Father and Son

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The Grand Emperor approached, his expression unreadable as he silently took in the scene.

"I'm sorry," Wheeler choked. "I...I didn't mean to kill him...I don't know what happened. It just...it exploded out of me and I couldn't stop it..."

The Grand Emperor's gaze fell to the broken remains of Wheeler's wand, eyes widening ever so slightly. "You did this all while defenseless?"

Wheeler bowed his head, shoulders trembling. "I've committed an unforgivable crime, and if you'd like to throw me in prison, I'll go willingly--"

He was cut off when the Grand Emperor abruptly grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. "You were just defending yourself, weren't you?"

The words, along with the gentleness of his voice, caught Wheeler completely off guard, stunning him into silence. How could his father be so calm when his son's corpse was lying only a few feet away?

"I'd been looking for you and stopped by your room only to find it destroyed," the emperor continued. "I'd heard there was some unusual activity spotted around the north tower, but I'd never expected..." He let out a low exhale, gently stroking Wheeler's hair. "I only wish I'd gotten here sooner."

"You must hate me," Wheeler's voice caught, choking on the words which quickly turned to broken sobs, tears brimming his eyes as he began to weep, despite himself.

"I could never hate you," the emperor replied softly. "It's a tragedy to lose Emeric, but...no matter how much I adored him, even I could see he was growing unhinged. What you did was an act of self defense. It's not your fault that in the end your powers were stronger than your brother's--"

"But they're not my powers," Wheeler blurted. "I wasn't born with them. They're unnatural. I had to sell my soul to get them. And for what? To accidently murderer my own brother?" He couldn't stop the tears mercilessly rolling down his cheeks, hardly able to speak between violent sobs. "I'm not worthy of your forgiveness, Father."

He'd expected to see fury flaring in the Grand Emperor's eyes, or perhaps disgust, shame for believing Wheeler's murderous magic had ever been his own. To Wheeler's shock, however, what flooded the emperor's expression instead was—understanding.

"Wheeler," his father breathed, "you...you really are my mirror."

The words caused Wheeler's breath to catch.

At last, the emperor released him from his embrace, his gaze so soft and warm it nearly made Wheeler forget the horrors that had just occurred.

"Come with me," his father said gently. "There is something I need to show you."


The Grand Emperor didn't elaborate further on what he'd mentioned in the tower until Mulock had been properly cared for.

They'd brought the advisor to his chambers and the emperor had summoned a small army of physicians to make sure Emeric hadn't harmed him. To Wheeler's great relief, he'd only been injected with a sedative and would awaken shortly. Men had been sent to remove Emeric's body and prepare him for burial, ordered to keep silent until the Grand Emperor formally announced the death of his eldest son.

Now, with everything dealt with, the emperor had requested Wheeler follow him back to his quarters. As much as Wheeler would have preferred to stay by Mulock's side until he woke, he knew he was in no position to refuse the Grand Emperor, especially in his situation.

Even Wheeler had never been invited to his father's chambers before, and judging from the expression on the guards' faces as they entered, he had a feeling he might be the first visitor in years.

As he stepped inside, Wheeler's eyes grew wide, taking in the spectacular decoration of his father's quarters. Detailed paintings embellished in gold covered every inch of wall, depicting vignettes of magical creatures. Seven glowing orbs floated just below the room's vaulted ceiling, moving in a slow circle as they bathed the chamber in pale golden light. Magical items covered the shelves, intricate contraptions spinning and humming, their sound filling the space.

The Grand Emperor turned to him now, his expression still as kind and gentle as it had been in the tower. "Wheeler," he said, "what I'm about to show you is my greatest secret." He let out a low breath. "I'd always hoped to tell you eventually, but I never expected to take you here so soon. Yet, after the events of today—I think you're ready." He smiled, giving Wheeler's hair a light ruffle. "In fact, I know you are. We're the same, after all."

With those words, the Grand Emperor moved to a large, silken tapestry at the back of the room, pushing it aside to reveal a wooden door. He reached under his shirt now, removing a key that dangled on a chain around his neck. With the utmost care, he inserted it into the lock, turning it until a light click sounded.

The Grand Emperor offered Wheeler a small nod, pushing the door open. Beyond it, a narrow staircase twisted into the waiting darkness below.

"After you, my dear boy," the Grand Emperor said with a smile.

Wheeler swallowed hard. "Thank you, Father.

Taking a deep breath, Wheeler began his descent down the stairs, hearing the thunderous echo of his father's footsteps following close behind. The air was cold, and damp, and no matter how long he walked, the stairs seemed to continue spiraling downwards.

Eventually, however, Wheeler's feet finally found flat stone, a long hallway stretching out before him

It was so dark that he couldn't see a thing until his father whispered a spell, fire springing up from the torches lining the hall on either side of them. With the world around him now illuminated, Wheeler could see down the corridor. Immediately, his gaze locked on the large iron door at the end of it.

The sight turned his blood to ice water, his stomach dropping in horror.

Painted on the door was a large golden eye.

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