The Broken Mirror

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Wheeler's wand had been seized before his father's men dragged him into the palace, the horrified sea of rebels watching in silence. They informed him later that the remnants of his army had been rounded up on the palace grounds, trapped by a magical barrier until the emperor decided what to do with them. As long as Wheeler complied, they would at least get to live.

The servants bathed him, forcing Wheeler into the princely garments he'd donned prior to his escape. Once he'd been cleaned up to the Grand Emperor's liking, they wrapped him in chains, escorting him to the center of his father's underground chamber.

The black liquid held within countless golden bowls stired as his father slowly circled the room. "I just don't understand," the emperor said softly, "I gave you so much. I offered you infinite power. I loved you with all my heart...and still betrayed me."

"I had to protect the people of this empire," Wheeler said, his voice tight. "The very people you betrayed when you put your own power above their lives."

The emperor sighed heavily. "Why are you being so stubborn? I know all children have a rebellious phase, but aren't you a little old for this--"

"A rebellious phase?" Wheeler snapped, blood boiling. "My friends are dead and you're acting like I threw away their lives to have a temper tantrum."

His father's expression remained blank. "Didn't you?"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Wheeler screamed, tears brimming his eyes. "How dare you treat this like it's some pointless game. All you've ever cared about is yourself! You slaughtered and butchered your subjects, you threw away your sons, you chose power over human lives over and over again! And now that the empire discovered who you really are and finally fought back, you have the fucking nerve to see it as your stupid son's childish attempt to get back at you!" He'd begun to weep now, the words burning as they left his lips. "WELL UNLIKE YOU, FATHER, THEIR LIVES WERE NEVER MY PAWNS, YOU SELFISH, DISGUSTING, NARCISSISTIC PIECE OF SHIT!"

The emperor stared at him in stunned silence.

Finally he let out a low exhale. "I had no idea I'd made you this angry."

Wheeler barely managed to hold back a burst of wild, hysteric laughter at the words, his blood growing hotter and hotter, the burn of magic pusling through his veins.

"Stop acting like it's just me," Wheeler snarled through his tears. "This isn't a petty argument between the two of us. The entire empire is angry! Why is that so hard for you to understand?!"

Because his father willingly blinded himself to the truth.

At last, Wheeler fully understood. His father threw away lives because he saw them as inferior to his own. Clinging to this reality was the only way he could live with his actions. No matter what Wheeler said and no matter how hard he tried, his father would continue to lie to himself and do whatever it took to continue this delusion. There was no use pulling back a curtain to someone who refused to see. Wheeler was powerless to change that— to change him. The thought sent another pulse of furious magic through his veins, crackling down his neck all the way to the tips of his fingers.

"So," Wheeler spat, "I assume you're going to destroy my mind just like my mother."

"If it has to come to that," the emperor said, voice low. "But...Wheeler, I still have hope that you'll willingly remain by my side."

"After everything I've been through," Wheeler rasped, his magic sending electric shocks through his bloodstream, practically begging to burst free, "why would you think I'd ever do that?"

"Because," the emperor said, "in the end, you're still exactly like me."

"Are you fucking serious?" Wheeler screamed, hot, angry tears burning his eyes. "You and I are nothing alike."

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