All Good Things Must Come to an End

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Warm sunlight spilled through the window, causing Mulock to stir awake. He was met with the familiar weight of Wheeler nestled against his chest, their legs still tangled together beneath the sheets.

Wheeler's eyes fluttered open, dark lashes brushing lightly against Mulock's skin. "Good morning," he mumbled, his voice still rough with sleep. He looked adorable like this, his hair tousled, a light shadow of stubble creeping up his jaw.

Mulock gave Wheeler's hair a gentle ruffle. It hadn't been straightened for the day, Wheeler's natural curls springing up around his head. The demon most certainly preferred it that way. "Ironic how we have separate rooms, yet I constantly still find myself in your bed."

"I like it better like this," Wheeler murmured, snuggling closer. "I don't have nightmares when you're here."

"You still have them?" Mulock asked softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to worry you," Wheeler replied, his eyes half closed. "Besides, they're more manageable now. But still...sleeping is way easier when you're here."

The demon let his lips brush across the light dusting of freckles trailing down Wheeler's shoulder, laying a kiss there. "I could sleep here permanently, if you'd like."

"You don't have to do that," Wheeler breathed.

Mulock pressed another soft kiss just beneath his jaw. "I want to."


"Really." Another kiss, this time catching Wheeler's lips with his own. Wheeler wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer, the warmth of his body radiating against Mulocks'.

When they finally parted, Wheeler nuzzled against his shoulder, still clinging to him tightly. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Agreed," Mulock murmured, feeling a tight ache deep within his chest. "I'm going to really miss this."

Wheeler jerked his head up at the words, confusion flooding his gaze. "What do you mean?"

"When you summoned me, your wish was to be the most powerful witch in the world," Mulock replied. "And now, you're almost there. The only person more powerful than you is the Grand Emperor, and at the rate you're progressing at, it's only a matter of time until you surpass him as well."

"So then...what happens after?" Wheeler asked, his voice tight.

"I go back to hell until you die. Then I collect your soul and wait alone in a bottle for a few more centuries until I'm summoned again."

"So, we'll at least see each other again when I'm dead?" Wheeler asked, his expression desperate.

Mulock's mouth pressed into a hard line. "Wheeler," he said slowly, "when we're inevitably separated, you have to promise me you won't do something stupid so you can return to me."

"I..." Wheeler's voice had begun to tremble. "I just can't imagine my life without you in it."

"Yes, you can," Mulock murmured, gently brushing a few wayward curls from his face. "And you will. Wheeler, I lived my life already, yours is just beginning. There's still so much ahead of you."

"Surely there's something we can do," Wheeler stammered. "If I try hard enough, there must be a way--"

"I'm dead, Wheeler. Nothing can change that. " Mulock smiled, arms wrapping tightly around him. "But thank you," he breathed. "Because you made my time here happier than any moment of my mortal life."

"Mully, please..." Wheeler choked. "I can't lose you."

"You're never going to lose me." Mulock placed a hand on Wheeler's chest, feeling his heart thrum beneath his fingers. "I'll always be with you. But a time inevitably comes for everyone where we must say goodbye and let go of the people we care about." He pressed a light kiss to Wheeler's forehead. "And that's okay, because to be missed means to have been loved."

Wheeler's eyes had grown watery, his lower lip trembling. Despite this, from the look on his face, Mulock knew he understood.

"You know," Mulock continued softly, "no one ever mourned for me when I died. I didn't even get a funeral, they just tossed my remains into the forest. The only memory that remained of me was as a monster. It makes me happy to know that this time will be different." Gently, he rested his head against Wheeler's shoulder. "This time, there's people left to miss me when I go."

Silence fell between them, though it wasn't an unpleasant one, the soft sound of their breathing filling the space between them.

After a moment, Wheeler finally spoke. "So...when I do die, what happens when you take my soul?"

Mulock tensed, his stomach turning at the mere thought. "It won't be pleasant," he said, his voice tight. "It will be incredibly painful for a long time, until you don't exist anymore and you simply become energy for me to feed on."

"Oh," Wheeler breathed. "You're right, that doesn't sound very pleasant at all." His eyes fluttered shut. "But if it helps you in the end, I won't mind."

"You shouldn't have made a deal with me," Mulock said. "You deserve a far kinder fate."

"It might have been a stupid desicion," Wheeler replied, his eyes still closed. "But I don't regret it."

Mulock's gaze darted away for a moment. "So, becoming this powerful was worth it to you?"

"No," Wheeler said, "I don't care about the power anymore." He smiled, the expression so gentle it made Mulock's heart ache. "But if I hadn't done it, I wouldn't have met you."

"Wheeler..." Mulock breathed.

Wheeler shook his head. "You don't have to say anything. Let's just...let's stay like this a little while longer." He kissed him now, lips soft and warm. "If my time with you has to eventually come to an end, then I don't want to waste a second."

And so they stayed there, clinging tightly to each other as they both wished this could last an eternity.


At last, Mulock slipped from Wheeler's room, accidently making direct eye contact with the guards stationed outside.

He froze, realizing in horror that he'd forgotten to return to his cat form, something he almost always did when departing Wheeler's room to avoid this exact situation.

"Studying session went all night," Mulock mumbled.

From the look exchanged between the two guards, it seemed they were highly doubtful of the validity of that statement.

Mulock smoothed down his jacket, awkwardly moving past them. Great, that hadn't been humiliating in the slightest. As he began making his way down the hallway, a servant suddenly darted out, bowing his head.

"Excuse me, sir," the servant stammered. "But I've been sent to summon you. It's extremely important."

Mulock now noticed a reddish blotch on the side of the servant's face. The demon's eyes narrowed. Had someone struck him?

"Who exactly wants to see me?" he asked, though judging from the mark, he assumed it could only be one person.

This was confirmed when the servant answered, his gaze darting to the floor, "Prince Emeric, sir."

Well...this wasn't good. 

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