Wheeler's First Party

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Wheeler flinched at the cold stares flung his way as he and Priscilla finally entered the tower. The building in question was an old structure no longer used by the academy (with the exception of storing janitorial items), making it the ideal hangout spot for students. Luckily the academy staff generally just turned a blind eye to it.

There was only a small gathering of students today. They sat scattered around the room with Violet at the forefront, sipping on a most certainly illegal beverage. A wand had been propped up at the center of the room, projecting a series of rainbow patterns across the walls while a spell that had been cast earlier played upbeat music throughout the tower.

Wheeler had a feeling the atmosphere had been a bit more lively before he showed up. Now everyone in the room was dead silent. It certainly hadn't helped that the moment Wheeler entered it had begun pouring outside, the sound of thick sheets of rain pounding against the tower's thin roof, nearly overpowering the music.

Awkwardly Wheeler slowly sat down, the icy gazes of the others following him as he did.

"Hi everyone," he said nervously. "Um...thank you so much for inviting me."

Wheeler was met by a long silence.

Priscilla cast them a pointed glare. "I'm sorry," she said sharply, "I didn't realize you'd all lost either your hearing or your ability to exhibit good manners."

"You really expect us to be polite to that freak after all the crap he pulled," a voice snapped from the back of the room. Wheeler's stomach sank when he saw who it was. Sitting there glaring was Robin Wires.

Robin crossed his arms, his face scrunching up in disgust.

"How dare you call Wheeler a freak," Priscilla shot back, placing her hands on her hips. "Apologize to him right now."

"Why should I?" Robin growled. "He abandoned me in a swamp and nearly destroyed the school with that fucked up magic of his."

Priscilla rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, you're exaggerating. He just made a big plant, you stupid baby."

There were a few snickers from the other students at that.

"Whatever," Robin retorted, standing up. He glanced at the bottle in his hand, then to the pile of empty ones lying at the back of the room. "We're all out of gin anyways which means there's literally no reason left for me to stay here. I'm leaving." He glared at the others. "And unless you want this weirdo to kill us all with another plant, I'd suggest you leave too."

He angrily tossed his bottle into the pile, the sharp sound of shattering glass echoing off the tower walls. With that, he began to stalk towards the door and after a moment a few other students rose to their feet to follow.

Violet cast Priscilla an icy glare. "This is all your fault," she hissed. "I told you he'd ruin everything."

"Wait," Wheeler suddenly called, bowing his head. "I'm sorry for all the damage I caused, I really am. So...let me make it up to you guys."

Robin slowly turned, his gaze still ice cold. "And how the hell could you possibly do that?"

"I've been training to control my powers," Wheeler stammered quickly. "So let me prove you're in no danger around me--"

"No way," Robin interrupted, beginning to turn away.

"You said you were only here for drinks but you just ran out, right?" Wheeler blurted. "So what if I used magic to get you more?"

That was enough to at least cause Robin to pause. He glanced reluctantly back at him, his eyes narrowed. "As if you'd actually be able to do that."

Wheeler flashed him a grin. "Try me."

An awkward silence fell over the students but no one moved to leave. Wheeler realized with a start this might be his one and only opportunity. It was going to be extremely difficult and would require an absurd amount of precision to pull off...but he had to try.

Wheeler sat down in the middle of the floor, carefully removing his wand. Clutching it tightly, he shut his eyes, slowly raising it in the air. In one fluid motion he cast a half circle as he pictured the academy kitchens, imagining the bottles in the cellar he'd once glimpsed as clearly as possible. He felt the familiar warmth of magic begin to pump through his veins but he ignored it, focusing only on the task at hand as he whispered the words, "VƏni ad mƏ."

As the spell left his lips, he continued to picture his goal, imagining the bottles rising into the air one by one, up the cellar steps and out the kitchen window. He pictured them floating through the night, higher and higher until they reached the tower. He flicked his wand one final time and then suddenly the windows flew open, the bottles bursting through, flinging themselves into every students' hand as the windows slammed shut behind them.

Wheeler was breathing heavily as the spell finally ended, the concentration and effort needed to cast it taking its physical toll. At last his eyes slowly fluttered open, his gaze nervously flickering around the room.

Expressions of awe had begun to spread across the students' faces, staring down at the bottles they now held in disbelief.

"Wow," Violet breathed, "that was...that was..."

"Awesome!" another student cheered. "Wheeler, that was amazing!"

An explosion of excitement erupted around him now and to Wheeler's surprise he began to receive a series of high fives and various exclamations of, 'you need to do this again at the next party!'

Robin didn't say anything but even he looked slightly impressed, slowly sitting back down as he took a long swig of his newly delivered beverage.

Priscilla grinned at Wheeler, flinging an arm around his shoulder. "I knew you could do it!" She pointed to Wheeler excitedly, still beaming. "That's my best friend! Bet you're all jealous now!"

Wheeler smiled back at her.

Wow...who knew all it would take to make friends would be to provide them alcoholic beverages? Then again, maybe he should've thought of it before; that did tend to be the teenager way, after all.

Wheeler wondered how Mulock would feel if he found out all their hard work and training had gone into perfecting a spell to provide kids with illegal substances. Then again...Mulock was a demon, so he supposed doing so would probably have earned him the demon's stamp of approval. 

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