Chapter 6

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I think there’s something really wrong with Riley. We were just walking, walking I tell you, and she was crying! Crying! Why was she crying? Did I do something wrong? Was it more awkward than ever and it made her burst into tears? I wish I knew what was up...I just wanna know what made her cry. Because...I have to help her...very soon.

“Riley, oh my gosh Riley!” I shout, trying to get her to stop crying. I don’t think rubbing her back will do anything. In every Canadian drama show I’ve seen, rubbing a girl’s back when they’re crying, does nothing. It just makes them cry even harder.

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in, and the tears immediately dried. It was like they evaporated! “Riley are you okay? You were crying” I say, this time more concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Um I’m sorry Luca, but I lost my appetite, raincheck?” She said looking directly in my eyes. They were the softest shade of brown I’ve ever seen. Absolutely gorgeous on her pale skin and red brown hair... “Luca! What are you doing! You cannot like Riley. No, no, no! Bad Luca!” I scolded myself.


“Lunch tomorrow?” I asked, I have to think before I open my mouth. I looked back into hers, when I look at her, I feel like I’m going to pass out. And if I keep looking at her, I’ll be on the ground in five-seconds. “Feel better okay. Don’t get hurt again”

“Thanks, I’ll talk to you tomorrow”

She disappeared into the nurses office, and I sighed. I’m such an idiot! Why would I just let her go away like that? She could be traumatized by that beating, or she’s still in pain from it! Another thing is my fault! I’m such a screw up!

Why should Riley, the most beautiful American girl I’ve ever seen; have to suffer? Why couldn’t some boy---who could actually take a hit---suffer? No girl deserves it, not that girl. Not Riley...She doesn’t deserve it, and she’s not getting any more of it. I’m going to help her, no matter what she says.

I sat down at a random lunch table, and sighed. How was I going to help her? I can’t exactly tell her what I saw, but somehow I have to help her. How, how, how! I don’t get it, why is it so hard?

“Hey rich kid!” I hear a voice shout out,

I lifted my eyes to see the same boy who attacked Riley. His jet black hair loomed over his eyes, making him seem so venomous. Oh no, what if he knows I saw? I may end up in the hospital if he knows! Okay Luca, you know nothing, you know nothing. “Um...I’m not rich...Maybe in Canada but not here” I said avoiding eye contact. I was rather rich in Canada, but ever since we moved to the United States we have to make American money...

“Ah so you’re a foreign boy?” He said amused. My eyes shrunk in horror, he’s going to pound my face in. Oh no...

“Yeah, foreign...Like Canadian...I know...French” I said quietly, hoping he would assume I don’t know very much English. That, of course is a complete lie, my English is very good for my age.

“ know French?” He said and I nodded. “I’m taking French, and I’m failing it. You tutor me” he said shortly, and my eyes shrunk in horror.

“Excuse me? I didn’t quit catch that”

“Tutor me. You know French, I’m failing French. Therefore, in order for me not to hurt you, you have to teach me” he explained, and I nodded quickly. “What grade are you in, rich kid?”

“Ninth...What grade are you in?” I asked, trying to avoid silence.

“Senior, so you don’t talk to me in the hallways, or you’ll be in the hospital,” he sneered and I gulped. “Meet me at that restaurant by the woods for my first lesson. If you’re late, you know what’ll happen.” Without me even replying, he got up from the table and walked away.

What did I get myself into?

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