Attack of the Fairies

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"Well," Priscilla said, handing over several gold coins to the shopkeeper, "if Wheeler's going to just run off then he can't stop me from buying him this."

"What was he even chasing?" Mulock murmured, running a hand absently down the line of coats.

"No idea," Priscilla replied as the seller passed her a bag with the coat neatly folded inside. "It looked like some kind of moth or something."

"A moth?" Mulock let out a low chuckle. "Sometimes keeping track of Wheeler really does feel like I'm babysitting a toddler--"

"RUN! WE NEED TO RUN NOW!" a voice suddenly shrieked.

Their attention instantly snapped to Wheeler who was running so fast that he was practically a blur as he bounded towards them.

Mulock's eyes narrowed. "What in the--'' And that's when he saw what was behind him. "Oh shit."

"What the hell are those things?" Priscilla stammered, frantically tugging at his sleeve.

"We maaaaay have trapped an entire colony of fairies in a tree and then completely forgot to release them."


"Those are the fairies."

"Oh my God."

Shoppers were jumping out of the way, flinging themselves behind carts and stands as Wheeler sprinted past them. The boy's face had grown red and splotchy, swelling up as if he'd been stung several times.

"Is there anything we can do?" Priscilla stammered.

"Run behind him and try to block the fairies so they can't get any more bites in, I guess," Mulock muttered.

"That sounds like a horrible idea," Priscilla hissed.

"That's because it is."

"Then why would you even suggest it?!?"

"Do you have a better one?" Mulock asked sharply.


"Then I guess we're doing it."

Priscilla's shoulders sagged. Well...looked like human meat shield it was.

As Wheeler ran past them, Priscilla and Mulock jumped out from the booth, springing forward to create a blockade between the poor boy and the swarm of angry creatures.

All three began to desperately run now.

Priscilla soon felt a sharp sting at the back of her neck. She winced at the pain but kept running, immediately feeling another prick on her leg. Despite how fast they were moving, the fairies were catching up at a frightening pace, the hum of their wings growing almost deafening.

Priscilla swerved to the side, narrowly dodging a fruit cart that had been abandoned at the market's center. However, instead of crashing into it, she stumbled directly into a pile of apples that had spilled from the cart, littering the ground. Priscilla attempted to regain her balance but it was too late — she was falling. Horrified panic flared in her chest, the ground growing nearer and nearer as the swarm closed in. Priscilla braced herself for the inevitable impact when, to her shock, she suddenly felt a strong arm slip around her waist, catching her easily.

She looked up, meeting the gaze of Frances.

Priscilla's eyes grew wide, warmth instantly rushing to her cheeks.

"Careful there, Miss Priscilla," Frances murmured, "you wouldn't want to hurt yourself." The knight in training winked. "Now, if you'll give me a moment, I'm going to fix this."

She sprung forward, moving with grace to dart between Mulock and Wheeler, who were only seconds away from being submerged by the swarm of angry fairies.

From around her neck, Frances grabbed hold of a large silver amulet attached to a thick leather cord. Quickly she yanked it free, holding it up in one hand before swinging it in a single fluid motion. As she did this, the amulet began to emit a bright blue light causing the fairies to hiss and cower back. Frances took a step forward, still holding the amulet high in the air. The closer she moved, the further the fairies retreated.

"Leave this place immediately," Frances ordered, giving the amulet a second swing which drove the fairies back further still. "Consider this a warning. If you don't depart on your own accord I'll have to resort to far more permanent measures to ensure your removal."

"Fine," a golden winged fairy hissed in a voice that sounded like nails being raked down a chalkboard. "But mark my words," her gaze seethed into Wheeler. "Wheeler Trevil, we will hunt you down again and when we're d--"

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Frances interrupted. "Get the hell out of here." She yanked up the amulet even higher and a stronger light began to pour from it. The fairies recoiled as the glow hit them, letting out a series of tiny screeches.

Frances arched a dark brow. "Well, I'm waiting."

And then, at by one the fairies retreated, darting away as quickly as they'd appeared.

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