Family Relations

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Gorgeous rolling fields of green stretched out before them as the Grand Emperor's stallion took off racing. Wheeler giggled, gently petting the neck of the white mare he rode as the beautiful creature followed, easily matching the stallion's pace.

The emperor glanced back at him, grinning as his golden hair blew wildly around his face. "You're a natural at this!"

"Thank you, Father!" Wheeler replied, smiling back.

"I'm glad this was well worth the wait."

"I really am sorry for arriving so late," Wheeler stammered, bowing his head. "I had to stop by Priscilla's room so she could dog-sit."

"Dog-sit?" the emperor mused.

"Lady Amelia's puppy wandered off and nearly got hurt," Wheeler replied, shuddering at the memory of that rock in Emeric's hand. "So, um... I figured someone should keep an eye on him."

"That's so sweet of you, Wheeler." The Grand Emperor chuckled. "You sure love animals, don't you?"

Wheeler nodded. "Yeah, I'd adopt a million pets if I could!" He laughed. "But I think if I ever actually did, Mister Pumpernickel would get jealous."

"Mister Pumpernickel?"

"My pet toad."

The Grand Emperor's eyes went wide. "No way?! You have a toad?" A huge grin spread across his face. "Wheeler, I LOVE toads!"

"Really! You do?!" Wheeler gasped.

"Yeah! I had a pet bullfrog growing up named Jeffrey-Charles. People always called me weird for having him, but he was my pride and joy."

"The stigma against them is ridiculous! They're incredibly affectionate."

"Aren't they?"

"I think people dislike them because of their appearance," Wheeler said. "Which makes no sense, because they're beautiful creatures." He sighed heavily. "People call Mister Pumpernickel ugly all the time, but I always try to explain to them--"

"That he's incredibly handsome by amphibian beauty standards, right?"


They both laughed, the sound carrying across the field, the wind rushing past them and filling Wheeler's lungs as he rode.

"You know, Wheeler," the emperor murmured. "These past few months with you have been the happiest of my life." His hands tightened on the reins. "I enjoy being the emperor, I truly do. But... it can grow so lonely sometimes. People always watch what they say around me, or simply tell me what I want to hear. I adore Emeric, but I know he's the same way, acting how he thinks I want him to just to be in my favor." He offered Wheeler a gentle smile. "You're the only person I feel I can truly be myself around. Perhaps it's because I see so much of myself in you. There's no need for me to hide from my reflection."

Wheeler's heart nearly skipped a beat. "You see yourself... in me?"

"How could I not?" The Grand Emperor's smile grew. "And you know, if you keep on this path, perhaps when you're grown you'll be the perfect one to take my place."

Wheeler's breath caught, his eyes going as round as saucers. "Father," he stammered, "your kind words mean the world to me. I just... I'm afraid you think too highly of me." He bowed his head. "I'm still of common birth. I'm not worthy of being considered for such a thing."

"On the contrary, my dear boy," the emperor said, his voice as gentle as his smile. "I think it makes you all the more deserving." He glanced down at his stallion, gently petting the creature. "Unlike your brothers, you didn't have everything handed to you on a silver platter. You had to work for it, to make your power your own. You pulled yourself all the way up to the top despite the countless obstacles in your way." The Grand Emperor's gaze locked with Wheeler's. "A great ruler gains power not from his birth, but from his passion and determination." He slowed his horse to a trot beside Wheeler, reaching out to give the boy's hair a light ruffle. "When the time finally comes, that's the kind of person I want to continue my legacy."


"Seems someone's in an especially foul mood today," Avery smirked, leaning against the castle wall as Emeric stormed past.

"Shut the fuck up, Avery," Emeric snapped, his hands curling into fists. "I'm seriously itching to punch someone right now. Keep pissing me off and it'll be you."

"Go ahead," Avery said, throwing out his arms. "It's not like you haven't before. Besides, none of us are in favor except you and Wheeler. Father won't care."

"Exactly," Emeric hissed, slowly raising a fist. "Maybe I really will beat you to a pulp."

"You might as well," Avery shrugged, still smirking obnoxiously. "You should enjoy your last few weeks in power before you join the rest of us."

"The hell does that mean?" Emeric barked, his fist freezing midair.

"I'm sorry," Avery said. "I suppose that was rather vague." He cleared his throat. "What I meant to say is that you should enjoy being an ass while you still can, because soon father's not going to give a shit about you just like the rest of us."

Emeric actually did strike him now, sending Avery stumbling back against the wall. "You take that back."

Avery simply laughed, wiping away the blood from his split lip. "Your punch is still as strong as ever, Brother."

"Are you fucking deaf?!" Emeric snarled. "I said, take it back."

"But it's the truth." Despite the blossom of blood on his lips, his brother appeared unnervingly smug. "Surely you've heard the rumors?"

"What rumors?" Emeric asked, his voice growing tight.

"That father wants to make Wheeler his heir."

The words struck Emeric like he's just been slapped. "That's impossible," he snapped. "Wheeler's a bastard commoner. Father would never do such a thing."

"I'm just repeating what I heard," Avery replied with a shrug. "If you're so confident he'd never do it, then there's no reason such rumors should bother you, right?"

It couldn't be true... there was no way. But rumor or not, the fact still stood that Emeric wanted nothing more than to bash Wheeler's brains in like he'd planned to do to that puppy. Too bad Wheeler had snatched that away from him as well.

And then a realization hit him.

Threatening that filthy animal was the first time he'd managed to provoke the boy to anger. If he could get Wheeler to cause a scene over something so trivial, surely his father would finally see him for the obnoxious little brat he was.

An idea was beginning to take form now, the perfect plan coming together in Emeric's head.

Practically being one himself, Wheeler was far too empathetic when it came to filthy beasts. And luckily, Emeric happened to be a natural born hunter.

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