The Boys Try Drag

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"You want to go to the Oculus Club?" Lenox repeated, exchanging a glance with his sister.

The group was currently moving large stones back into one of the castle's crumbled walls, using spells to carefully place them into their proper location.

"I'm not sure you'll have much luck," Lilith said, moving a massive stone through the air. "I've heard they're pretty strict about who they let in." She flicked her wand, the stone slowly inserting itself back into the wall. "Priscilla's the only one they might make an exception for."

"What? Why?" Wheeler asked.

"She's a girl," Lenox said, as if it should be obvious. "There aren't many in Gortsville. The men who frequent the Oculus don't exactly lead with their heads when there's fresh meat around."

Priscilla turned slightly green at that. "Okay, ew. That's absolutely horrid and incredibly degrading."

"You're right," Lilith said with a sigh. "But my brother's telling the truth. They wouldn't let anyone in but you."

Priscilla's gaze anxiously fell to her hands. "Well...if it's the only way, then I..." she took a deep breath, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I suppose I could go in there and--"

"No. Absolutely not," Mulock cut in sharply. The demon leaned against the still standing wall, making a clear point not to help move a single rock. "You're not going in there alone. It's way too dangerous."

"Wait," Wheeler suddenly exclaimed, carefully sliding another airborne stone back into place. "There might be a way we could all get in."

"How?" Lenox asked, curiosity swimming in his mismatched gaze.

"If they want girls then we give them girls," Wheeler explained with a shrug.

Mulock's eyes narrowed. "Wheeler, you better not be suggesting that we--"

"Dress up as girls and go with Priscilla?"

"Yes," Mulock replied flatly. "That."

"It's actually not a bad idea," Priscilla pointed out. "Mulock, you already have the face for it."

"What?" Mulock snapped. "No I don't."

"Oh, shut up. You're literally the prettiest person I know," she countered sharply. The demon opened his mouth to protest but Priscilla ignored him, continuing on. "With a little makeup and the right clothes we could probably make Wheeler look um...moderately okay."

Lilith had perked up now. "My brother and I used to disguise ourselves when we'd sneak out," she said excitedly. "We have plenty of wigs!"

"And between Lilith and I we have two wardrobes worth of dresses" Priscilla added. "I'm sure we could find something suitable for them!"

The girls began to giggle profusely.

Mulock buried his face in his hands. "This is a nightmare."

"C'mon," Wheeler said, giving him a little nudge. "Just think of it as an undercover mission. It'll be fun."

"I think you and I have drastically different definitions of the word."

"Mully, pleeeeeease, just give it a chance."

"Wheeler," Mulock said dryly. "If I knew I'd wind up being eternally tortured anyways, I would've just stayed in hell."


"Alright, boys! Time for you to show us your final looks!" Priscilla called. She, Lilith, and Lenox sat on the bottom bunk, eagerly watching the large screen Mulock and Wheeler were changing behind.

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