The Lovers

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Luckily, Wheeler was far too much of a pushover to argue against Emeric, reluctantly sitting down beside him. They waited in silence. Wheeler sat still, mouth clamped and eyes fixed, his leg jittering nervously.

They knew immediately when Mulock and the dancer had returned, countless eyes in the ballroom snapping to the advisor, staring at him intently as he made his way towards the throne. It was easy to see why.

He was utterly breathtaking.

Dressed like this, it was as if Mulock had been born to be desired. A golden collar was clasped around his slender neck, a sheet of delicate golden chains dangling down his collarbone. One chain at the collar's center was slightly thicker than the others and trailed down the length of his chest, stopping just below his navel. Golden cuffs studded in emeralds were attached to his wrists and upper arms, more of those thin chains dangling from them, swaying gracefully with each movement. The dancer followed closely behind, pulling Mulock's jacket a little closer around herself as they approached.

At last, Mulock and the dancer stepped before them, bowing deeply. Despite how submissive the action appeared, Mulock's gaze was anything but, burning like a caged animal just begging to be broken. Emeric glanced at Wheeler, eagerly awaiting his reaction. His brother's gaze bore into the floor, making a clear effort not to look. Emeric grinned. He could easily change that.

Emeric shoved off the dancers clinging to him, his gaze locking on Mulock. "I feel awful having you stand." He gestured to his lap, his expression venomous. "Why don't you take a seat— right here."

Mulock's expression betrayed nothing, keeping his head lowered as he slowly approached.

Emeric shot him a mocking grin, propping his chin up with one hand. "Aren't you going to thank me for being so considerate?"

Mulock's gaze remained blank. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Ah, that's better. Now sit."

At last, Wheeler's head jerked up, eyes growing wide as Mulock climbed into Emeric's lap. As anticipated, an intense fury flared in his gaze. But there was something else there as well...something deliciously unexpected.

Emeric couldn't help but notice the way Wheeler's gaze clung to Mulock's skin as the chains brushed against it; how he desperately watched the ripple of muscle whenever he moved; how Wheeler was gripping the arms of his chair so tightly his knuckles had gone white. Simmering beneath the angry fire in his eyes was a wild, untamable desire.

And suddenly Emeric became aware of how often he'd seen them together, how intimately they spoke, the way Mulock would stare at Wheeler as if he was the only thing that existed in the world.

God, how hadn't he realized it before?

They were lovers.

The grin on his face grew from mocking to malicious. This was better than he could have ever imagined. For so long he'd needed a way to hurt Wheeler, something more than a hunt or torturing a dog. And at last, Wheeler had just exposed his greatest weakness - a weakness that was seated directly in Emeric's lap.

The eldest prince reached forward, gently tracing the line of Mulock's shoulder with his fingers. The advisor was careful to keep his expression blank, but Emeric could feel him tensing beneath his touch. He brought his mouth to Mulock's skin now, his lips lightly brushing just above his collar bone.

Emeric kept his gaze locked on Wheeler the entire time. His brother's lower lip quivered, his gaze furious and panicked all at once. Seeing him like this only drove Emeric further. Slowly he opened his mouth, sinking his teeth down hard against Mulock's delicate neck. The advisor's breath caught, but he didn't make a sound, taking the pain silently. Blood trickled down from where he'd been bitten, a thin trail of scarlet staining his lily-white skin.

Wheeler's reaction was exquisite; his expression murderous, such violent wrath burning in his gaze it seemed he might rip Emeric's throat out in front of the entire party. Emeric hadn't known Wheeler was even capable of such an expression and he drank it in, reveling in it.

God, it felt so good to have power again.

Wheeler shot to his feet, his eyes wild. "That's enough," he snapped. "I'm leaving and my advisor is coming with me."

"Fine," Emeric said with a laugh, shoving Mulock off his lap. "Have your toy back. I'm done playing with him." He smirked. "For now, at least."

"I tried so hard, Emeric," Wheeler choked. "I thought if I could just love you enough that you'd change. I let myself believe that deep down you had a heart, and if I could just reach it, things would be different. But I can't do this anymore."

Emeric simply laughed, the sound cold and mocking. Angry tears had begun to stream down Wheeler's cheeks, his shoulders trembling. The sight only caused Emeric's laughter to grow.

"Really, Wheeler?" he sneered. "You're going to cry over this?"

"No," Wheeler rasped. "I'm crying for you." He let out a broken sob, roughly wiping his eyes with one hand. "Because I can't even imagine how unloving and lonely your life must be for you to have become like this. But trust me, Brother, these are the last tears for you I will ever shed."


Let him weep. To Emeric, it served as a lovely reminder of who was back in control.

Tonight Wheeler had exposed his greatest weakness, and Emeric fully intended to destroy him with it. 

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