Master and Servant

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Author's note: WARNING this chapter does contain NSFW content! Please feel welcome to skip it if you don't feel comfortable. 

"He knows," Mulock said, pacing anxiously back and forth across the length of Wheeler's room. "We're completely and utterly fucked."

Wheeler sat at the edge of his bed, staring down at his feet. "I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't have lost my temper like that."

"I don't think I'd classify sobbing in front of your psychopathic brother as losing your temper," Mulock replied. "And that's not the problem...the problem is..." Mulock buried his face in his hands. "After seeing your reaction, he must know we're sleeping together."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Yes, it's a very bad thing." Mulock sank onto the bed beside him. "I told you this was dangerous. Now he's found a weakness he can exploit." Mulock stared down at his hands, his expression unreadable. "I'm the weakness. I should have never allowed things to continue between us. I knew better, and still I..." He shook his head. "It seems I'm more selfish than I realized."

Wheeler's gaze fell to the bite mark on Mulock's neck, two crescents still blotchy and red against his pale skin.

"I'm sorry," Wheeler said softly. "I should have stopped him sooner."

"You shouldn't have stopped him at all. It only gave us away further."

Wheeler's stomach twisted at the words. "So you would've let him keep hurting you?"

"If that's what needed to be done," Mulock replied, his expression blank.

"Just like at the Oculus?" The memory of that man's hands on Mulock made Wheeler shudder.

"Exactly," the demon answered. "And just like back then, you shouldn't have gotten involved. I can take it. I'm... I'm used to it." The statement made Wheeler's chest ache. Mulock's gaze grew strangely distant as he continued. "I learned long ago that if I was going to be desired then I needed to use it as a tool. Even Joseph would lend me out if need be. Trust me, holding my tongue and tolerating these things," his fingers absently brushes across the bite mark, "it's a small price to pay if it will help us achieve your goals."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"Then, if our positions were reversed tonight, would you have wanted me to do as you did?" Wheeler asked desperately.

"No," Mulock shot back. "Obviously not."

"Then why is alright if you're the one that gets hurt?"

"Because we aren't the same," Mulock snapped. "Wheeler, I'm subservient to you, just as I was to my last prince. My entire life, I've served a master. We're not equals. To properly be of use to you, your needs must come before my own."

"Is that really how you see our relationship?" Wheeler choked, the cruel sting of tears threatening to return. "Not as friends or lovers, just as... master and servant?"

Mulock's gaze softened. "No. Of course not. But you have to understand, I'm still your demon, the only purpose of my existence is to serve you. And I... I don't want to change that."

"Why not?" Wheeler asked, his voice quivering.

"Because as long as I'm of use to means you need me. And I just..." Mulock's voice was tight, struggling to say the words. "I just want to be needed, so badly. As long as I am, then you have a reason to still want me by your side. To not throw me away."

"I've always needed you," Wheeler whispered. "And never, not once, have I ever seen you as less than my equal. Mully, you're irreplaceable to me. You may be mine, but.." his gaze flickered to Mulock's collar before his fingers dipped under his shirt, retrieving the small wooden toad dangling from his neck, "I'm equally yours." As Wheeler said the words, he slipped off the bed, suddenly sinking to his knees before the demon.

Mulock's eyes widened. "Wheeler...what are you doing...?"

"I want to prove we're equals," Wheeler answered softly. "So please, let me serve you too." He reached out, gently undoing the lacing on Mulock's trousers. "May I?" He hesitated, looking up to stare at Mulock, eyes pleading. "Please?"

The demon swallowed hard before finally giving a stiff nod.

With the utmost care, Wheeler slid the garment down over Mulock's slender thighs. The demon tensed, his gaze darting away.

"No," Wheeler murmured as his fingers gently wrapped around him, the action causing the demon's breath to hitch. "Look at me. I want you to keep your eyes on me, no matter what."

Mulock's gaze reluctantly returned to him, his expression unreadable. "Wheeler," he breathed. "You don't have to do this for me."

"I want to," Wheeler answered, his voice low as he pressed a trail of light kisses up his thigh, his hand gently moving against him. "In fact...I'm begging to." And at last, he took him into his mouth.

Mulock's teeth sank down hard on his lower lip, biting back a whimper at the feeling of Wheeler's tongue against him. Carefully, Wheeler began to move his head, causing Mulock to shudder, his hands flying to his hair, knotting in it. Wheeler took more and more of him in, the reaction from Mulock shooting a desperate wave of heat through his body. A few more moments of this and Mulock had begun to grow breathless, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his face flushed. He'd bitten his lip so deeply now that a thin trail of blood dripped from his mouth, his gaze hazy as he stared down at him, pupils blown. Wheeler had never seen Mulock like this, and the sight only made him crave more.

Everything Mulock did had always been so calm and collected.

That was certainly no longer the case.

The demon seemed to be losing control, his hips involuntarily jerking forward until Wheeler could feel him at the back of his throat, causing his eyes to water. And at last, the pent up sounds Mulock had been holding back spilled from his lips. Broken whimpers flooded the room, the demon completely falling apart beneath Wheeler's mouth.

From the mortified look that flashed across Mulock's gaze, he seemed like he wanted to look away, but thankfully he kept his word, watching Wheeler as if he were the only thing that existed in the world. His legs were trembling as he grasped desperately at Wheeler's hair, pupils dilated within those ravenous purple eyes.

God, he was breathtaking.

"Wheeler," Mulock choked, his voice wrecked. "'"

The words nearly sent Wheeler over the edge without even being touched.

And now, Wheeler realized just how desperately he wanted to erase the memory of all those who'd come before him. He wanted to be the only one in Mulock's heart, the only one who could ever see him or touch him like this. The only name Wheeler wanted to spill from Mulock's lips was his own.

How could Mulock ever think he wasn't his equal, when the demon was the one with Wheeler's heart in his hands.

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