The Tournament

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"Alright," Mulock said as they entered the arena, carrying a box under each arm. "I made pink flags for Priscilla and green ones for Wheeler."

Mister Pumpernickel croaked excitedly, his head popping up from one of the boxes as he ecstatically waved a flag of each color in his mouth.

Priscilla peered into the pink box, eyes growing wide. "When did you have time to make all these?"

"The whole bloody year," Mulock replied, rolling his eyes. "Though I did intend on throwing yours out if you flunked your classes."

Wheeler picked up one of each, a small bow had been carefully painted onto the pink flag and a toad onto the green. "These are amazing," Wheeler breathed. "Mully, you're incredible!"

"Ohmygosh a bow! That's so adorable!" Priscilla squealed, pulling the demon into a hug. "Mulock, you really are a sweetheart under all the assholeness!"

"Ew, ew, ewwww, get off me," Mulock hissed. "They're just flags. No need to piss your pants over them."

"Ooooooh, someone's grumpy."

"Priscilla, I will literally throw you in the trash along with these stupid flags if you don't shut the hell up," Mulock snapped, finally managing to shake her off.

A bell chimed, echoing through the arena signifying that the second year tournament would be starting in approximately fifteen minutes.

"Shit, Mister Pumpernickel and I need to start handing these out and fast," Mulock muttered. "We should have gotten here earlier."

"Well, whose fault is that?" Priscilla said with a huff, crossing her arms. "You two dweebs are never late for anything. What was with you rolling out of bed two hours late?"

Mulock and Wheeler exchanged a glance.

"We were... studying..." Wheeler said slowly.

"Yeah," Mulock replied. "Really hard."

"All night."

"Ugh, you're both such nerds," Priscilla said, rolling her eyes.

"Yep. That's us, just nerds doing nerdy things," Wheeler stammered. "Nothing interesting about that whatsoever. So, uh... why don't we just change the subject to something less boring."

"I have an idea," Mulock said dryly. "Maybe we should change the subject to, 'you have fifteen minutes before the tournament begins so get your asses in gear and actually check in with your professors'."

"Crap, you're right," Priscilla gasped. "The headmistress is going to kill us if we're late. C'mon, Wheeler, let's go!"

"I expect you both to do your best out there," Mulock called after them. "And don't worry, Priscilla. My bar for you is so low you can practically just step over it."

"Wow, thanks, Mulock. What a confidence booster," Priscilla muttered.

The demon let out a rare, genuine laugh at that. "Alright, but in all seriousness, good luck you two. We'll be cheering you on."

Mister Pumpernickel let out an excited croak, waving his little flags with furious vigor.


Wheeler moved through the first rounds of the tournament with ease. Priscilla managed to make it surprisingly far considering she'd only picked up her textbook about three times over the course of the entire year. But at last, there were only two students remaining for the tournament's final battle.

As expected, it was Wheeler and Violet.

Wheeler stood at one end of the arena, Violet at the other. In the viewing box above them was the Grand Emperor and the princes, just like before.

Demons, Witches, and Toads (BoyxBoy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant