Too Good to be True?

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When Wheeler finally awoke he found himself slouched in a large velvet armchair. He blinked a few times to clear his vision before nervously glancing around the room. It was small and cozy, painted a midnight blue with countless bookshelves lining the walls. Near the back was a narrow door, a series of runes carved into its soft, honey colored wood. His gaze flickered upwards towards the ceiling, glowing flecks of golden light sprinkled across it. They twinkled and sparkled, fading in and out like miniature stars.

"Ah, so you're finally awake."

Wheeler's attention snapped to the doorway to see the headmistress standing there, Professor Slengeborn peaking out from behind her.

"I'm so sorry," Wheeler stammered, the awful memories of what had just transpired instantly flooding back. "I...I don't have much but I'm sure I can figure out how to repay the school for the damages."

Vera chuckled, shaking her head. "We're just happy you're alright. It's not your fault you were asked to perform such a difficult spell untrained." She cast Milton an icy glance. "Luckily, you happen to be in the perfect place to learn to properly control such powerful magic. That's's my pleasure to officially welcome you to the Imperial Academy of Magic, Wheeler Trevil."

Wheeler nearly toppled out of the chair. He could hardly speak for a moment, an overwhelming swell of emotion bubbling up in his chest. Despite his best efforts, the boy was unable to stop the rush of tears when they inevitably came.

"Thank you," he sniffled. "Thank you so much. My entire life, this is all I've ever wanted and I...I..." his voice caught, choking back a sob.

"We're happy to have you here as well," Vera said with a smile, her voice so warm it sounded like it could ooze honey. "Someone with abilities like yours comes once in a lifetime."

"But don't think you're getting off scot-free after all the trouble you've caused," Milton cut in sharply. "We have several stables that house the academy's magical creatures. You'll need to lend a hand there whenever needed until you pay off the damages. Understood?"

"That won't be a problem," Wheeler said with a smile, wiping his eyes on his sleeve, "I love animals!"

"Wonderful," Vera said, clapping her hands together. "Then everything is settled."

"You may take your leave now," Milton said, pushing his spectacles up the bridge of his nose. "Someone will be coming shortly to bring you to your new living quarters."

"Thank you again," Wheeler exclaimed, bowing his head so low his curls fell into his eyes. "I don't know how I can ever repay you for this opportunity!"

"We already told you," Milton said flatly, "stable work." He sighed now, his tone softening ever so slightly. "But, even I must say...congratulations, Mister Trevil. What you've done today was most impressive." And with that Milton led him out the door before gently shutting it with a click.

Wheeler stood there a moment, using all the self control as he could muster to keep from jumping for joy right then and there.

"How'd it go?" a voice called as Mulock's head popped out from behind a large tapestry hanging in the hall. The demonic cat slipped out from behind it, beginning to move towards him only to abruptly freeze.

"Wait..." Mulock said, eyes narrowing. "You've been crying." His gaze instantly darkened. "If that ugly spectacle guy kicked you out I'm going to burn him alive the second he steps out of this office."

Wheeler frantically shook his head. "No, no! These are happy tears! Mully, we made it! I got accepted!"

The relief was so evident on Mulock's face he didn't even bother to correct his name.

"Oh thank God," the demon mumbled. "Because at this point I don't know what else we could've done to get you into this stupid school." Mulock slipped beside him now, his tail lightly brushing against Wheeler's leg. "And I really was serious about burning that guy alive. I'm the only one allowed to make my human cry."

"But you haven't made me cry," Wheeler pointed out.

"Really? I haven't?" Mulock blinked. "Then I guess I need to be even meaner to you."

"You really don't have to go out of your way," Wheeler said, shaking his hands with a nervous smile.

"Oh no, I'm going to."

That's when Mister Pumpernickel suddenly let out a low croak from Wheeler's pocket.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me. What does the stupid toad want now?" Mulock muttered.

"I don't know," Wheeler said. The toad croaked again, this time louder. "I think he wants us to be quiet. But I don't know why..."

And that's when he heard his name sound from the other side of the door.

It was soft, and it was possible he may have misheard, but he could have sworn...

Wheeler couldn't seem to help himself, pressing his ear to the other side of the door.

He heard Mulock let out a low chuckle from beside him. "Eavesdropping, huh? Now that's something I, as your demon, can truly support."

It was nearly impossible to make out what Vera and Milton were saying, their voices so low they were practically whispers. Wheeler strained his ears, pressing closer still against the door. And then Wheeler heard it again —his name.

"Wheeler's magical abilities, those kinds of powers aren't natural," Milton was saying.

The boy wasn't able to make out the headmistress's response, but the next bit of the conversation came through clear as day.

"I hadn't thought much of it at the time," Milton said slowly, "but during his exam the boy told me his father was the Grand Emperor."

"What," Vera gasped. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?!"

"I thought he was making it up," Milton stammered. "I'm sorry. I am now fully aware of my folly. But we at least have him now, don't we?"

A long pause followed this before Vera finally said, "he has to be the one. He looks exactly like them. If my theory is correct then we've finally found The Lu--"

"Hasn't anyone ever told ya that it's impolite to eavesdrop, lil fella?" a low, booming voice asked.

Wheeler frantically flung himself from the door, spinning around to look at the speaker.

A small red haired man stood there, a massive axe swung absently over one shoulder. "The name's Basian, I'm the groundskeeper 'round campus. The headmistress asked me to show ya to yer quarters."

"Oh, right," Wheeler stammered, attempting to keep his voice level to avoid raising further suspicion.

Bassian let out a low chuckle, giving the boy a hearty slap on the back that nearly sent him toppling over. "No need to look so nervous, lad. I ain't gonna snitch on ya."

"Ohmygosh, thank you so--" with a start Wheeler realized that Bassian was already making his way down the hall, never once checking if Wheeler had actually followed. Despite somehow being even shorter than him, the man's pace was so brisk that Wheeler had to sprint to catch up.

"I really am sorry about the eavesdropping," Wheeler apologized again.

"Don't worry about it, lad." Basian's gaze darted around them before he suddenly lowered his voice. "Honestly, between you and me, you should keep paying attention to what goes on around here." He paused, something dark coming over his gaze. "Things that seem too good to be true usually are." His tone had grown surprisingly serious but he quickly caught himself, an easy grin returning to his face. "But enough about that, let's get you to your room!" 

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