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Wheeler stumbled up the stairs, leaving the wreckage of the essence chamber behind, along with his father's broken corpse buried amongst the rubble. At last, Wheeler emerged from the dark stairwell, bursting into the emperor's room. The hum of the countless magical trinkets that filled the space droned on around him, indifferent to the fact that their owner was no more.

The entrance to a balcony rested at the room's right side, the very location his father had dominated only an hour prior when he'd slaughtered Robin and the others. Wheeler swallowed hard, collecting himself despite the fact that his vision was spinning and his legs felt ready to give out at any moment. Heart slamming against his ribcage, he stepped onto the balcony.

The rebels stretched out before him, huddled together, broken and bleeding, yet still standing nonetheless. A hush fell over them at his entrance, gazes snapping to the balcony, eyes going wide.

Wheeler slowly moved forward, fingers curling against the railing to steady himself. The sun rolled out from behind a cloud, and Wheeler felt the sunlight streaming down on him, warming his cheeks and shoulders. He took a deep breath.

"It's over," Wheeler announced, voice echoing across the grounds, "the Grand Emperor is dead."

Silence followed the declaration, the rebel's turning to stare at each other in stunned disbelief.

And then the cheering started. The cries of celebratory excitement filled the air, echoing all around him, thundering in his ears.

Wheeler smiled, holding up a hand to silence them for only a brief moment more. "Never forget that the true power of a country comes not from its leader, but from the willingness of its people to protect and care for one another. This is your empire."

As the final words left his lip, an explosion of cheers rang out, the sound deafening, pounding in his ears. Wheeler grinned, watching their joyful expressions as they embraced each other, some laughing, others crying. He took everything in, feeling the sun on his skin and the soft breeze ruffling through his hair. Wheeler burned the moment into his memory. And then, with the cheers still thundering around him, he slipped back inside.

Wheeler collapsed only seconds after closing the door.

He gasped for breath, chest heaving as he struggled to prop himself up against the wall, slumping against it. He'd managed to hold himself together just long enough to deliver his final words, but now it was impossible to ignore the pain of his body deteriorating from the inside out. The world spun, his vision blurred, eyelids growing heavy. So heavy.

The click of the door swinging open sounded, cheerful voices coming from the other side that immediately turned to panicked cries. He felt hands grabbing him, gently pulling him into their arms before his back sank into the soft mattress beneath him. Wheeler grit his teeth, fighting with everything he had to claw his way back into consciousness. Even one more moment would be enough for him.

As if answering his prayer, his vision slowly unblurred, revealing Priscilla and his brothers surrounding him. Their expressions were desperate, tears flooding their eyes as they stared down at him.

"Wheeler," Priscilla choked, "what happened?"

"I..." Wheeler rasped, trying his best to speak between shallow, ragged breaths, "I had no choice but to use Inˈfərnō."

Priscilla's face instantly went ashen, horror overtaking her gaze.

Osmund turned to her frantically. "What's Inˈfərnō?"

"One of the most powerful spells in existence," Priscilla whispered hoarsely. "Getting hit with it is an instant death sentence. has a price. The spell requires the entirety of its caster's magic. Which means..." Her voice caught, hands flying to her mouth to muffle a sob.

"The caster dies as well," Wheeler finished weakly.

A ripple of horror passed through the princes.

"No," Osmund gasped, tears filling his eyes, " can't...Wheeler..."

Avery gently wrapped an arm around Osmund's shuddering shoulders, his eyes watery as well.

"I know it hurts to say goodbye," Wheeler murmured, "but the wisest person I know once told me that to be missed, means to have been loved." He offered them a gentle smile. "I was always told I have naturally good luck. Now I know it must be true, because..." his head fell back against the pillows, still beaming up at them, "I was so unbelievably lucky to have had you all in my life."

Priscilla let out a broken sob, fingers entwining with Wheeler's as she held his hand.

"Priscilla," Wheeler rasped, his eyelids growing unbearably heavy, "you'll look after Mister Pumpernickel, won't you?"

"Of course," Priscilla wept, tears falling against their clasped hands.

"And I have...I have one last request..." Wheeler whispered, finding it harder and harder to speak. "Mully told me he never got a gravestone. Can you...can you combine mine with his...?"

"Yes," Avery choked, wiping his eyes with his hand. "You'll both have the most beautiful grave in the world, I promise."

"Thank you," Wheeler breathed. He offered them one final smile, eyes fluttering shut. "Now...I've got to get back to Mully."

And at last, the darkness claimed him. 

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