Winner of the Hunt

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Despite never coming across the griffin (Emeric's chosen prey), the hunt had been a huge success. Emeric had taken down several handsome elks that his men now carried as the eldest prince triumphantly entered back into the camp.

His father smiled as he arrived, a familiar expression Emeric had hardly seen directed at him in the months since Wheeler's arrival.

"Phenomenal job, my boy," the Grand Emperor beamed, giving Emeric a hearty slap on the back as he looked over his kills. "Skilled not only as a magician, but as a hunter as well. Well done, Emeric."

It had been so long since his father had praised him that Emeric's heart nearly soared at the words.

"Has my brother returned?" Emeric asked, glancing around the camp.

The Grand Emperor shook his head. "Not yet."

Emeric smirked, the answer making him even more pleased. As if today couldn't get any better, he'd get to watch Wheeler return a failure with his own two eyes.

"Your brother didn't take a hunting party with him, just those two advisors," his father mused. "I wonder what he was thinking?"

"You forget that unlike us, he's of common birth, Father," Emeric said, trying to keep the smugness out of his voice. "This is his first hunt. I'm sure he was simply too ignorant to understand how difficult it actually is."

"Perhaps you're right," the Grand Emperor murmured, glancing up at the darkening evening sky. "He has no experience with these kinds of things. I should have sent more men with him to ensure his safety." The emperor's expression hardened. "If an accident happened, I could never forgive myself."

"No need to worry, Father, I'm sure he'll be fine," Emeric said with an easy smile. "Though, in the future, I do think we should keep in mind that at the end of the day, my brother is still a commoner--"

He was cut off by the sound of a horn, its cry echoing through the woods to signify Wheeler's return.

Emeric looked up, a victorious grin plastered to his face as he prepared to drink up every second of his little brother's humiliation. The expression quickly slipped, however, turning to confusion when he saw only two riders approaching. Mulock led the way with that girl, now riding on Wheeler's mare, beside him.

The emperor's face instantly paled, panic overtaking his gaze. "Wheeler," he whispered hoarsely, his voice tight with alarm. "Where the hell is, Wheeler?"

Before Emeric could even utter a response, the Grand Emperor took off racing towards the riders. Emeric's eyes widened in shock, having never seen his father this worried before.

"My son," the emperor called frantically as he approached. "Where is he?! Why isn't he with you?!?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," Mulock said, bowing his head. "He's right behind us." He paused. "Well... perhaps above would be more appropriate."

As Mulock said this, the magnificent crow of an animal rang through the air.

Emeric's attention, along with all those around him, shot skyward towards the source. Emeric's mouth dropped open when he saw it, his eyes going wide in shock as gasps of amazement echoed through the camp.

The griffin was flying towards them, Wheeler riding on its back, his arms gently wrapped around the creature. The image looked like an illustration out of a storybook. Wheeler was grinning, the wind blowing through his hair and clothes, the griffin's large, golden brown wings stretching out into the sky as if they were his own.

The creature gracefully descended through the air, landing at the camp's very center. A stunned silence followed, everyone watching in shock.

Wheeler beamed at them, his face flushed and hair ruffled from the flight. ""This is Akosua," he said, slipping off the creature as he gave its feather's a light ruffle.

The Grand Emperor slowly approached, looking just as shocked as the rest of the camp. "Wheeler..." he breathed.

The boy bowed his head. "I'm sorry I was unable to make the kill, Father." The griffin cocked its head to the side, extending its neck so Wheeler could pet it. He did just that, causing the creature to let out a low purr. "That's why I asked Akosua to come here with me. These are beautiful and kind animals. Hunting them for sport... it just isn't right."

Emeric couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was no secret their father was a skilled hunter. Saying such a thing was practically a spit in his face. Wheeler hadn't even needed Emeric's help, he'd dug his grave all by himself.

"I know hunting must be fun," Wheeler said softly. "But is it really worth it at the cost of such a beautiful creature's life?"

The emperor didn't say anything for a moment, simply staring at Wheeler and the griffin.

That feeling of triumph was beginning to bubble back up in Emeric's chest, even stronger than before. He waited in eager anticipation for his father's fury at Wheeler's disrespect. But then suddenly, to everyone's shock, the emperor slowly extended a hand towards the griffin.

The creature leaned forward, sniffing his hand, before finally bowing its head. Carefully, the emperor reached forward, gently giving its neck an experimental pet.

After a moment, the Grand Emperor finally spoke. "You're right. How monsterous it would have been to slaughter such an animal."

The words hit Emeric as if he'd just been struck.

This couldn't be fucking happening.

Panic and anger overtook him as he watched his father continue to tenderly pet the creature, a smile spreading across his face. "Thank you for showing me my folly," he breathed, staring at Wheeler with a gaze more warm and loving than Emeric had ever seen it. "I will send out a proclamation as soon as we return forbidding the hunting of such glorious creatures."

"Thank you, Father!" Wheeler exclaimed.

The griffin let out a low purr, nuzzling against the Grand Emperor, causing his smile to grow even brighter.

"It takes great courage to stand up for what you believe in," their father murmured, pulling Wheeler to him. "You've made me very proud today."

The boy beamed at the words, returning the embrace as father and son hugged each other tightly.

Emeric wanted to scream. He wanted to rip Wheeler away from his father and then bash his head in right in front of everyone. He felt like he was losing his goddamn mind.

But all Emeric could do was simply stand there, powerless to stop the nightmare he was currently witnessing before him. He swallowed hard, hands curled into fists, his nails biting into the flesh of his palm as he attempted to hold himself together.

Even before Wheeler's arrival, his father had never looked at him like that.

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