Mirror Images

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Wheeler felt like he was going to vomit as he stepped through the eye-embellished door, emerging into a circular chamber. The floor and walls were made of silver, so polished that Wheeler could see his own distorted figure reflected all around him, as if he was in a hall of mirrors.

Protruding from the silver walls were cases made of glass. A large golden bowl was displayed in each, a matching chalice studded with rubies beside it. Wheeler's blood ran cold, instantly recognizing the inky liquid contained within the bowls. The image of it pouring from the golden robed woman as her skin was peeled away had been burned into Wheeler's memory for countless sleepless nights.

His father seemed to misinterpret his staring. "Isn't it beautiful?" he breathed. "Pure magic." He approached one of the bowls and the liquid seemed to respond to his presence, beginning to shift and rise like it had a life of its own.

"Father..." Wheeler managed to choke out, "what is all of this?"

The Grand Emperor smiled, lacing his fingers behind his back. "Do you remember what I said before I announced you as my heir?"

Wheeler swallowed hard, giving a stiff nod.

"Growing up, I was essentially powerless, hardly capable of casting even a single spell," the Grand Emperor murmured, his gaze never leaving the liquid. "It was a torturous existence. Every day I was made to feel weak, useless...inferior. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer. Just like the exchange of your soul, I knew I needed to do whatever it took to gain power. While my siblings may have been strong, I was intelligent. For nearly a decade I buried myself in studies and experiments until—I at last found a solution." He placed his hand against the glass and the inky liquid reacted, rising higher and higher like a building wave. "If you strip everything away from a magician, only their magical essence remains. An essence that, when consumed," the emperor smiled thinly, "can be transferred to another."

"And where did you get all this...magical essence?" Wheeler whispered hoarsely, hating that he already knew the answer. Regardless, he needed to hear his father say it. Only then could he actually accept that it was true.

"Magic users, of course. But their sacrifice is not in vain. They have the honor of giving their lives to strengthen me - and by extension, the empire."

The words shattered something deep within Wheeler. Shards of memories stabbed into his chest, one after the other. His mother ruffling his hair, telling him what an amazing man his father was. Wheeler's dreams of becoming worthy enough to be his son, of wishing his entire life to meet him. Flashes of training, of studying, of selling his goddamn soul just to be good enough for him.

And as he came back to reality, he finally saw the man standing before him for who he truly was.

A monster.

Wheeler's hand flew to his mouth, forcing down the bile that had risen in his throat. It burned as he swallowed it down. He felt like he couldn't breathe despite how desperately his chest was heaving, but he knew better than to let the Grand Emperor see how terrified he was. Who knew what his father would do to him if he thought Wheeler might betray his secret?

"The magic users...where do you get them?" Wheeler rasped, attempting to mask his true emotions with the question.

"The icy mountains," his father said, his voice far too casual for the subject matter. "I only need a new supply every five years or so. Luckily, I have many supporters there; they make sure I have all the essence I need." His expression darkened. "Unfortunately, this year there was a bit of an accident. I'd be in a great deal of trouble if I didn't have my emergency supply. I'll have to keep using it until I establish a new group to continue their predecessors' work."

"Emergency supply?"

"The Royal Mages," his father said with an easy smile. "That's the only reason we have them. A single limb from them contains more essence than several normal magicians combined."

Wheeler's blood ran cold. "And...they're alright with that?" Wheeler prayed his father didn't hear the tremble in his voice.

"They never have the opportunity not to be. We use magic on their minds until the only thing that matters to them is me and the empire."

Wheeler's memory reeled back to the Packwood's family ball, recalling Peter's frozen smile as he praised the empire and its ruler. His gaze had been dreamy and distant as he spoke, burned into Wheeler's memory because it had reminded him so much of his mother.

Wait...his mother.

"The magic you used on the Royal Mages..." Wheeler began, his stomach dropping at the realization. "Did you..." he nearly choked on the words, "did you use it on my mother as well?"

The Grand Emperor was silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving the black liquid. At last, he let out a heavy sigh. "I thought she was strong enough." His voice was tight, as if on the verge of tears. "I thought if I told her the truth she'd understand, that she'd realize why I had to do the things I did, that it was all for the good of the empire." He wiped his eyes with one hand. "But in the end...she told me she hated me and that she was going to reveal everything. I had no choice but to erase her."

For the second time, Wheeler choked down the bile rising in his throat. "You...took away her memory?"

"Her very existence," the emperor whispered. "We stripped away the records of her time at the academy, the work she did at the palace, paid off anyone who might try and search for her. Vera urged me to just kill her, but I..." he buried his face in his hands. "I couldn't do it. I wasn't strong enough. I...I really did love your mother. So I did the only thing I could to keep her alive." He slowly let his hands drop from his face, letting out a low breath. "I played with her mind. I erased and meddled with it until there was no way she could ever be a threat. Losing her was one of the greatest hardships of my life. And that's why..." He grabbed Wheeler by the shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. The action was familiar, but this time it made Wheeler's entire body recoil. "I couldn't be happier that you're just like me."

Wheeler froze as he caught a glimpse of their reflections, he and his father nearly indistinguishable in the warped silver that covered the chamber.

"You know," the emperor said softly. "Your mother and I were told a prophecy many years ago. One that said my seventh son would become my mirror, the defender of my legacy. The closer we grow, the more I see just how true those words were. That's why I know you won't leave me like your mother did. We understand each other perfectly, don't we, Wheeler?"

Wheeler's gaze flickered away. "We do?"

"Of course," his father said. "We both did whatever it took to get our power and to rise to the top. And surely you must understand that sometimes death is a necessary cost to maintain it."

Wheeler had begun to tremble despite himself. "I think all life is precious."

"Then tell me, what did you feel when you killed Emeric?"

Wheeler swallowed hard, hating the answer. "Nothing."

"Exactly," his father said with a smile. "And think how easy it was. How quickly it was all over. Imagine the kind of power you could have if you continue down this path alongside me." His gaze drifted across the glass cases, the inky liquid rising in response all around them. "Consume the essence with me and you'll be the most powerful being in the world. All you have to do is say yes and it's yours. Together, we could make our empire the most powerful in history." He finally released Wheeler from his grip, his gaze warm and gentle, filled with so much love it made Wheeler's chest ache despite himself. "So, my dearest son....do you accept my offer?"

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