Hello, Father

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The inside of the palace was more beautiful than Wheeler could have possibly imagined. As he was ushered inside, it took everything in his power not to stop and stare at nearly everything he passed.

The floor was made of pure gold, so polished that Wheeler could see his reflection in it as he scampered after the headmistress. An ornate ceiling rose high into the air above them, intricate paintings of gryphons and dragons displayed across it, outlined in gold. Guards lined the corridor as they walked, all watching in silence.

Vera had whisked Wheeler away the moment the tournament had ended, giving him only a few minutes to down a glass of water and collect himself before he was immediately escorted into a carriage and brought to the imperial palace.

Wheeler's heart was racing, pounding so thunderously it felt like it might just burst from his chest. His hands were trembling despite himself and his legs felt weak, like they might give out from under him at any moment. The excitement mixed with his nerves was so overwhelming it nearly made him nauseous.

At last, they reached an ornate silver door. The design of a snake made of emerald curled around it, its tail looping around the ruby encrusted handle. Two guards stood on either side of it. As Wheeler and Vera approached, they gave a stiff nod.

"He's waiting for you," one said, gesturing towards the door.

Vera offered Wheeler a thin smile, her magnified eyes boring into him. "He's requested to speak with you alone." She bowed her head. "Congratulations, Mister Trevil. I'm proud to have had you as a student of the academy. Now... the next chapter of your life is about to finally begin."

With those words, Wheeler took a deep breath, finally entering into the room as the guards pulled the door open for him.

And then, there he was.

Wheeler had only seen him from above, never before him. The emperor was so radiant up close that Wheeler almost had to avert his gaze, as if he'd stared directly into the sun. Bright eyes watched him intently on the face of a man that looked like he could conquer the world in a heartbeat.

He was everything Wheeler had always dreamed he'd be. Despite himself, he felt the familiar sting of tears in his eyes. He instantly bowed. "Your Majesty," he said, his voice trembling. "It's an honor--"

Wheeler was cut off as the Grand Emperor suddenly pulled him into a hug.

Wheeler's breath caught, the hug so tight it felt like it might crush him, the emperor's grip as strong as iron.

"It's really you," the emperor breathed.

"Y-You know who I am?" Wheeler stammered.

"Vera informed me right before the tournament."

"The headmistress?" Wheeler whispered hoarsely. "But how did she... how did she know?"

"Decades ago, I went to an oracle who told me I would have a seventh son," the emperor said softly. "She called him the Lucky Seven. The years passed and I thought the prophecy must have been wrong. I had no idea Martha had a child and never told me." The emperor's voice was strained, and to Wheeler's shock, he realized he wasn't the only one on the verge of tears. "Apologies for leaving midway through your final battle. I just... I became so overwhelmed with emotions that I had to depart before my subjects would see." He hugged Wheeler even tighter. "To think, all this time I had such an incredible son..."

Those were the words Wheeler had dreamed of hearing his entire life.

Desperately, he hugged his father back, wanting nothing more than to stay in this embrace forever.

"Your mother," his father murmured, finally releasing Wheeler from his grip. "How is she?"

Wheeler's gaze fell to the floor, his chest growing tight. "She passed away a few years ago."

The emperor's face fell, the lines of it pulling tightly together. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. "You poor child."

"Mother spoke of you endlessly," Wheeler said, attempting to ignore the tears brimming his eyes. "You were the world to her. All my life, all I've ever wanted was to meet you..." his voice caught on the words, unable to hold back a small sob. "But I thought... I thought before I could, I needed to be worthy."

"And you are," his father whispered, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks as well. "Your power, your skill, your passion. You're everything I could have ever hoped for in a son."

Wheeler had begun to sob, unable to control himself, happiness filling his chest till he felt like he might burst.

"God," his father murmured. "If only I had known you sooner. All these years I could've been giving you the world." He smiled softly. "But I suppose that just means that now I have to make up for lost time." Gently, the Grand Emperor lay a hand on Wheeler's shoulder. "Tell me, my child, is there anything you desire?"

"Only to be by your side, Father," Wheeler choked out between tears.

The emperor wiped his eyes with one hand. "You're so like your mother," he said. "I'm sure she would have given the same answer."

Despite his tears, the Grand Emperor cried like a figure in a painting, tears silently dripping from a perfectly serene face. This was a stark contrast to Wheeler's ugly sobs, his face red and blotch as he leaned into the warmth of his father's shoulder.

"My son," the Grand Emperor said, "if all you desire is to be by my side, then I want nothing more than to grant it to you."

"Would you make me a royal mage?" Wheeler asked, his voice trembling.

"Better," his father replied, ruffling his hair. "Despite the circumstances of your birth, I'm going to make you my legitimate son."

Wheeler's eyes widened in shock, almost unable to process what he was hearing. "Me... ?" he squeaked. "Legitimate?"

The Grand Emperor grinned. "You'll receive the formal title of imperial prince, we'll move you into the palace, and you and I will finally make up for nineteen years of lost time."

"Will the court be alright with it?" Wheeler asked, his voice quivering as he wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "And what about the other princes? Won't they object?"

"I'm the Grand Emperor," his father replied gently, giving Wheeler's shoulder a light squeeze. "No one would dare oppose my decisions. And don't worry, your brothers are going to love you. How could anyone be ashamed to have a sibling so bright and talented, regardless of their upbringing. If anything, they should be celebrating." His face lit up. "That's it! Why don't we throw a ball to celebrate you joining the royal family? It would be the perfect way to formally introduce you to your brothers and the royal court."

"Really," Wheeler gasped. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, you're my beloved lost son. " His father reached out, gently pulling him into another hug. Wheeler buried his face against his shoulder, hugging him back tightly. The emperor smiled. "You can't even imagine how excited I am to finally get to know you, Wheeler."

Wheeler shut his eyes, his heart feeling light enough to fly from his chest.

Who knew dreams really could come true?

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