Welcome to the Academy

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"I can't believe Wheeler got to have my beautiful maiden, magical unicorn experience," Priscilla grumbled as they returned to the campus grounds. Dusk had fallen over the academy, the sky tinted a dark purple as the first few stars began to dully twinkle.

"Sorry," Wheeler mumbled. "Also, sorry my cat tried to kill you."

Priscilla sighed heavily. "I suppose he was right. It was rather stupid of me to just waltz in there without a second thought." Her gaze flickered to the ground for a moment. "And um...thank you for jumping in to save me." She glared down at Mulock. "You, on the other hand, are most certainly not forgiven."

"Oh no, whatever will I do," the cat replied flatly. "I'm going to lose sooo much sleep knowing a spoiled little brat is angry at me."

Priscilla gasped, "Me? Spoiled? How DARE you!"

"Sorry," Wheeler stammered. "I'm trying to get him to work on the whole 'not being mean' thing." He scratched the back of his neck. "I suppose I haven't had much progress yet."

A bell suddenly rang out from the academy, the sound echoing through the twilight.

"Oh," Priscilla exclaimed, perking up, "they must be calling everyone in for the opening ceremonies." She shot Mulock a little glare. "That doesn't mean this is over. I'm going to get you back for what you did."

"Great. I don't care."

"I really mean it!"

"Okay, cool. Good talk."

Priscilla let out a low huff, glancing back to Wheeler. "How can you stand him? He's so rude."

"I suppose he's just an uh...an acquired taste," Wheeler answered with a laugh.

They quickly joined with the students who were currently funneling into the academy. As Wheeler stepped through the large, oaken door, he couldn't help but notice the scratch marks shooting up the wood. They'd been left by his fingernails from when he'd been forcefully removed the last time. Wheeler shivered at the memory.

The students were led into a large circular room made of stone with chairs lining the circumference. One by one they began to sit down. Priscilla moved, about to seat herself beside Wheeler when a voice suddenly called from across the room.

"Priscilla, what the hell are you doing?" Violet stood there with her arms crossed, the other girls watching from behind her. "We saved you a seat, so get your frilly pink ass over here."

"Uh...sorry," Priscilla stammered, turning to Wheeler. "I've already planned out exactly how my time at the academy is supposed to go. I'm going to get good grades, be top of my class, and of course, be popular. That can't happen if I spend too much time with the weird toad boy. I need to be friends with people like them, not people like....well..."

"It's okay, I understand," Wheeler said softly.

Priscilla flashed him a pained smile. "Thanks, I knew you would! See you around, toad boy." And with that she made her way over to Violet and the other girls.

Wheeler's shoulders sagged as she walked away. Noticing this, Mister Pumpernickel jumped up onto his shoulder, giving him a little nuzzle.

"It's okay, Mister Pumpernickel," Wheeler said, his voice unusually quiet. "I don't think there's anything wrong with being the weird toad boy."

The lanterns lining the room began to dim now, causing a hush to fall over the incoming students. The empty center of the floor glowed a pale blue color and one by one strange symbols began to appear, forming a circle. Then, in a flash of light, standing there was the staff of the imperial academy.

Wheeler cringed at the sight of the lanky professor who'd had him dragged out of the exam —famed magical examiner, Milton Slengeborn.

A woman stepped forward, wearing a pair of thick, round glasses that magnified her eager eyes. Her white streaked auburn hair fell nearly to the floor in two thick braids, yellow and scarlet ribbons entwined through them.

"Good evening, new students," she said with an easy smile. "I'm Vera de Crona, headmistress of the imperial academy. It's an honor to have so many promising young pupils among us in one room." She bowed her head, the tips of her braids brushing against the glowing stone floor. "In the two years you'll spend here we will be training you into the greatest witches you can possibly be. There will be many opportunities once you leave our walls, but I'm sure you all know the most prestigious aspect of this academy. It is here, at this school alone, that our beloved Grand Emperor hand picks the best among you to serve as his royal magicians."

A stir of excitement swept through the room following this statement. Wheeler could feel his own heart jumping into his throat at the sheer mention of the emperor.

The headmistress smiled again. "Now, I know most of you have probably dreamed your entire lives of becoming a royal magician. Although only a few will ever actually achieve it, remember that no matter what, your studies here will take you far in--"

"IMPOSTER!" someone suddenly yelled, violently shoving open the door to the chamber. The heads of the students immediately turned in surprise, gazes snapping to the figure who'd just burst in.

The second Wheeler saw who it was his stomach dropped, a wave of panic rising up in his chest.

This couldn't be happening.

Standing there, his eyes ablaze, was the real Robin Wires.

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