Surprise Party

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"Mulock, can you hang up another one of those streamers?' Priscilla called.

"Oh yeah, because I climbed all the way up here just to sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs--" Mulock's muttering was cut off as Priscilla hurled a container of streamers at his head. This was quite the feat considering the demon was currently perched on one of the chamber's ceiling beams, a leg absently dangling down. Mulock easily caught the container in one hand.

"You're absolutely sure Wheeler's going to be distracted until we're done decorating?" Priscilla asked.

"I sent him to the library and told him he wasn't allowed to leave until he read an entire magic textbook to prepare for the first year exams." Mulock's eyes narrowed, casting Priscilla a pointed glance. "They're only a month away which means another certain someone should probably start prepping as well..."

"Oh hell no, I have way more important things to do," Priscilla said with a huff.

"And that mentality is why you're currently failing several classes," Mulock pointed out.

"Oh shut up and just hang those streamers, asshole."

Mulock rolled his eyes, beginning to loop the streamers over the beam. "Are you sure Wheeler even wants a birthday party?"

"Of course," Priscilla answered immediately. "Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday?"

Mulock shrugged. "He just seemed a little off today." The demon's mouth pressed into a thin line. "Actually...I feel like he's been acting strangely ever since the two of you came back from that party."

"Really, he has?" Priscilla asked, a hint of concern creeping into her voice.

"Yeah," Mulock answered, carefully attaching yet another streamer. "I've noticed him disappearing for hours on end but whenever I ask him where he's been he just brushes it off."

"Well, he's a teenage boy and the two of you do share a single room," Priscilla pointed out. "He probably just needs some space."

Mulock nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just being paranoid." He shook his head, as if doing so would clear away his remaining doubts. "I have no idea why I was even concerned about it."

"I mean, you care about Wheeler, obviously you're going to worry about him."

Mulock gagged, catching himself before nearly toppling off the beam. Once he'd properly regained his balance, he shot Priscilla a sharp glare. "That's not true. I care for no one."

"Oh my God, that's such bullshit."

"No it's not," Mulock retorted a little too quickly. "I'm a cold, cruel, unfeeling being who..." he paused as his gaze fell to something, his eyes narrowing. "What the hell is the toad doing?"

Mister Pumpernickel was currently hopping back and forth across the table directly below Mulock, carrying small red candies in his mouth from a bowl and placing them gently onto the cake beside it.

"I wanted him to feel included," Priscilla said with a sigh.

"So you let him salivate on candy and then put it on a cake?" Mulock shot back, facepalming.

"He doesn't have opposable thumbs, what else was he supposed to do?"

"Literally anything else." Mulock grimaced, his gaze returning to the toad who was still hard at work.

"You know what, he's trying his best," Priscilla mumbled.

"Well his best sucks."

"Just shut up and get back to work, steamer boy."

"Careful, Priscilla," Mulock muttered. "Keep talking like that and these streamers might just find their way around your throat."

"Threatening to murder me? How original," Priscilla retorted. "Hasn't that ship sailed already?"

"Well you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again--"

"Um...what are you guys doing?" a voice suddenly called from the doorway.

Priscilla and Mulock's attention immediately snapped to Wheeler who was standing there, wide-eyed.

"Shit," Mulock muttered.

"Goddamnit, Mulock, you had one job," Priscilla snapped.

"I forgot he's a fast reader."

"Are you guys...throwing me a party...?" Wheeler gaped.

"I don't know. Are we? I hope the Happy Birthday Wheeler sign didn't give it away," Mulock replied dryly.

Priscilla awkwardly threw out her hands. "Um...surprise!"

Normally Mulock would've expected Wheeler to grow excited and stammer something along the lines of, 'wow! You guys did this all for me!? This is amazing!' Instead however, the boy simply stood there, an unreadable emotion clouding his features.

"Oh," he said softly, his voice unusually tight. "Um...thank you..."

Priscilla and Mulock exchanged a glance.

"Is everything okay?" Priscilla asked slowly. "I know the party's not completely set up yet, but more people are going to be coming, I promise. So err...I'm sorry if this seems a little lackluster."

Wheeler shook his head. "Oh no. It looks great. This was...this was super nice of you guys." His gaze darted to the floor. "I really do appreciate it. But um...well I don't want to bother you if you're still decorating so I'll uh...I think I'm just gonna leave for awhile..." His voice trembled slightly, like he was almost on the verge of tears. Then, before Mulock and Priscilla could even respond, he quickly turned, disappearing back out the door.

Priscilla frantically turned to Mulock, her face growing pale. "Okay, you were right. Something is definitely wrong."

"I'm going after him," Mulock said, immediately jumping down from the ceiling beam. He landed with grace despite the height due to that helpful feline agility.

"Are you sure he doesn't want to be alone?" Priscilla asked.

"If he tells me to leave then I'll leave," Mulock replied, straightening his jacket. "But if he's in trouble I'm going to do anything I can to help. You saw how sad he looked, didn't you? It's that stupid kid's birthday for God's sake. He's so happy-go-lucky all the time that seeing him like that really pisses me off." The demon shook his head. "Anyway, I'll be back soon. You and Mister Pumpernickel just keep working."

As he made his way towards the door he heard Priscilla's voice behind him. "And you seriously had the nerve to tell me you didn't care."

Mulock simply shot her icy glare before quickly slipping out the door. 

Demons, Witches, and Toads (BoyxBoy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara