Wheeler Gets a Stalker?

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"How many times did I explicitly tell you not to use the love dust?" Mulock snapped, having returned to his human form for the sole purpose of scolding them. The demon stood there now, his arms crossed and his brows drawn tight.

Priscilla and Wheeler both cowered back as if by doing so they could somehow be spared from the demon's wrath.

"I'm so sorry," Wheeler stammered, hanging his head.

"I'm a literal demon and yet somehow it's the two of you that manage to make every waking moment a living hell."

"Wait..." Priscilla said, eyes widening. "Did you say demon?"

"It's a figure of speech. God, Priscilla, keep up." The demon sighed heavily, glancing at Frances who was still ogling Mister Pumpernickel. "Anyways, as always, it seems the job falls to me to clean up this mess."

To Wheeler's relief, Mulock appeared far calmer than he'd expected.

"So...you're not angry with us?" Wheeler asked slowly.

Mulock proceeded to shoot him a glare so cold it gave him goosebumps. "Oh no, I'm angry," the demon replied, his voice an icy whisper sending a shiver up Wheeler's spine. "And let me be clear, I'm not doing this for either of you, just for her." He gestured towards poor Frances. "I can't imagine a fate worse than having to be in love with Mister Pumpernickel."

"Hey, I'm sure Mister Pumpernickel would be a very kind and considerate romantic partner--"

"Wheeler, stop talking," Mulock interrupted.


"So," Priscilla asked meekly, "what do we do exactly?"

"There's a forest spirit that lives deep within the swamps. It has a collection of flowers that should contain an antidote," Mulock explained. Behind him, Frances leaned forward, laying a gentle kiss on Mister Pumpernickel's warty head. "We should leave now before the young lovers grow even closer."

Priscilla and Wheeler both visibly cringed.

"Alright, enough with those faces," Mulock snapped, beginning to move towards the forest. "Into the woods kids, chop-chop."

Not wanting to piss the demon off further, Wheeler and Priscilla quickly scrambled to follow. Behind them trailed Frances who appeared to be in some sort of trance, paying attention to nothing but Mister Pumpernickel.

As they walked, moving deeper and deeper into the woods, an awkward silence fell between them. The only sound was Frances murmuring sweet nothings to Mister Pumpernickel which Wheeler tried his best to ignore.

Amidst the silence however, Wheeler suddenly heard a light rustle from the underbrush. He didn't think much of it at first, guessing it was only an animal. However...all of a sudden he had the strangest feeling someone was watching him.

Wheeler froze, glancing behind him only to find the forest empty with the exception of a few birds fluttering between trees.

Wheeler swallowed hard. He was probably just imagining it...right?

He continued forward only to hear another crunch behind him, the sound unnervingly similar to a human footstep. Wheeler spun around again but, once more, found the woods stretching out behind him completely desolate.

"Hey," Mulock called, "everything alright?"

Wheeler squirmed, still feeling the horrible sensation that someone was watching him from deep within the woods.

"Um...does anyone else feel like we're being followed?" Wheeler asked, lowering his voice.

Priscilla and Mulcok exchanged a glance.

"Not really," Priscilla answered slowly.

Wheeler shook his head, absently running a hand through his thick brown curls. "I'm probably just imagining it. Let's um...let's just keep going."

The others didn't say a word but Mulock slowed his pace, waiting for Wheeler to catch up until they were walking side by side. Wheeler felt Mulock's hand reach out, gently brushing against his shoulder which caused an unwilling blush to instantly warm his cheeks.

"Hey," Mulock said softly. "You don't need to worry." He cast him a wicked smile. "If someone actually is stalking us I'll rip them to shreds."

"Really?" Wheeler asked.

"Of course," Mulock replied, his voice low. "You're my human after all. Your soul belongs to me." His gaze seared into Wheeler, his grip on his shoulder tightening ever so slightly. "I protect what's mine."

With those words the demon slipped past him and back to the front, leaving Wheeler vaguely relieved. If Mulcok wasn't so close he couldn't see the flush that had spread all the way up to his ears.

That's when Wheeler suddenly heard a low voice echoing from deep within the woods. "Careful Wheeler Trevil. It's dangerous to crave things you can't have."

Wheeler's breath caught, frantically spinning around to identify the speaker.

Just like before however...he was met by no one at all.

The others hadn't seemed to have heard it, continuing on as if nothing had even occurred. Wheeler took a deep breath, attempting to ignore the horrible sinking feeling turning within the pit of his stomach.

Maybe he'd just been imagining it.

After all...the voice that had spoken had sounded identical to his. 

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