Hello Mully

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Darkness surrounded Wheeler, wrapping around him like a warm blanket. A familiar figure emerged from it, an unnamable emotion swimming in his deep purple eyes.

"You idiot," Mulock said softly.

Delicate black lines twisted up the demon's throat and down his chest, curling across his pale skin like vines. Silver horns curved from ruffled white hair. Before he could stop himself, Wheeler reached out, fingers brushing up their coarse ridges.

"Well," Wheeler mused, "these are new."

"An unfortunate side effect of becoming the literal embodiment of evil."

"The embodiment of evil?" Wheeler repeated with a laugh. "You?"

Mulock arched a brow. "Why so skeptical?"

Wheeler offered him a smile as his arms wrapped around his waist. "Because even if you keep it a secret, I know you're kind, and loving, and would do anything for the people you care about."

"Careful, Wheeler," Mulock said, voice tight. "Keep talking like that and people will think you're in love with me."

Wheeler answered him by leaning forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. "So," he murmured as he finally drew back, "what happens now?"

"We wait for those assholes to show up."

"What assholes?"

The moment he spoke, the ground beneath them began to violently rumble, nearly sending Wheeler toppling over.

"Well speak of the devil—literally," Mulock muttered under his breath.

Wheeler's eyes widened, terror surging through him as the massive creatures rose around them. They had to be at least a hundred feet tall, their faces so twisted and distorted they were hardly comprehensible. They stared down at him, their massive, insect-like eyes pinning Wheeler in place. He hadn't realized he'd begun to tremble until the warm touch of Mulock's fingers brushed against his.

"It's alright to be frightened," Mulock whispered, fingers entwining with Wheelers'. "No matter what happens, I'll be by your side."

And at last, Wheeler felt his breathing start to calm.

"Mulock," one of the creature's boomed, its voice echoing around them like thousands, "you've done well."

"Agreed," a second said, its volume so loud it sent vibrations through Wheeler's chest. "You've successfully acquired a powerful soul.

"You may now claim your reward."

"The time has come for you to consume him."

Wheeler squeezed his eyes shut, his heart stumbling over its own rhythm. He'd known this was coming. There'd be pain, and then he'd simply cease to exist. As much as it frightened him, Wheeler willingly accepted his fate. He'd made this choice and Mulock had come into his life because of it. For that simple reason alone, he would've chosen this path over and over again, no matter the cost. Somehow sacrificing his soul still seemed like a small price to pay for those few happy years with Mulock.

Wheeler only wished there could have been more.

His shoulders relaxed, letting out a low exhale as he cleared his mind of everything but the familiar warmth of Mulock's hands in his. He was ready. Taking a deep breath, he began to step forward.

"No," Mulock's voice rang out, causing Wheeler's eyes to shoot back open in surprise.

"No?" one of the massive demons repeated, somehow managing to convey an expression of disbelief on its distorted face. "What do you mean, no?"

Demons, Witches, and Toads (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now