Fashion Police

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Just as Mulock had predicted, the day following the Mulock/Elizabeth seduction debacle, Violet apologized to Priscilla. The girl had accepted it but had informed Violet that moving forward she'd be sticking with another group of friends. And that had been that. They'd been inseparable ever since.

Wheeler smiled to himself at the memory.

"What the hell is with that expression," Mulock snapped, giving Wheeler a light nudge.

The boy blinked. "Oh, sorry," he stammered, "I was just thinking about how happy I am that we're all friends--"

"Well be happy another time," Priscilla interrupted, placing her hands on her hips. "We have a serious mission to accomplish today."

The three stood at the center of the bustling market that lay a little west of the academy. Mister Pumpernickel sat perched on Wheeler's shoulder, excitedly taking in the new sights.

"I can't believe it's finally going to happen," Priscilla said eagerly. "We're finally getting you a whole new wardrobe."

"Wait? I thought I was just getting a new coat?" Wheeler stammered.

"Well, we're definitely going to start with that," Priscilla answered, glancing over the thin, patched together garment Wheeler wore with disdain. "But honestly, Wheeler, you need new everything. You dress like a mix between a twelve year old and a haggard vagabond."

Mulock let out a snort of laughter at that.

"I just like comfortable clothes," Wheeler mumbled.

"Comfortable clothes aren't seconds away from falling apart," Priscilla pointed out with a huff. "Wheeler, last week I saw the corner of your coat fall off and had to watch you just pull out a sewing kit and stitch it back on like it was completely normal."

"She's right, you need new clothes," Mulock agreed with a nod.

"Wha...Mully you're supposed to be on my side."

The demon's eyes narrowed. "Why the hell would I be on your side?"

"Because I'm your--"

"If the words 'I'm your master' so much as leave your mouth they'll be your last."

"But Mu--"

"Wheeler, I'm serious. Say it and I shove you into that pile of horse shit over there. Don't think I won't."

Okay...that was one threat Wheeler was sure the demon was dead serious about.

"I just think the clothes I have are perfectly fine," Wheeler said softly.

"Well, they aren't," Mulock countered. "Wheeler, you do realize you're mid growth spurt, right? Those shorts were already pushing it at the beginning of the semester, so at this point they're way higher than any pair of shorts should ever be."

"Are they really that bad?" Wheeler gaped.

"Yes," Priscilla and Mulock said in unison without missing a beat.

"Oh," Wheeler mumbled.

The demon's gaze fell to a group of jackets hanging off a nearby rack. "Those look promising," he murmured. "Let's check them out." He moved to pass Wheeler and, as their bodies briefly brushed, Wheeler felt his heart take off thundering in his chest.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time it had happened since that awkward night in the hallway. Wheeler took a deep breath, trying to ignore the feeling. It would have to stop happening eventually, right? He'd already decided not to think on it further. That was far easier than actually processing what it might mean.

As they approached the rack of coats, Wheeler spied a group of students from the academy. He flashed them a small smile but they quickly averted their gaze, immediately moving to another booth.

Wheeler's shoulders sagged.

"Just ignore them," Priscilla said, raising her voice to guarantee the other students could hear her. "If they're still scared of you for something as stupid as growing a tree then it just proves what a bunch of BABIES they are." She smirked, her voice finally returning to its usual volume. "Now then, back to the fun stuff! Clothes shopping!" She grinned at him, grabbing Wheeler by the arm before dragging him to the rack. "Well," Priscilla said eagerly, "see any you like?"

Wheeler glanced over them, finally removing a large pink coat covered in bright yellow flowers. "How about this one?" he asked with a smile.

Priscilla and Mulock both grimaced.

"Wheeler..." Priscilla said slowly.

"Well, you somehow managed to pick the ugliest clothing item at his entire market on your first try, so congratulations on that I guess," Mulock said flatly.

"I disagree," Wheeler argued. "I think it's kinda fun!"

"No, absolutely not." Priscilla yanked the coat from his hands. "The only place this belongs is the trash."

"Nice one," Mulock said.

The two exchanged a high five.

Wheeler sighed heavily. Well, at least they were finally getting along, even if it was at his dignities expense.

"Oooooh, how about this one?" Priscilla asked, gesturing to a large coat near the back. The moment Wheeler saw it his face lit up. It was a beautiful garment, a deep forest green with gold lacings curling up the sleeves.

"That's it..." Wheeler breathed, "the perfect coat!" And then he actually checked the price tag. "Or not."

"Don't worry about the cost. I'll cover it," Priscilla said, reaching for her purse.

"No!" Wheeler squeaked, frantically shaking his head. "I can't let you waste your money on me! I'd feel awful."

"I'm literally rich," Priscilla countered. "It's not a problem."

"Still, I wouldn't want you to--" Wheeler abruptly froze, noticing something strangely familiar flutter out from behind the coat rack. He squinted, trying to get a better look at whatever it was as it started to flit away. "Um...hold on a second," he stammered, "I'll be right back."

Priscilla and Mulock exchanged a glance as Wheeler suddenly darted after it. He bounded past booth after booth, following closely behind as the creature moved towards the edge of the market. Finally, the thing seemed to still, hovering in place.

Wheeler cautiously approached it. As he did, his eyes widened, at last recognizing the creature before him.

"Miss fairy," he gasped.

"Greetings, Wheeler Trevil," the fairy said, her large, golden wings gently flapping behind her. "You know, it's not very nice to trap a colony of fairies in a tree. Do you have any idea how long it took us to remove that rock? We were imprisoned for weeks."

Wheeler immediately bowed his head. "I'm sorry!" he stammered. "I was so scared at the time, I didn't even think about that. I can't apologize enough."

"That's right, you can't," the fairy said sharply. Wheeler tensed, suddenly hearing the light thrum of wings as numerous little creatures began to emerge from their hiding places around the market's edge. "That's why we're not here for an apology." The fairy flashed him a wicked smile, revealing a set of jagged teeth. "We're here for revenge." 

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