Mulock Attempts to Prevent Hypothermia

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Mulock had gained many benefits upon choosing a feline as his demonic animal form. At the time his increased sense of smell seemed rather irrelevant compared to the rest. Now however, when tracking down his young human, Mulock suddenly found it immensely useful.

Wheeler had an unmistakably distinct aroma of spearmint and pine and in only a matter of seconds the demon successfully caught whiff of it.

Mulock tracked the scent through the halls, the smell growing stronger as he approached the academy doors. He slipped through them, finding Wheeler sitting alone at the bottom of the steps, his knees pulled up to his chest.

Mulock sighed heavily, remembering Priscilla sobbing there last time. What about these steps attracted depressed teenagers?

Night had fallen over the academy and the air was so cold that Mulock could see Wheeler's breath coming out in little puffs as he approached. Slowly, the demon sat down beside him.

"If you want me to leave just tell me," he said, his voice low.

Wheeler slowly lifted his head. The boy's nose was red, his face flushed. Mulock had no idea if it was from the cold or if he'd been crying.

"You can stay, I don't mind," Wheeler replied softly. "I just um...I needed some fresh air."

"It's freezing out here," Mulock muttered. "I don't know how you can stand it."

Wheeler shrugged. "I think it's kinda nice."

"You say that now but you'll be singing a very different tune once you get hypothermia," Mulock grumbled. "Here." He lifted up his hands and a crackle of purple flames sprung up from them, engulfing his palms. "This fire won't burn you," Mulock explained, "but it's still warm. Give me your hands."

Wheeler's eyes widened slightly but he did as he said. Their fingers gently brushed before finally lacing together.

They just sat there on the steps for a moment, the heat radiating from the fire warming the space between them.

Wheeler's eyes fluttered shut. "You were right," he murmured, "I think I prefer this much more than the cold."

"I'm always right," Mulock mumbled. "I don't know how many times I need to prove it before it's properly acknowledged."

Wheeler let out a light chuckle at that, finally sounding a bit more like himself.

"So," Mulock said slowly. "Want to tell me what's going on?"

Wheeler sighed. "I don't want to burden you with it."

"It's not a burden," Mulock replied sharply. "I want to know so I can be there for you however you need me." Shit...that sounded way more mushy than he intended it to. "That's my job as your demon after all," he quickly added.

Wheeler took a deep breath. "It's true it's my birthday..." he finally looked at him, melancholic sea-green eyes framed beneath dark lashes. "But a year ago today is also when I lost my mother."

Mulock froze, eyes widening in shock. This was certainly not the scenario he'd expected. What was he even supposed to say to something like that?

Wheeler shook his head. "You don't have to feel bad about it. My mother was hardly herself by then." His gaze flickered down to his feet. "I don't know when she got sick. Maybe she always was and I was just too young to notice. She was just so...distant, like her mind existed in a place just beyond my reach. The only thing she ever talked clearly about was my father." Wheeler smiled, almost to himself. "She would tell me countless stories about how wonderful and amazing he was which is why," his grip on Mulock's hands tightened, "I'm going to become so powerful that a man as incredible as him will want to accept me as his son."

But Wheeler, Mulock thought, what father wouldn't want someone as kind and loving as you? He didn't say this aloud...obviously. What kind of demon said things like that?

"Wheeler, if you don't mind me asking... did something happen at that tower party you and Prsicilla went to?"

Wheeler hesitated for a moment before hanging his head, his shoulders sagging. "Yeah, um...I didn't want to bother you about it, but that night I found a class portrait of my mother with her name scratched out. For the last few weeks, I've looked through all the school records I could find..."


"The files for the years she would've allegedly gone here were all missing." He let out a low sigh, still clutching Mulock's hands tightly. "That practically confirms there's something weird about all of this. But it just feels like no matter what I do, all I find are more dead ends."

Mulock thought for a moment. "You said you went through all the public student records, right?"

Wheeler nodded.

"But," the demon continued, "that doesn't mean there aren't other records out there."

"That's true," Wheeler replied softly. "But where would I even find them?"

"Hmm, well if anyone would keep track of files I'd imagine it would be the headmistress. She brought you to her office when you first enrolled, right? Did you see anything there that could secretly protect or store items? Like a vault or a cabinet or something?"

Wheeler furrowed his brow, trying to think. "Um...I don't think so. Everything looked fairly normal except..." his eyes widened. "Wait, there was a door with runes on it."

"Runes, huh?" Mulock murmured. "Yeah, that's definitely a lead. You know what that means, right?" He cast Wheeler an evil grin.

"Um...we ask her if we can open it?" Wheeler asked.

"No, you idiot," Mulock said, nudging Wheeler's shoulder with his own. "We break in!"

"Wha! But we could get in major trouble!" Wheeler protested.

"More trouble than identity theft, attempted murder, and nearly destroying the school with a tree?"

"Hey! Two of those were accidents."

"Accident or not, who cares. I'm your demon, kid; it's my job to be a bad influence." Mulock shrugged. "Besides, if things really are as strange as they seem, we have no idea who's trustworthy and who isn't. If the headmistress really does have the files then there must be a reason she's hiding them, right?"

Wheeler was silent for a moment, but eventually he gave a stiff nod. "Okay, you're right. I'm in."

"Hell yeah," Mulock replied with a smirk, "I knew I'd win you over."

"You always do," Wheeler murmured.

"And kid," the demon added, "you really can share anything with me."

"I know..." Wheeler replied. "I just don't want to be a...."

"Wheeler," Mulock said firmly, "you will never be a burden to me. I promise." The demon slowly let his fingers slip from Wheeler's. "Now, there's currently a whole lot of people waiting to celebrate you. So, how would you feel about the two of us heading back to your party?"

This time, to Mulock's relief, Wheeler smiled a genuine Wheeler smile. "Yeah, I think I'd like that a lot." 

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