckie weft i been on my own"

"No one came by to even talk to you?"

"nopes, not even da mailman"

"Aw, I'm sorry Markie, you must have felt really lonely"

"No, i had beef"


Mark pointed towards Beef who was trying to lick herself clean.

"Oh, the kitty"

"No, hew names is beef"

"Okay, Beef the kitty"

"Beef kitty!" Mark giggled.

"Aww, you're so cute" Yuta cooed, patting the little's head.

"why awe you hewe again?"

"I'm here to take care of you"

Mark's expression had almost instantly changed to fearful, he slowly backed away from Yuta.

"w-wike big bad man did?"

"Uh, big bad man?"

"He was big mawk's boyfie until a few days ago"

"Oh, you wanna tell me about it?"

"It makin' Mawk sad"

"Alright, how about we talk later then?"

Mark looked at the ground, trying out his options in his head.

"I can promise you, I'll be nothing like the big bad man" Yuta held out his pinky, Mark hesitantly hooked it with his own.

"You nevew gon bweak it?"

"Never ever"

"Okie" Mark quickly hugged Yuta before going to watch cartoons.

"Hold on mister, we gotta clean this mess"

"Aw, but bubba guppies is on"

"We can watch bubble guppies later, but only if you help clean"

"I 'on wanna" Mark stomped his feet.

"How about if I give you a lollipop?"

Mark paused his mini tantrum to think for a moment.

"what kinda wowwipop?"

"Mm, how about watermelon?"

"Otay, I do it witchu"

"Very good. Can you get the broom and dustpan please?"

Mark nodded waddling off to the kitchen.


"See? It wasn't that bad" Yuta swiped some sweat from his forehead.

"Can I has wowwipop now?" Mark looked at Yuta excitedly.

Yuta looked at the clock on the wall, noticing how late it was in the day.

"How about we eat dinner first?"

"But da wowwipop.."

"You're still gonna get your lollipop, just wait a bit hm?"

"Otay" Mark sighed petting Beef on the head gently.

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