The Battle Begins

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Vera was awakened by the wild clang of alarm bells, the high pitched sound echoing down the palace hallways. With a smirk, she slipped from the bed, grabbing for the armor she'd laid out for this very event.

A loud pounding came from behind the door. "Madame, the rebels have entered the capital."

"Anything been destroyed yet?" Vera asked, sliding on a gauntlet. "Tell me they at least decimated a building or two."

The more the rebels destroyed, the more villainous they would seem, making it far easier for things to return to normal once they'd been crushed.

"They haven't touched anything," the knight behind the door stammered. "The people of the capital, they just...they let them through."

Vera froze, her smile slipping. "What?"

"No one fought back or resisted," the knight explained frantically. "If anything, they're cheering them on--"

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME," Vera snapped, voice echoing off the walls. She exhaled, letting her shoulders slowly relax as she collected herself. "Well in that case," she said, pulling on the last of her armor, "I suppose that means we have no choice but to drag this fight out until at least half the capital burns." She moved towards the door, grabbing for the long silver wand that rested on her bedside table. "Tell the emperor to hold off for now." She laughed coldly. "Before he intervenes, I have some old students to discipline."

And at last, she burst from the room.


Avery reveled in the clash of metal on metal as his sword blocked yet another blow. The rebellion raged around him; arrows flying, spells exploding through the air, weapons striking; everything a wild blur of motion.

Avery flashed his attacker an apoligetic glance before lunging forward, cutting him down in a single motion. He saw Emeric's face in each enemy that swung at him—as if he finally had the opportunity to fight back against him.

This, Father, he thought as he swung at a second soldier moving towards him, is for never giving a shit about us. He narrowly dodged the soldier's blade before driving his own sword through the air. This is for letting Emeric torture us our entire lives. At last, metal met flesh, piercing through his opponent's shoulder. And this, the words came as his enemy sunk to the ground, is for loving power more than you ever loved your own children.

Roland and Radley were fighting a few feet away from him, skillfully forcing back their attackers, swords flying so fast they were nearly a blur.

Avery flashed them a quick smile, hoping it could somehow convey just how proud of them he was. Roland was too caught up in his attack to notice, but Radley's gaze locked with his, a sudden look of horror coming over his features.

It was a rarity to hear Radley speak, and on the sparse occasions he did, the prince was barely audible. Now however, Radley began to scream, his voice carrying across the battlefield. "BROTHER, WATCH OUT! BEHIND YOU!"

Avery spun around to find a blade swinging directly at his head.

Before he could even process what was happening, a second blade shot in front of him, blocking the blow with a thunderous metallic crash. Avery's eyes widened in shock to find Osmund in front of him, shielding him from the assailant. His brother sprung forward, lunging at the attacker as he continued to force him back.

"Osmund," Avery gasped, his heart still thundering in his chest from the aftershock of nearly being decapitated. " saved me."

"You've protected me my entire life, Brother," Osmund said, twisting his sword up and over his opponent's in a move so swift and forceful the assailant's weapon was sent flying from his grip. "Now it's my turn."


The idea of battle and the actual reality of it was more horrible and terrifying than Priscilla could have ever imagined. Chaos raged around her, the sound of the fighting nearly deafening.

With trembling hands, Priscilla cast spell after spell, shielding the rebels around her as an eruption of fire exploded outward from an enemy mage. She took a deep breath, quickly stammering out a spell which sent a brisk gust of wind forcing the assailant back. As scared as she was, Priscilla was willing to do whatever it took, even if she had to sacrifice her own life in the process. She would keep fighting for her brother, for the people of the icy mountains - and of course, for the rebel emperor himself.

Even amidst the mayhem of battle, Wheeler was impossible to miss. Vines and trees burst from the ground around him, flinging and wrapping themselves around every enemy in sight. Despite the strength and precision of his attacks, Wheeler was careful not to kill a single opponent facing the wrath of his magic. If he'd wanted to, he could have slaughtered his attackers in a matter of seconds. But of course, Wheeler being Wheeler meant that no matter how difficult it made things, he would do everything in his power to save those around him; enemy or not.

Too bad that was a horrible battle strategy.

Wheeler was swarmed by enemies, holding back nearly fifty attackers at once with his army of plants.

Priscilla was violently jerked from her thoughts as a massive explosion of ice shards went catapulting towards her. She immediately cast a counterspell, managing to shield the rebels around her before they were impaled. Priscilla wasn't as lucky; a sharp dagger of ice plunged into her shoulder.

The young mage let out a scream despite herself, unable to bite back the tears from the splitting pain. Gripping her wand so tightly her knuckles went white, Priscilla yanked the dagger out with her left hand. She couldn't stop herself from trembling as she felt the warm stream of blood drip from the wound, staining her in scarlet.

Despite the roar of the battle raging around her, Priscilla heard a slow clap, the sound as clear as if she were alone in a silent room.

Through the mayhem, a figure approached, wand pointed directly at Priscilla.

Priscilla's stomach dropped, blood running ice-cold when she saw the familiar, unblinking gaze of her former headmistress. Magnified eyes burned into her from behind thick glasses. Frantically, Priscilla cast an attack, flinging a ball of fire at her. Vera simply smirked and flicked her wand, smothering the flames as easily as someone putting out a candle.

She clicked her tongue as she continued to approach. "Miss Packwood, I thought I'd taught you better than that." She laughed, the sound sending a shiver down Priscilla's spine. "Using such a weak and predictable attack makes me think I'll have to expand the academy's curriculum next fall. If we continue producing students as mediocre as you, it'll give us a bad name."

"A bad name?" Priscilla spat. "I think you gave it a bad name when you decided to sacrifice your own students to the emperor."

"It was a necessary cost."

"That's all my brother was to you?!" Priscilla roared over the sounds of battle raging around her. "A necessary cost? And for who? For you and the emperor to stay in power while butchering the same subjects you claim to protect?" Priscilla raised her wand now, letting her magic ripple through her as she began to channel a spell. "Well guess what, bitch— I'm going to make you pay for what you've done!"

Vera raised her wand as well, a frightening grin spreading across her face. "Those are some brave words for a child, Miss Packwood. It's a shame they're the last you'll ever say." 

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