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Mulock was awakened by the sound of the door creaking open. Slowly, the demon lifted his head, rubbing his eyes with one hand.

Illuminated by the light seeping in from the hall was Wheeler.

"What the hell, Wheeler?" the demon muttered, his voice rough with sleep. "It's nearly four in the morning. Where were you?"

"Sorry," the boy murmured, gently closing the door behind him with a click. "I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk."

Mulock's eyes narrowed as Wheeler silently made his way towards the bed. Normally Wheeler had horrible posture, always slouching with his shoulders hunched over. As he approached now however— Wheeler stood perfectly straight.

"How was your walk?" Mulock asked.

"Pleasant," Wheeler replied, sitting down at the edge of the bed. "It's a beautiful night."

Mister Pumpernickel had awoken but instead of jumping to Wheeler, the toad strangely cowered back, ducking behind the pillow.

Even as he sat, Wheeler's posture was flawless.

"You hold yourself well," Mulock observed.

"Thanks, I've been practicing," Wheeler answered with a smile. "I thought I could get a few lessons ahead in our etiquette training."

Mulock arched a brow. "Really?"

"Of course," Wheeler replied. "I take our lessons very seriously." His gaze flickered downwards, tracing Mulock's frame. "Are you pleased?"

"Is that important to you?" Mulock murmured. "Pleasing me?"

"Yes," Wheeler said, finally meeting his gaze once more. His voice had grown quiet. "I want to become a powerful witch, that's true. But we both know the real reason I work so hard." Slowly he leaned closer, bringing his lips only a breath away from the demon's. "It's you."

Mulock reached out, roughly running his fingers along the line of Wheeler's jaw. Instead of flushing, or looking away in embarrassment, he held his gaze almost hungrily.

"I see," Mulock mused, voice low. "I should have noticed sooner how eagerly you follow my orders." His fingers trailed down his throat, nearly wrapping around it. "How obediently you do as I say." He smirked. "Do you want it?"

"Want what?" Wheeler asked, his gaze never flickering away.

Mulock's grip around his neck tightened ever so slightly. "An order."

"Yes," Wheeler breathed. "Yes, I want it."

"Good," Mulock murmured. "Then lie down on the bed and roll over."

Wheeler didn't protest, doing exactly as he said, his stomach soon pressed against the soft surface of the mattress.

"How obedient," the demon hummed. He straddled him, pinning him in place. Roughly, Mulock reached forward, his fingers knotting in Wheeler's curls as he pushed them aside, exposing the back of his neck.

It was exactly as Mulock had anticipated. Wheeler's birthmark was nowhere to be found.

"So," he said, still keeping the double pinned beneath him. "Where's the real Wheeler?"

"Wha..." the double gasped, his voice muffled against the bed. "What are you talking about? I am--"

"Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" the demon growled. "Where is he and what the hell are you?"

"Why should I tell you that?" the double shot back.

"I wouldn't get mouthy if I were you," Mulock sneered. "Let's not forget what position you're in." To express his point further, Mulock's fingers curled around his throat once more.

"Fine," the double spat. "I'm...I'm a changeling. The fairies created me for their revenge."

"God, how are they still angry over that stupid tree thing?" Mulock muttered.

"They were imprisoned there for weeks!"

"Good. They're horrible little creatures and they deserved it."

"You really are a massive prick," the changeling snapped. " I can't believe I actually started to find you almost endearing after observing Wheeler for so long."

"You were observing him?"

"Yes," the changeling muttered through gritted teeth. "Though, between you and me, I don't think I was the only one." The changeling didn't give Mulock the time to process what he'd just said, immediately continuing on. "The fairies created me to take his place so I watched him for months, learning to imitate him. It was so boring that sometimes I'd just mess with him once in a while." He sighed heavily. "I can't believe after all that work, I couldn't even make it an hour before being discovered."

"So," Mulock said icily. "Where is my human now?"

The changeling didn't respond.

"I'm sorry, did I fucking stutter?" the demon snarled. "Where is he?"

The changeling let out a low breath. "The fairies sold him to the troll market. They're probably going to eat him--"

"Take me there," Mulock ordered, the anger seeping from his voice.

"No way," the changeling snapped. "They'll kill me."

"Oh?" Mulock arched a brow. "Well in that case, if they don't, I will." His grip around the changeling's neck tightened.

The creature tried to break free from his hold, writhing desperately to no avail. "Wait," he rasped, "don't."

Mulock's fingers pressed even harder against his throat. "Why not? You seemed so eager for this only minutes ago."

"Asshole," the changeling choked.

"Insulting the man who literally has your life in his hands," Mulock mused, his grip growing tighter still. "Interesting choice."

"Fine," the changeling barked, voice hoarse. "I'll take you to him. Just let me go!"

Mulock instantly released him, causing the changeling to gasp desperately for air, his chest heaving.

"See," the demon said coldly. "Was that really so hard?"  

Demons, Witches, and Toads (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora