Ghost- Mark x Taeyong

Start from the beginning

"Okay um" Taeyong read the man's nametag "Gerald, have you seen my boyfriend?"

"Probably not" Gerald started walking off but Taeyong ran in front of him.

"Aren't you at least gonna ask what he looks like?"

"So you can flex on me? Nah"

"Please, I really need to find him"

Gerald sighed "Fine, what's he look like?"

"Okay um, he's kinda short, and he has uh- light brown hair? Or was it dark brown hair?"

"Are you serious?"

"I'm sorry, I'm panicking right now"

"Look, I got a list of people to check off if they went home or not, you can take a look at that and see if he's on it"

"Okay, Thank you" Gerald pulled out a notepad from his back pocket and handed it to Taeyong.

Taeyong quickly flipped through the list and was disappointed to see that Mark had already left two hours ago.

"I gotta go, thanks again" Taeyong rushed back to his car, speeding off towards the jewelry shop where Jennie worked.


"Thanks again, you really didn't have to do this"

"No, I did, unless I wanted to be excluded from the family reunion"

"Alright, I'll get going" Mark kissed her cheek before walking to his car.

Jennie shuddered in disgust, wiping off her cheek with a leaf she had found.

Mark started driving down the highway, trying to type out a message to Taeyong.

"Agh! Stupid road, always so bumpy" Mark threw his phone in the passenger seat.

He played around with the radio for a bit before settling on a station.

"Hey Alexa"

The car paused the radio, signaling that it was listening.

"Call Taeyong"

"Calling Babysquishypumpkinbooboobear"

The car beeped, dialing Taeyong's phone number.


Taeyong's phone started vibrating. Trying not to take his focus off the road for too long, he glanced over and saw Mark's contact name.

He reached over for it but instead, knocked it off of the seat and into the floor.

"Damn it" he quickly reached down, trying to grab it.

He heard some honks before he finally got it, quickly looking up infront of him to see a familiar car.



Quiet chatter filled the halls, unaware of the tragedy soon arriving through the emergency doors.

"What's the status of the patient?"

"Lee Taeyong, twenty-five, major car crash, he's in critical condition"

"Is there another patient?"

"No, the other one barely got out with a few scratches"

"Alright, we'll take him from here" One of the nurses took the stretcher from the paramedic, rushing off through another set of doors.


"I'm sorry, who are you?" The receptionist asked.

"Mark Lee, I really need to see my boyfriend now"

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