Wheeler Attempts Public Speaking

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"The Lucky Seven and his rebels could attack any day now," Vera murmured, pouring herself a cup of tea before sitting back down across from the emperor. "We should have just crushed them when they were still building their numbers at the Packwood estate."

The Grand Emperor shook his head. "If we had, we'd just be confirming the rumors. They'd have been made martyrs and sent the empire into further chaos." He smirked. "It's far better this way. Let him bring the fight to us."

"I suppose you're right," Vera replied, her glasses magnifying her unblinking gaze as she watched him from behind the brim of her cup. "If they attack us then destroying them becomes a simple act of self-defense."

"Exactly," the emperor said with a nod. "And besides, we both know they don't stand a chance. My son has no idea just how powerful I am." He let out a low chuckle. "The moment I step onto the battlefield, their childish rebellion will be over in a matter of seconds."

"Do you plan on killing them all?" Vera asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Depends on how I'm feeling," the emperor mused. "After all, the only one I need alive is Wheeler."

"Because of the prophecy?" Vera asked, raising her cup to her lips.

"More than that," the emperor said softly. "After losing Martha, I never thought I could love someone again until I met my son." He smiled to himself. "Perhaps it's because I see myself in him so vividly. For that very reason, I know I can still save him from this stupid heroic fantasy that's consumed him." He let out a low breath. "Wheeler's blinded by the childish concept that the world is black and white. Because of this delusion, he believes that just because civilians must be sacrificed, the action is inherently evil. Once I explain myself fully, I'm sure he'll choose the right path. My path."

"And what if he still rejects you?" Vera asked.

"Then I turn to magic," the emperor answered without missing a beat. "I don't want it to come to that, but if I have to destroy Wheeler's mind to keep him at my side, then I'll do whatever it takes. I love that boy far too much to lose him."

"And I'm sure it doesn't hurt that having the rebel leader defect to you would instantly crush any remaining hope of rebellion."

"Exactly," the emperor said, a smile tugging at his lips. "So let the rebels come. Let them witness true, unstoppable power. And then..." he grinned, "I will completely and utterly destroy them."


The crowd of rebels stretched out around Mulock as far as he could see, feverish chatter and sounds of excitement filling the air as they waited for Wheeler's arrival.

"He really plans on making a speech?" Priscilla asked.

"I'm as surprised as you are," Mulock replied flatly.

"He's normally so anxious about public speaking," Priscilla said. "Once we had to do a presentation in professor Slengeborn's class and he nearly puked. Please tell me he at least rehearsed it with you."

"Nope," Mulock said. "I had my objections about this, obviously. But he seemed so excited about it that I just let it go."

Priscilla let out a snort of laughter. "God, Wheeler has you completely whipped."

"Like you're one to talk," Mulock countered with a huff. "Who's the one with his toad on their head?"

Mister Pumpernickel let out a happy croak in response. Priscilla had bugredenly placed him on her head earlier so the toad could get a proper view when Wheeler made his speech.

"Oh piss off, MulCOCK," Priscilla snapped. The moment the words left her mouth, she froze, eyes going wide. "Wait...holy shit! How the hell did I never think to use that insult before?"

Mulock shrugged. "No idea. It's literally been sitting right there for nearly four years. I was always surprised you never used it."

"You already thought of Mulcock?!" Priscilla gaped.

Mulock rolled his eyes. "Obviously. If I was going to insult myself, it'd be the first thing I'd use."

"Well," Priscilla muttered, "I think I've still managed to throw some pretty good insults your way."

"I didn't realize you considered constant variations of jerkface and asshole to be 'good pretty insults'." He paused, thinking for a moment. "I still feel like I'm still missing one..."

"God, you're such a dick."

"Ah. There it is." He smirked. "The holy trifecta of mediocre insults."

"Uuuuuuuuuuugh, I HATE you."

"An eloquent comeback, as always." He smirked. "Miss Packwood, you never fail to disappoint."

Priscilla opened her mouth to continue arguing, when a sudden hush fell over the crowd, the rebels going dead silent. Priscilla's attention snapped along with the others to the estate doors where Wheeler had appeared, a knight flanking him on either side. A small platform had been set up at the center of the castle grounds, and as Wheeler approached it, the crowd parted to let him through, bowing as he passed.

At last, Wheeler stepped onto the platform, looking out at the crowd around them.

Mulock had been more than a little concerned when Wheeler had told him he wanted to make a speech, but seeing him now caused those fears to quickly fade. He'd never seen Wheeler look so confident before. The warm afternoon sunlight had caught in his curls, haloing around his head, his eyes and smile so bright they were almost blinding.

"In three days time, the battle against my father will begin," Wheeler announced. "I've never been one for speeches, but I wanted the opportunity to share just how grateful I am to have you fighting by my side." He took a deep breath. "I grew up with my mother telling me stories of the emperor and his immense power, explaining how he used it to keep the people of this empire safe. In return, I idolized his magic and became willing to do whatever it would take to become just as powerful. However, the stronger I became, the more I realized that my power didn't come from magic. I became stronger because there were people at my side who supported me. Through them, I learned far more than spells. I'd always been alone before, and for the first time in my life I was able to experience friendship, kindness, and support. They gave me something to fight for. And thanks to their constant compassion, I was reminded to never abandon my own. Nothing frightens me more than knowing that if I had...I could've ended up exactly like my father." His smile grew wider now. "Some might think compassion is a weakness, but I've come to learn it's far more powerful than any magic. It's the reason you're all here before me today. Despite the dangers of turning against my father, you decided to rise above your fears and do the right thing. While magic has made my father a lonely murderer, compassion has built me an army. The true power of the empire lies in each and every one of you. Your bravery, your loyalty, and most of all — your passion for protecting the people of this empire— that's what makes us unstoppable!"

As Wheeler's final words rang out, echoing through the air, the rebels around him slowly sank to one knee; nobles, knights, mages, and peasants alike all bowing for Wheeler, far lower than they ever had for the Grand Emperor.

Staring at Wheeler in that moment felt like looking directly into the sun. He was beautiful and glorious and utterly breathtaking— the very embodiment of the hopes and dreams of all those before him. Wheeler was like a shooting star, lighting up the night sky no matter how brief his time there might be.

Wheeler grinned, his gaze traveling across the crowd surrounding him as he gestured for them to rise. Instantly an explosion of cheers rang through the air, the sound almost deafening as the rebels sprang to their feet.

"Wow," Priscilla breathed, "who knew he had that in him?"

"The speech was a little cheesy, if you ask me," Mulock mumbled.

Priscilla arched a brow. "Really? Because you're crying."

Mulock wiped his eyes with one hand. "Shut up. No I'm not. I just..." He forced back a sob. "I have something in my eye."

"Whatever you say." Priscilla offered him a soft smile, gently wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

For the first time, Mulock didn't push her away. 

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