Punching Bags and Party Planners

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It had been a long time since the Grand Emperor had called for Emeric. Thus, the eldest prince was ecstatic when he learned his father wished to meet with him. He was considerably less ecstatic, however, when he learned what he actually wanted to talk about.

"Father," Emeric said, his smile tight as he tried to hold himself together. "My birthday is nearly a month before Wheeler's. I'm sure my lovely little brother," he nearly gagged on the words, "wouldn't want a joint celebration."

"I'm afraid it's vital, Emeric," the emperor said, lacing his gloved fingers together. "I need Wheeler to be completely accepted by the court. Seeing him celebrated alongside you, the kingdom's beloved eldest prince, will further solidify his place among us." He smiled thinly. "You'll understand why it's crucial soon, I promise."

"Father, I..." Despite the fact that his blood was boiling, Emeric swallowed his pride. These were his father's wishes, he didn't dare go against them.

The prince forced his typical perfect smile. "It would be an honor to share my birthday with my most beloved little brother," he said through gritted teeth.

The Grand Emperor gave Emeric a hearty slap on the back. "That's my boy! You never let me down."

"Thank you, Father." The prince carefully kept his smile in place. "You know, being of common birth, Wheeler has little experience with these kinds of things. I'd be more than happy to deal with the party arrangements myself, so not to burden him."

"That's a wonderful idea!" the Grand Emperor said with a grin. "You have no idea how proud I am to see you looking out for Wheeler."

Emeric bowed his head. "I'm simply doing my duty as a brother."

And a duty it truly was.

It seemed Wheeler couldn't even let him have his own fucking birthday.

Well...if playing nice was the only way to reclaim his father's affection, then Emeric would be nice. He'd be soooooo nice that he'd throw the gaudiest, most obnoxious party imaginable, filled with things that Wheeler would utterly hate.

A party that (if he was lucky) would make Wheeler just as miserable as he was.


Needless to say, Emeric was considerably irritated as he finally left his father's quarters.

He tore down the corridor, his cape billowing behind him as servants quickly scattered to get out of his way. He glared at them as he passed, making it clear that anyone stupid enough to meet his gaze might have their eyes ripped out of their sockets.

Emeric turned a corner now, spotting a flash of a small blond head passing by. The prince let out a low breath, his hands curling into fists. God, Osmund had perfect timing. Emeric was practically itching to take his anger out on someone.

He moved quickly, following after the younger prince like a fox might a rabbit. In no time at all, Emeric was directly behind him, closing in for the kill.

The corridor was dead silent, Emeric's voice echoing off the walls as he finally spoke. "Hello, Brother."

Osmund slowly turned to face him, his face ashen. "Hello."

Emeric took a step closer, causing his brother to flinch. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine" Osmund replied, swallowing hard.

"Perfect," Emeric said, cracking his knuckles. "That means you should at least be able to take a punch or two."

"But I don't wanna get punched."

Emeric blinked. That was weird. Osmund had never protested before.

Emeric began to raise his fist, happy to remind his brother of his place. "No one wants to get punched," he hissed. "That's the whole bloody point. Now shut up, and take it like a man--"

"Fuck you."

Emeric froze.

The words had come strained and shaky, but there could be no doubt about what his brother had just said.

"The hell did you just say to me?" Emeric asked, the shock audible in his voice.

Osmund lifted his chin, his eyes blazing. "I said, fuck you, Emeric."

"You little shit," Emeric snarled, slamming him against the wall. "How dare you talk to me like that. I was going to go easy on you, but now I think I might just bash your face in."

"I wouldn't, if I were you," Osmund retorted, his confidence growing. "Unless you want Wheeler to get involved."

"That bastard has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, really?" Osmund replied, his expression venomous. "Because he told me he'd protect me no matter what, even if he had to fight you to do it."

Emeric nearly scoffed. "As if he could."

"I've seen his powers," Osmund spat, his gaze unflinching. "And you're nothing compared to him."

"You're lying," Emeric snapped, ignoring the fact that the words felt like a knife to his gut.

"Then challenge him and see for yourself," Osmund shot back. "It wouldn't take long. He'd destroy you in seconds." The young prince's eyes bore into him. "But then again, if you actually fought him, you'd have to answer to Father afterwards." His smirk grew into an almost wicked grin. "I'm sure we both know who's side he'd be on."

Emeric couldn't seem to find the words to reply, simply staring back at his brother in shock.

"Wow, nothing to say?" Osmund jeered. "That's new."

He roughly brushed past him, and Emeric made no move to stop him, still frozen in horror at this turn of events.

As Osmund began to walk away, he glanced back over his shoulder, a disgustingly smug expression on his face. "You don't have power over us anymore. How does that feel...Brother?"

And with those words, he turned into another corridor and was gone.

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