Unexpected Gifts

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The bedroom they were provided with was about as grim as the rest of the house. An unstable looking bunk bed rested at the room's center which Wheeler had immediately sprung towards the second they'd entered.

"This room is so tiny," Priscilla whined. "It's smaller than my closet at home. How are my clothes supposed to even fit in here?"

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you brought three wardrobes worth," Mulock muttered.

Priscilla's gaze fell to the stack of pink suitcases taking up a good portion of the room, her attention suddenly locking on a large box resting at the top. "Ohmygosh!" she exclaimed, rushing towards it. "No way! They actually did it!"

"Did what?" Wheeler asked, dangling his legs off the top bunk.

Priscilla triumphantly held up the box. "When my brother did his apprenticeship, my parents sent him a care package filled with candies and gifts and trinkets of all sorts! I thought they weren't going to give me one, but they must have snuck it in with my things." Grinning from ear to ear, Priscilla excitedly began to open the box. The moment she actually did however, her smile faltered.

Wheeler quickly scurried down from the bunk bed, peering over her shoulder to see its contents.

The box was filled to the brim with small vials containing a strange clear substance.

"What...are those...?" Wheeler gaped.

"I have no idea," Priscilla replied, the confusion clear in her voice.

Buried amidst the vials was a pink envelope and Priscilla quickly removed it, tearing it open.

The parchment was a deep violet color, scented with a rose perfume so strong it nearly made them gag. They proceeded to read the letter, which was a fairly easy task considering it contained only one sentence.

'To our dearest Prissy Poo, use this for a little fun with Frederico.'

Priscilla's eyes narrowed. "What the hell does that even mean?"

Mulock pushed himself between them, briskly picking up one of the bottles. He easily flicked off the lid, giving its contents a little sniff.

Priscilla and Wheeler both waited with bated breath for his diagnosis.

"It's lubricant," Mulock stated flatly.

"It's WHAAAAAT?!?!" Priscilla screeched.


"What the hell?!" Priscilla looked utterly horrified. "How do you even know that?"

"I think we both know the answer and I doubt either of us want to go there."

"Ew, ew, ew, ewwwwwwww." Priscilla was turning green. "Uuuuugh, why would they think I'd ever use this?"

"For a little fun with Frederico," Mulock said with a smirk. "Obviously."

"Gross! Stop it!" Priscilla snapped. "I don't want this. Wheeler, I'm borrowing your bag!"


Priscilla snatched Wheeler's bag from the pile of trunks, frantically beginning to stuff the bottles inside.

Midway through her lube removal rampage, there came a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in," Wheeler instantly called.

"Wait," Priscilla hissed. "They can't come in! I'm in the middle of--"

But it was too late, the door swung open to reveal the Vivok twins all while Priscilla awkwardly stood there, midway through stuffing a bag with lube.

"Is this...a bad time...?" Lilith said slowly.

"Uh, no," Priscilla stammered, quickly attempting to shove the half empty box of lube behind the rest of her luggage. "I was just...err...doing some tidying up."

"I see..." Lenox said. His gaze fell to Mulock now. "Weren't you the cat earlier?"

"Yep," Mulock replied, adding no further explanation.

"Ah, okay," Lenox said awkwardly. His gaze fell to Lilith. "Sister, do you mind closing the door?"

"Of course, brother."

The trio exchanged an uneasy glance as the door slowly creaked shut behind them.

Finally the twins turned to face them, their expressions suddenly growing dead serious.

"My brother and I had to wait until nightfall to talk to you openly," Lilith said, her voice tight.

"We had to make sure he thought we were asleep. If we didn't, he'd still be listening," Lenox added nervously, his gaze darting around.

"We have a confession to make," Lilith said, bowing her head. "Our father wasn't the one who sent for you, it was us. We wrote to the academy pretending he needed help with castle repairs, but that wasn't the case. We needed someone to come here."

"Everyone's in danger," Lenox said, his voice wavering slightly.

"Reaching out to the academy was our last hope. If you can't help us then..." Lilith's gaze fell to her hands. "Well then I suppose we're all doomed." 

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