Facing the Music

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It took Wheeler an absurd amount of effort to keep from gagging as the group trudged through the swamp. Priscilla was turning slightly green and looked just about ready to puke, her large, fluffy skirt hiked up over her knees. The swamp was filled with a thick black ooze that reached almost halfway up their legs. Moving through it was like trying to wade through a thick jelly and that was nothing compared to the horror of smelling it. The ooze had a putrid stench, like fish that had been left out in the sun too long. Mulock had refused to even touch it, returning to his cat form and forcing Wheeler to carry him as they continued through the awful swamp.

The only one who seemed unbothered was Frances, who continued to stare longingly at Mister Pumpernickel all while whispering things like 'I love you, my lovely little toady woadie' which honestly might have been worse than the swamp itself.

"Pleeeeease tell me we're almost there," Priscilla begged, fanning herself with one hand. On top of the foul stench was a thick, muggy heat, causing them to sweat profusely. "We've been walking through this horrible place for hours."

"Just a little further," Mulock replied, still grasped tightly in Wheeler's arms. "We should run into him any minute--"

"Could it be, you're talking about lil ol' me?" a loud booming voice interrupted, echoing around the swamp.

Wheeler let out a little yelp of surprise, anxiously glancing about in an attempt to identify the speaker.

Through the ooze he suddenly heard a low, dragging sound, like something slithering towards them. Then slowly, out of the murky black liquid rose a massive serpent.

Wheeler's eyes went wide in shock. This had to be the largest creature he'd ever seen, rising at least forty feet into the air. It was covered in the ooze, but shining beneath it Wheeler caught glimpses of glittering rainbow scales. Strangest of all was the fact that on the serpent's back rode about a hundred small grey mice, each with a set of miniature wings on their back.

"Greetings travelers, you've survived your journey. Now let me know what is your inquiry?"

"Uh...we're here for--" Wheeler began, only to be immediately interrupted by the serpent.

"Save your words, I know what you seek. Everyone that comes here wants a peek."

Wheeler blinked. "A peek of what?"

"Why the future of course, or a prophecy. I can do one for you, now just let me see..."

"Oh no, you don't need to do that..." Wheeler began. Before he could even finish his sentence however, the serpent's eyes rolled back in its head. When it spoke again its voice sounded like thousands of snakes all hissing in unison.

"Beware Lucky Seven," the serpent whispered, "the Golden One is all alone and desperate to find you. Once you meet, your fates will be sealed, her words will come true, and you can never go back." It blinked once, its voice immediately returning to normal. "Well, that's all I have to say. Now I've done my duty, you can be on your way."

"What in the...?" Wheeler gaped.

"Why did it make the prophecy the only thing that didn't rhyme?" Priscilla asked. "Shouldn't it be the other way around? This is the worst magical snake ever."

"That's not very nice," Wheeler argued. "It tried its best. Even if um...whatever it said didn't really make sense."

"Did you not hear my request?" the serpent asked. "I've done my work, now let me rest."

Priscilla shook her head. "We didn't need you to give us some weird prophecy, we need you to help our friend." She pointed to Frances. "She needs a cure for a love dust incident."

The serpent dipped its head closer, bringing its massive golden eye level with Frances who was currently cooing at Mister Pumpernickel.

"Alright I see, this is quite dire. I suppose I can help if you listen to me and my choir."

Priscilla's eyes narrowed. "Your...choir?"

At this, the mice suddenly sprang up, removing tiny instruments.

"Yes," the serpent replied. "We have a lot of time in the swamp you see, so to entertain ourselves we started a band, heehee. But sadly we don't get visitors for long, so we've never had someone to hear our song."

"Okay," Wheeler said, perking up, "so if we listen to your music you'll help us?"

The serpent nodded its massive head.

"Alright," Wheeler replied with a smile. "Actually, listening to a little music is quite a treat. We'd love to hear your song!"

The second the words left his mouth the mice moved in a frenzy, leaping into the air with their little instruments at the ready.

The serpent opened its mouth and let out a single low note.

Wheeler waited with bated breath for it to change....but it didn't. The mice added some mild accompaniment and harmonies, flitting about the snake's head, but the note itself never changed. Perhaps this wouldn't have been horrible for the first few minutes but it just kept going...and going...and going. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen, then an hour then another.

Wheeler felt like he was slowly losing his mind, the monotonous note never once faltering. His feet ached and the smell of the ooze was becoming so pungent he was beginning to feel rather dizzy.

Priscilla looked just about ready to rip her own curls out. "This...this is terrible..." she whispered, her voice hoarse.

"It's at least innovative I suppose," Wheeler replied weakly.

"How much longer can it even go?"

"Well, it's a rainbow scaled earth serpent," Mulock said, still secured in Wheeler's arms. "So judging by their typical lung capacity this could go on for another 27 hours."

Priscilla's mouth dropped open. "No," she gasped. "You're joking."

"Oh no, I'm quite serious."

Priscilla buried her face in her hands. "Oh my God," she muttered. "I can't do this. I can't. I'm gonna go crazy before this thing ends. I'm serious Mulock, I'm about thirty seconds away from losing my goddamn mind."

The demon smirked. "Well, I suppose that's rather good timing considering any moment now the love dust is about to--"

"Where am I?" a voice suddenly gasped. Priscilla and Wheeler spun around to find Frances frantically looking about, her eyes wide. "What is this place? Am I in a swamp...? "

Priscilla turned to Mulock, her gaze seething. "The dust just...wears off?"


"And you knew...all along...?" she hissed between gritted teeth.


"THEN WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL US?!?!" Priscilla cried, the low note of the serpent's 'song' still rumbling behind them.

The demon flashed her a wicked grin. "I figured this was a good learning opportunity."

Priscilla looked just about ready to punch him.

"You were right, Mully," Wheeler mumbled. "I'm never touching any kinda love magic ever again."

"See," Mulock said, "and all it took was your inevitable screw up, a trek through a swamp, and two hours of terrible music for you to learn you should've just listened to me from the start."

Priscilla sighed heavily.

"Yeah," her gaze flickered to the ground, "I hate to admit it but...you were totally right."

"Now," Mulock said, "I think there's someone the two of you really need to apologize to."

The cat nodded his head towards Frances who was still staring at them, confusion swimming in her gaze.

Wheeler swallowed hard.

Okay...now this was going to be awkward. 

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