Wheeler Gets a Bath

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"Alright, I think this should do it," Mulock murmured, dumping a final bowl of warm water over Wheeler's head.

Wheeler squeezed his eyes shut as the water splashed over him, knees pulled up to his chest within the large porcelain bathtub. Mulock smirked, examining his handiwork, any last traces of golden hair dye at last washed away.

"Congratulations," Mulock said with a smirk. "You're officially a brunette again."

Wheeler grinned, his wet curls drooping over his eyes, completely obscuring them.

Mulock let out a snort of laughter.

"What?" Wheeler asked, still grinning.

"You look ridiculous." Mulock leaned forward, brushing the soaked hair from Wheeler's eyes. "I feel like I'm looking at a half drowned labradoodle."

"Well that's incredibly specific."

"Incredibly accurate, too."

Wheeler shook his head, sending a wave of wet droplets flying in Mulock's direction.

"Oh ha ha, very funny," Mulock muttered, wiping the water from his face.

"Not as funny as this," Wheeler giggled, grabbing Mulock by the arm and yanking him into the tub with a massive splash.

Mulock coughed, spitting out a mouthful of lukewarm water. "Wheeler, you little shit."

From Wheeler's smile you'd think he was the demon.

Wheeler fluttered his lashes, feigning an innocent expression. "So I guess cats really do hate baths."

"I think most people hate being pulled into a bathtub fully clothed, feline or not," Mulock muttered.

Wheeler beamed at him, damp curls falling back into his eyes as they crinkled, his cheeks pink and flushed from the bath.

Mulock rolled his eyes. "Ugh, would you stop that?"

Wheeler blinked. "Stop what?"

"Looking adorable. It makes it frustratingly difficult to stay angry at you."

Wheeler's grin grew, leaning in to press a light kiss to his lips.

When they finally parted, Mulock was smiling despite himself.

Wheeler looked perfect.

No more straightened blond hair and hidden freckles, drenched beneath a layer of perfume. Now he was back to wild curls and goofy grins, smelling of forest and earth and all things unapologetically Wheeler.

God, how could someone be so beautiful? It almost made up for the fact that he was now sopping wet.


Mulock grabbed Wheeler by the hair, dunking his head underwater with a wicked grin.

Wheeler quickly resurfaced, sputtering and coughing as his head popped back up. "Okay, I deserved that," he laughed, wiping the water from his eyes with one hand.

Mulock let out a low chuckle, pressing a trail of light kisses across freckle dusted shoulders in apology. "You should get out soon. Spending too much time in hot water can dry your skin."

Wheeler grinned. "You worry too much."

"And you worry far too little. God, what would you do without me?"

He'd only meant it jokingly, but Wheeler immediately went quiet, the words a painful reminder of what was soon to come. Silence hung heavy in the air. Because no matter what they said next, nothing could change the fact that their time together was quickly approaching its end.

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