Blunt Honesty

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"Alright, so would you like to explain to me what the hell is going on?" Mulock snapped, eyes narrowed and arms crossed.

It had been a rather stressful several hours for the demon, first discovering Wheeler was nowhere to be found, then finding the other princes missing as well. It had taken him almost the entire night to finally track them down.

Needless to say, Mulock was considerably pissed.

"Muuuuuuuuuully," Wheeler called as he approached, flinging himself at the demon. Wheeler reeked of alcohol, his face flushed from it, ruffled hair falling into his eyes. The boy threw his arms around Mulock's shoulders. "Mully, please dooon't be maaaaaad at meeeee. Pleeeeeease."

Mulock's gaze fell to Prince Avery behind him, arching a brow. "Just how much did he drink?"

"Two glasses," Avery replied. His gaze flickered to Wheeler, who'd begun nuzzling against Mulock like a baby kitten. "I think he's a lightweight."

"Muuuuuuuuuully, you smeeeeeell really gooood."

"Yeah, lightweight might be a bit of an understatement," Mulock muttered.

"I'm going to get him some water," Avery said. "Mind keeping an eye on him?"

"Sure, I can Wheeler-sit," Mulock mumbled. "I do it every day already."

The tall prince gave him a quick nod in thanks before disappearing into the crowd, leaving Mulock alone with an incredibly wasted Wheeler.

"What were you thinking?" Mulock asked sharply. "Do you have any idea just how dangerous it was to sneak out of the palace?"

"I knooooow," Wheeler slurred. "But looook how muuuuch fun they're haaaaavin'."

Mulock's gaze flickered across the tavern, the princes dancing and singing amidst the local patrons, their expressions elated.

"I juuuust wanted to make them happy after everythin' that happened." Wheeler's shoulders began to tremble. "Are you angry with me?"

Mulock sighed heavily. "I'm not angry. I'm just---"

"I've disappointed you, haven't I?" Wheeler gasped, choking on the words. Before the demon could even reply, Wheeler let out a loud sob, the sound muffled against Mulock's shoulder. "I made Mully disappointed in me. I'm so horrible. I wanna dieeeeeeee." He was weeping by now, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Oh God no.

Wheeler was an emotional drunk.

At last, Avery returned, glancing at the wailing boy as he approached. "Oh, yikes," he said, handing Mulock the water. "I'd stick around, but Bartram's also extremely wasted, which means I've gotta go deal with him, too. You, think you can handle..." Wheeler let out another loud, mangled sob, "that?"


"Okay." Avery gave him an awkward thumbs up. "Cool, cool." He glanced behind him, eyes widening at the sight of Bartram attempting to climb up onto one of the tables. The prince's jacket was on backwards, and he wore a large feather hat that he'd most certainly not had earlier.

"Hello, laaaaaaaadies," Bartram slurred, attempting to do a twirl that nearly sent him toppling off the table. "Doesn't dis hat make me look seeeeexy?"

"Shit," Avery hissed. "I gotta go before this turns into an even bigger disaster." He flashed Mulock a pained smile. "Good luck, pretty boy." And with that, he darted back into the crowd.

"Wheeler," Mulock muttered, attempting to pry the boy off him. "Stop crying. I'm not disappointed in you. Now please drink this."

He tried to hand him the water, but Wheeler shook his head, shoulders shuddering as he continued to sob. "I just wanna be worthy of you, but no matter what I do, I always feel like I..." His voice caught. "I feel like I'm never good enough."

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