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Wheeler made his way back to the Packwood's guest bedroom, still warm and flushed from the bath, the grime and mud from his weeks in hiding at last scrubbed from his skin. He pushed open the door, eyes widening in surprise to find Mulock there.

With their garments abandoned back at the palace, the Packwoods had been kind enough to gift them Peter's old clothes. The silk shirt Mulock now wore fell past his thighs, its sleeves drooping down over his hands, making the demon look incredibly small.

"Hey, Mul--" the words instantly died on Wheeler's lips when he saw his expression.

He'd seen Mulock irritated and angry countless times before. All of them combined was nothing compared to the fury currently flaring in the demon's gaze.

Wheeler's stomach twisted at the sight, his blood running cold. "Mully, what's wrong?"

"I know you're not an idiot," Mulock snapped. "So why the fuck would you try to overthrow the emperor?"

"Because he's a murderer," Wheeler said, holding his gaze. "And he's going to just keep killing unless we stop him."

Mulock glared at him. "Have you forgotten the prophecy?"

The words echoed in Wheeler's head at the reminder, the prophecy that woman had told them when they'd visited her shop back when he was still nothing more than a wide-eyed student. "A perilous future awaits the Lucky Seven. Both father and son will find each other, and when they do, only two fates await them. One, they will become a mirror. Each will reflect the other and they will become indistinguishable. The Lucky Seven will become the father's pride and joy, his protege, the defender of his legacy. Or two. The Lucky Seven will choose to shatter the mirror. Blood will be spilled, lives will be lost, and in the end... father and son shall slaughter each other."

Wheeler swallowed hard. His hands rolled into fists, nails pressing into his palms as he resolved himself to finally tell Mulock the desision he'd come to weeks ago. "If that's the price I have to pay for the lives of countless others then--"


Wheeler flinched back, eyes going wide as the demon's voice echoed through the room. Mulock hadn't yelled at him since the day they'd first met. He'd forgotten just how frightening it was.

Mulock turned his back on him. "Your life isn't something you should just throw away."

"I'm not throwing it away," Wheeler said. "You're confusing a long life with a meaningful one."

"There's nothing meaningful about being a sacrifice."

"Mully," Wheeler said firmly, "I have no intention of sacrificing myself. You were the one who told me the future's what you make it. There's no such thing as predetermined fate." He offered him a tight smile. "I'm taking on my father, no matter the cost, but that doesn't mean I intend to go down without a fight."

Mulock had grown silent, his back still turned to him.

"Mully," Wheeler said gently, "please, look at me."

Still nothing.

Anxiously, Wheeler reached out, his hand finding the demon's shoulder. And at last, Mulock turned to face him.

Wheeler's breath caught.

Mulock's eyes and nose were red and blotchy, tears rolling down his cheeks. Wheeler had never seen Mulock cry before. The sight of it now made his chest ache.

"You're just a kid," Mulock choked through his tears. "I just...I want you to live..." his voice broke.

Wheeler reached out, gently pulling the demon to him. He hadn't realized how much taller he'd grown, Mulock's face pressing against his shoulder. They stood there a moment in silence. Wheeler held him tightly, feeling Mulock trembling in his arms as he sobbed.

"I'm sorry," Mulock said, his voice muffled against him. "I never wanted you to see me like this."

"I don't mind," Wheeler murmured. "I've cried in front of you countless times." His gaze flickered to the floor. "I just...I wish I wasn't the cause of your tears."

"You deserve so much," Mulock rasped, lifting his head. "You deserve to grow old, and get married, and to have children and grandchildren, and years upon years of happiness."

"But by doing so, aren't I robbing countless others of that same gift?"

"Why can't you think of yourself for once?" Mulock snapped, his voice strained and hoarse. "Be selfish, Wheeler."

"That's what you really want?"

"More than anything."

"Alright. If you want me to be selfish, then I'll be selfish." Wheeler offered him a sad smile. "There's only one thing I want that I've ever denied myself. I've longed for it endlessly, even though I knew I had no right to it."

"What is it?" Mulock breathed, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Wheeler reached out, gently wiping them away. "Your heart."

"You idiot," Mulock choked. "It already belongs to you."

Wheeler's breath caught, his heart jumping into his throat. "What...what do you mean?

"That I love you," Mulock wept. "And that's why I'm crying, Wheeler. Because I love you far too much to imagine a world without you in it."

The moment the words left his mouth, Wheeler kissed him.

Mulock's arms wrapped around Wheeler's shoulders, pulling him closer, returning it so desperately that it set Wheeler's blood on fire.

"I love you," Wheeler gasped as they finally parted. "I love you so much that knowing I'm going to lose you feels like it might kill me."

"You don't mean that," Mulock said. "I'm your first love, but eventually...if you live through'll move on and find someone else."

"No," Wheeler choked. "Only you. I have only ever loved you and I will continue to only love you for as long as I live, no matter how long or short that time may be."

And then they were kissing again. Wheeler had no idea who closed the distance between them first, but it didn't matter. The moment Mulock's lips found his, the rest of the world instantly crumbled around him. Before he even realized it, they were falling onto the bed, hands desperately grabbing and pulling off their clothes, mouths parting only briefly for breath before melting together once more. The pale light of dawn had begun to seep through the curtains, bathing the room in a golden pink glow as their bodies tangled together.

The demon's heat overwhelmed Wheeler's senses, his body and soul burning as he allowed himself to drown in the beauty that was Mulock.

Somehow this person; this amazing, incredible, breathtaking person—loved him.

Wheeler could hardly believe it but it was the truth.

Mulock loved him.

The words made his heart sing. 

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