Mulock and Priscilla Steal a Horse

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Author's Note: Thank you to @surili_05 for another amazing piece of fanart! This ones of Wheeler! 

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Author's Note: Thank you to @surili_05 for another amazing piece of fanart! This ones of Wheeler! 

The horse galloped through the snow, the trees darting past them as they raced through the darkness.

Priscilla clung tightly to Mulock, clearly less used to riding than the demon.

"Do you think this counts as stealing?" she mumbled as they continued to bound through the forest. "Because my parents are going to kill me if they find out I'm a horse thief."

"We're just borrowing it," Mulock replied flatly. "Besides, if you're dumb enough to leave your horse unattended at a creepy festival, you deserve to have someone stea-- borrow it."

"I'm sure the horse's owner would disagree."

"Well unfortunately for him, I don't give a shit."

Mulock suddenly tensed, a strange smell curling through the air before him.

"Is something wrong?" Priscilla asked anxiously, sensing the change. "Did you lose his scent?"

"No," Mulock replied. "Not yet, anyway." The incoming smell was so strong however, that Mulock had no doubt it would soon overpower Wheeler's trail. He took in another deep breath, the scent growing more distinct.

The demon's chest tightened as he finally realized what it was. He'd only smelled it once before, but he could never forget it, even if he tried.

It was the nauseating stench of death.

The smell continued to grow heavier and heavier as they moved forward, overwhelming Mulock's senses to the point where he began to feel lightheaded. The demon tightly clung to the horse's reins, doing everything in his power to keep his balance as they continued to push ahead.

And then they finally saw the source.

Stretching out into the night before them was a field of corpses.

Horror overtook Mulock, his stomach twisting at the sight. Desperately he pulled on the reins, causing the horse to immediately halt.

"Oh my God," Priscilla whispered, looking ready to vomit.

Blood stained the snow a sickening scarlet, broken limbs, organs, and entrails flung across the ruins of what had once been a building.

In the distance, nearly lost amongst the carnage, was Wheeler. He was curled into a little ball, his shoulders trembling violently. The moment they saw him, Mulock and Priscilla frantically took off running. The rest of the world seemed to blur around Mulock, Wheeler the only thing existing to him amongst the sea of red.

Priscilla had begun to weep by the time she reached him, pulling the boy tightly to her. "Wheeler," she choked. "What happened?"

Slowly, Wheeler lifted his head, snot and tears smeared across his face. There had always been an innocence to Wheeler, an almost child-like purity in his gaze. It was gone now. Violently ripped away.

An unnamable emotion twisted in Mulock's chest at the realization that he'd never have it again.

Before Mulock even realized what he was doing, he was pulling Wheeler into his arms as well. The three remained there in silence, clinging to each other as Priscilla and Wheeler sobbed beside him.

Mulock hated himself - he always had - but never like this. A cold, horrible loathing overtook him at the feeling of Wheeler trembling in his arms. He should have done more. He should have protected him from this. Something had been broken that could never be undone and there was absolutely nothing Mulock could do to change it.

It had been so long since the demon had felt powerless that he'd almost forgotten the feeling.

"I'm sorry," Mulock whispered hoarsely. "Wheeler, I'm so sorry."

Wheeler opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

Mulock's blood ran cold. "Someone's put an enchantment on him. Priscilla, you have to undo it."

"Right," Priscilla stammered. She fumbled for her wand, her hands shaking so terribly that she struggled to complete the simple incantation.

The moment Wheeler's voice returned, he began to violently wail. The sound was mangled and desperate, echoing through the night. "I'm horrible," he choked. "I saw Count Vivok casting the spell and I should have found a way to stop him instead of just protecting myself." His voice caught, letting out a single broken sob. "I thought I could save everyone but I... I couldn't do anything..."

The demon pulled Wheeler closer, holding him tightly as if by doing so he could somehow shield him from the nightmare surrounding them. But of course, that was impossible.

Mulock had failed Wheeler, and the knowledge sickened him.


Despite the overwhelming blur of emotions Priscilla had experienced over the past few days, she only felt a dull numbness as she watched Gortsville disappear into the distance. She sat with her head pressed against the carriage window, Mulock and Wheeler across from her, as they departed the awful town in silence.

All Priscilla wanted was to return to the familiar safety of the academy's walls. But even then... things wouldn't be the same, would they?

Priscilla had never seen a dead body before. She'd been aware of the concept of death, of course, but it had never felt like a reality. But now there was no escape from the images burned into her mind; the lifeless face of Arlo, the snow drenched in blood, the broken corpses. If just seeing the aftermath had done this to her, she couldn't imagine what it must be like for Wheeler.

The boy stared out the carriage window, his gaze blank and distant. Mister Pumpernickel rested on his shoulder. The toad nuzzled against him, but the action garnered little response.

In the last remaining days before they'd left the Vivok estate, Wheeler had attempted to act like his usual self - but it was painfully obvious something was wrong. Seeing her best friend like this made Priscilla's throat feel dry, and it took everything in her to bite back the sting of tears.

Things weren't supposed to be this way.

No matter what trouble they'd gotten into, everything had always worked out. They would win over the unicorn, or outrun the fairies, or the love dust would wear off, and everything would go back to normal. That's how it had always been: harmless little adventures where no one actually got hurt.

She could still recall how excitedly she'd agreed to help solve the town's mystery, stupidly thinking it would be yet another childish escapade. God, how had she been such an idiot?

She wished the moment they returned to the academy things would go back to the way they were before—but that was impossible. And besides, in only a few more weeks, they'd graduate and everything would change even further.

Priscilla buried her face in her hands, her chest aching. She had always known childhood would have to end eventually, but God, did she wish she and Wheeler could've held onto it just a little longer. 

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