Wheeler Gets a Makeover

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"Okay, don't turn around yet," Priscilla ordered.

Mulock rolled his eyes but did as she said.

They stood in the Packwood's garden, twilight beginning to paint the sky in soft, purple streaks.

The party would be starting any moment now, yet Priscilla had insisted on doing some shitty, dramatic reveal.

Mulock continued to wait, the gentle hum of the crickets filling the silence.

"Alright," Priscilla said, clearing her throat. "May I now present... Frederico Hillingham--"

"Hillingham?" Mulock practically wheezed. "That's literally the dumbest name I've ever heard--"

"Shut up, Mulock! Stop ruining this!"

"But you make it so easy."

Priscilla let out a heavy sigh before clearing her throat once more. "May I present...Frederico Hillingham, first of his name, heir to the Western Isles." An awkward pause followed this. "That means you can turn around now."

God, Mulock hoped she'd had dressed Wheeler up in some sort of frilly pink tunic.

Slowly the demon turned, excited to see what disaster awaited before him, a smirk pulling at his lips.

His smug expression instantly slipped the moment he saw Wheeler

His human was dressed in royal blue, gold lacing slipping up his sleeves and down the garment's back, clinging perfectly to his frame. Wheeler's typically wild curls had been trimmed and tamed, framing his face and bringing further attention to those piercing green eyes. Mulock had never noticed just how much Wheeler had changed since they'd first met. Within only a year, he now stood a head taller than Priscilla, gaining nearly two inches on Mulock as well. The boyhood had begun to fade from his face, his shoulders filling in, the line of his jaw growing more defined.

Then the realization hit.

Wheeler was handsome.

The reality of this fact felt almost unbelievable to Mulock, but even he couldn't deny it. Wheeler really did look like he could stand among those other princes, regal and beautiful and envied by everyone who laid eyes on him.

Wheeler instantly shattered this illusion when he took a step forward and immediately tripped over a rock, toppling directly into Mulock.

The demon took it all back. Wheeler was still a bloody, doe-eyed idiot.

Sighing heavily, Mulock lunged forward, catching him easily.

"You need to be more careful," he muttered. "Next time I might actually let you fall and rip your brand new trousers."

"Sorry," Wheeler stammered, his face flushing bright red.

"We should head in soon," Priscilla observed as the low hum of music began to stir through the air, coming from the estate. She glanced at Mulock. "You sure you'll be alright by yourself?"

The demon shrugged. "Yeah. Besides, there's plenty of ways to keep myself busy." An evil grin flashed across his face. "Maybe I could hide in the bushes and scare any dumb couples that wander out here."

"Or here's an idea," Priscilla said sharply. "You don't do that."

Mulock shrugged. "As if you could stop me."

"Uuuugh, you're unbelievable." Priscilla grabbed Wheeler by the arm. "Come on. We're leaving."

"Uh...bye, Mully!" Wheeler stammered as he was dragged off by Priscilla.

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