Things go Horribly Wrong

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"I feel like I've spent a little too much time hiding in bushes this year," Wheeler whispered to Priscilla from their hiding place among the academy's shrubbery.

"Well then, let's hope this is the last time," the girl whispered back.

From his shoulder, Mister Pumpernickel let out a low croak.

Priscilla sighed heavily. "Tell me again why you brought the toad?"

"He's emotional support."

Priscilla opened her mouth to say something more but immediately froze at the sound of the large iron gate creaking open.

Frances emerged, coming to switch shifts with the guard currently stationed outside of the academy. The two exchanged a few pleasantries before Frances moved into position, the other guard returning back through the gates.

"Alright," Priscilla said quietly. "I'm gonna sneak out, then you follow and throw the dust on her. Just make sure I'm in her line of sight when you do it."

"And you're sure that the first person she sees will be the person she falls in love with?"

"Isn't that how all love magic works?" Priscilla asked.

"Uh...I don't know. Believe it or not, I don't actually know much about this kinda thing," Wheeler said with a laugh.

The boy was about to suggest that maybe they should retreat and try to actually research the fairy dust before attempting this, but Priscilla had already slipped from the shrubs, making her way towards Frances.

Wheeler took a deep breath. Okay, no need to panic. Everything would be fine as long as he just stuck with the plan, right?

Priscilla finally came to a stop directly in front of Frances and the knight in training offered her a small wave. "Miss Priscilla, how nice to see you.'

Priscilla froze, her cheeks going pink.

"Um...uh...n-nice to see you too, Frances," she stammered.

"How have you been?"

"Err...grood....ah...I'm sorry I meant to say good and great at the same time and um..."

While this conversation (if one could even call it that) occurred, Wheeler cautiously snuck out from the shrubs. Frances seemed pretty distracted by Priscilla, which luckily made it fairly easy for Wheeler to tiptoe behind her. He quickly double checked that Frances was looking at her before removing the final pouch from the fairy belt.

Taking a deep breath, he moved to throw it at her —and that's when, to his horror, his foot caught on a loose stone on the cobblestone walkway. A jolt of horror instantly followed, shooting through him at the realization that he was falling.

An explosion of pink dust erupted from the bag, covering poor Frances. Mister Pumpernickel was flung from Wheeler's pocket and (in an incredible act of self preservation) hopped onto Frances's shoulder, then directly into Priscilla's face. She screeched, the sound echoing through the air as Wheeler slammed face first into the dirt.

Frantically, he stumbled to his feet, anxiously glancing around to view the damage. To his surprise however, despite his fumble, everything seemed to have gone as it was supposed to. The dust had landed on Frances and she was now staring directly as Priscilla, a look of pure adoration on her face.

Wheeler let out a relieved sigh, brushing himself off. "Sorry about that. Thank gosh that ended up working out."

Mister Pumpernickel hopped into Priscilla's hands, letting out a thankful croak.

"So..." Wheeler continued slowly, "what do we do now?"

They looked to Frances who was still staring, her dark eyes practically sparkling. "So beautiful," she breathed. She suddenly began to move towards Priscilla whose face immediately went bright red. "I didn't think it was possible for such a beauty to truly exist..." Frances continued wistfully, taking another step closer, "but now that I see it before me...I find myself completely enamored."

"I....uh...." Priscilla stuttered.

And that's when Frances suddenly knelt down, bringing her face level with Priscilla's hands where Mister Pumpernickel still resided.

"Please," she whispered, staring directly at the toad, "tell me your name, my love."

Priscilla and Wheeler exchanged a horrified glance, their faces going ashen.

"Oh nooooooo," Wheeler whimpered, burying his face in his hands.

"What are we going to do?" Priscilla stammered back.

"Just undo it, right?"

"I don't know how," Priscilla admitted frantically. "I thought I'd figure it out after I confessed."

Frances had begun to make googly eyes at Mister Pumpernickel, petting the top of his head.

"This is bad," Wheeler hissed, feeling rather faint. "This is really, really bad--"

"What the hell is going on?" a sharp voice suddenly called from behind the gate.

Priscilla and Wheeler both spun around to find Mulock standing there, eyes narrowed.

Wheeler's stomach sunk.

As if things could have gotten any worse. 

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