The Creepy Castle

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"Count Auberon stood there, his raven black hair fluttering around his handsome face. His shirt hung open, revealing a set of perfectly chiseled abs that glistened in the moonlight. His scent consumed her, his body smelling of leather and spice. Roberta moved to kiss him, but the count drew back, a distant look on his beautiful, tortured face. 'My love,' he whispered in a deep, gravelly voice. 'Alas, we can never be together. My path is one of darkness while yours is of the light.' His emerald orbs looked off broodingly into the distance. 'You deserve someone who can love you the way you need to be loved. You should marry Clyde, the werewolf king. He'll surely fill your days with joy.' Roberta's eyes filled with tears. 'But I love you! How could I give myself to another?' Count Auberon simply shook his gorgeous head. 'You must. For I can never give you the life you deserve.' With those words, he turned into a bat, disappearing into the pitch black sky."

Priscilla gently closed her copy of A Dangerous Thirst. "And that's the end of volume one."

"Thank God," Mulock muttered, his face pressed against the carriage window. "That had to be the most God awful book I've ever read."

The demon suddenly heard a small sniffle from the other side of the carriage.

"Wheeler, are you crying?" the demon snapped in disbelief.

The boy proceeded to wipe his eyes on his sleeve. "It's sad. They love each other but they can't be together." He sniffled again. "And now he's a bat."

Mulock facepalmed. "I can't believe you're actually getting emotional over a book that unironically used the phrase 'his swollen mast rising to attention'."

"I think the writing is beautiful," Priscilla said, sighing wistfully.

"Well I think it's shit," Mulock countered. "The characters suck. The story arc is a mess. And the plot itself is stupid because--"

"Love is an illusion," Priscilla and Wheeler said in unison before he could even finish the phrase. "We know."

"We can start on book two if you want," Priscilla said with a smile.

"Priscilla," Mulock muttered through gritted teeth. "I will throw that book out the goddamn window if you so much as dare."

Priscilla shrugged. "If you insist. Though, might I remind you the other option for entertainment is a sing along with Mister Pumpernickel."

The toad croaked excitedly from Wheeler's shoulder at the proposition.

Mulock sunk into his seat, dragging his hands down the lines of his face. "This is a bloody nightmare."

"Hey," Wheeler exclaimed suddenly. "Look!"

He pointed to the window, and Mulock and Priscilla's attention immediately snapped to it. From outside they could see a large, rotting sign which read the word 'Gortsville' in faded green paint.

"Oh, thank God," Mulock muttered.

Slowly, the deep forest they'd been traveling through began to thin. And then at last, they got a glimpse of what was to be their new home for the next three months.

Before them lay the most dismal looking village Mulock had ever seen.

The houses all seemed far too narrow, leaning at unnatural angles - which was quite concerning considering there were residents inside. And speaking of residents...

The streets were completely empty as the carriage made its way down the uneven cobblestone road. From within their windows however, glimpses of the town's occupants could be seen. Their faces were hollow and pale, their stares unnervingly blank. One or two immediately yanked their ragged curtains shut as the carriage passed by.

Demons, Witches, and Toads (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now