Toad Boy Makes a Friend

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Wheeler and Mulock followed Priscilla as she led them through the corridors, each carrying an armful of sparkling crystal shards.

"Okay," Priscilla instructed, "Violet told me she'd be at a study session all day. That means we should be in the clear to drop these off at her room without her seeing us."

"Great," Mulock said dryly. "The sooner we can finish this asinine task the better."

They finally approached a door made of a rich brown mahogany, a thin golden name tag embedded in the wood with the name 'Violet Dolloway' engraved.

"Here we are," Priscilla said, gesturing to the door.

"No way. I never would have guessed. It's not like her name is literally written on it," Mulock muttered.

"God, why are you such a dick?" Priscilla snapped.

"Because being a spoiled little brat was already taken," Mulock shot back.

The two continued to glare at each other as Wheeler crouched down, gently placing the crystal shards in front of the door. He was about to stand up when, to his surprise, he heard a voice sound from the other side.

"Do you want to break into the tower tonight? Richard could probably get us drinks."

Wheeler froze, his brows drawing together. That sounded like Violet. But hadn't Priscilla said she wasn't there? To further add to Wheeler's bewilderment, he heard sounds of agreement come from numerous voices within the room.

A look of confusion spread across Priscilla's face as well and she quickly moved beside Wheeler, pressing her ear to the door.

"Why is everyone in there?" she whispered. "Did Violet get back from her study session early?"

Wheeler simply offered a small shrug in response. He figured he probably wouldn't be too helpful in attempting to decipher the lives of popular girls.

"We should invite that cute boy from our casting class," Violet continued. The statement was met by more chippers of agreement from the others. "Oh and maybe the boy Marybell saw on exam day."

"Should we tell Priscilla about this one?" another voice piped up.

One could practically hear the eye-roll that accompanied a low groan from Violet.

"Oh hell no. She's been driving me up a freaking wall lately. I had to give her some stupid job to keep her busy. It was the only way I could get her out of my hair for a few hours."

Priscilla froze, her face going ashen.

"What'd you ask her to do?" one of the girls asked with a giggle.

"I don't even remember, something about crystals in the stables or some shit." Violet laughed, the sound sending a shiver down Wheeler's spine. "She didn't even question it. That loser would jump off a cliff if I told her to."

The giggles were growing louder now.

"Honestly, I did her a favor," Violet said smugly. "The stables are the perfect place for her. With all the ugly pink dresses she wears we might as well just start calling her piggy Priscilla."

This brought on a fit of laughter from the other girls. Besides him, Priscilla's eyes had begun to brim with tears.

"Priscilla..." Wheeler said softly.

There was a loud crash as Priscilla suddenly dropped the crystals she carried. They shattered against the wooden floor, the sound echoing through the hall as she took off running.

"Did you hear that?" a voice gasped from the other side of the door.

Crap, they needed to get out of here. Wheeler quickly sprung to his feet, racing after Priscilla with his demon following at his heels. Luckily, she hadn't gotten far and Wheeler soon found her standing on the steps leading into the academy, her face buried in her hands.

"Don't look at me," she stammered between sobs as Wheeler approached. "I'm an ugly crier."

Wheeler stepped beside her, swallowing hard. "I'm sorry."

"I don't know why you're apologizing," Priscilla sniffled, her voice muffled from behind her hands. "None of this is your fault." She slowly sank down to sit on the empty academy steps, staring down at her feet. "I just feel so stupid. I can't believe I actually thought girls like them could ever like me."

"They're the stupid ones," Wheeler said softly, sitting down beside her. "They have a wonderful person at their side and they don't even realize it."

"But I'm not wonderful," Priscilla sobbed, removing a small lace handkerchief. "Wheeler, you've been so nice to me and I just ignored you to hang out with them instead."

"It's alright, I knew you had your reasons."

"You're way too forgiving," Priscilla mumbled, dabbing at her eyes.

Wheeler offered her a small smile. "I mean, to be fair I did almost get you killed."

"Still, what I did was horrible and I'm so sorry. I just..." she sighed heavily. "My older brother attended the academy before me. My entire life he always did everything perfectly and I could never catch up. He was popular and top of his class and everyone adored him." Priscilla daintily blew her nose into the handkerchief before continuing. "My family obviously expected the same from me but, as we can all see...I failed miserably." Her shoulders sagged. "I always try to do what everyone wants from me and still it never seems to be enough."

"Well," Wheeler murmured, "what do you want?"

"I don't know," Priscilla answered softly. She finally turned to look at him, her eyes still red and blotchy from the crying. "But um...I suppose having a friend might be a nice start. A real one."

"Well luckily there might be one nearby," Wheeler said, offering her a small smile. "That is...if you're willing to have a weird toad boy as a friend."

"Wheeler," Priscilla sniffled, beginning to tear up again, "I was a complete idiot not to realize that one toad boy is worth a thousand of those girls."

"Ewwwwww, stop it, stop it, stop it," Mulock interrupted, plopping himself down between them. "All this heartfelt nonsense is going to make me puke." He turned to Priscilla, an evil expression slipping over his features. "Now, what you really need, kid—is some good old fashion, ice cold revenge."

"I thought we agreed on no more murder," Wheeler protested.

"This wouldn't be murder," Mulock snapped. "Just something to teach that girl she can't continue treating people that way." He flashed them a sly smile. "And I have the perfect plan to do it." 

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