Chapter 5

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Note: This chapter is somewhat a filler so it wont be that long. I didn't want to put it in the last chapter because way too much would have happened. So yeah...this chapter is going to be short.


“Riley, oh my gosh Riley!” I hear Luca shout snapping me out of the memory.

I shook my head around, feeling some warm tears spill over. I was crying! I can’t believe it! Why was I crying? It was just a painful memory that happened almost nine years ago! I should be over that, way over that.

“Riley are you okay? You were crying” Luca said, obviously concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Um I’m sorry Luca, but I lost my appetite, raincheck?” I said looking directly in his eyes.

“Lunch tomorrow?” He asked looking right back in mine. His eyes are like my mothers, so soft and full of gentleness... I nodded, and he smiled slightly, “Feel better okay. Don’t get hurt again”

“Thanks, I’ll talk to you tomorrow” I said walking back.

I pulled out my binder and got out a sheet of paper. Since I really have nothing to do in this dumb office I should write to my parents. Haven’t done that in forever.

January 11

Dear mom and dad,


Hey...I’m sorry I haven’t written to you in a while. Things...they’ve just been rough. But I guess you may know that, considering your’e watching, wherever you are. I hope you’re well up there in the spirit world---yet again, wherever you are---well, considering you’re dead I don’t think you’d be as happy as you could be...Sorry...I’ve been rather blunt lately...


It’s been almost nine years now. Ever since that day, someone killed you guys. The day still haunts me, gives me bad nightmares. I hate it, and I wish they’d leave me alone. But sadly, that doesn’t work out...


On a more positive note; I get to see you in two months and eighteen days. You’re anniversary is the only time Erin---the group home supervisor, if you didn’t know---lets me. She says it gives me time to truly mourn; probably couldn’t handle it when I was younger.


Mom...Dad...please, don’t tell any of your spirit friends this. It’s absolutely top secret, I can’t tell anyone else, but you guys...There’s this kid, a real big kid. His name is Tiberius, and...he beats me up. He beats me up really bad. And I can’t stand up to him...He’s just too big, too muscular for me....


I can’t wait to see you. I’ll be counting every minute till I see you everyday. It’s a promise. I hope I can get through these next two months and eighteen days. Those dumb nightmares will probably haunt me until I get to visit you.


Sadly, I’m at school right now, so I have to cut this letter short. There’s so much more I could tell you, but I think I should save that for later.


Sorry for any pessimism dad, I know you don’t like it.

And I’m sorry mom that I left out any good details about school.

Hope I’ll make it up to you when I see you


Love you, and miss you always,

Riley Samantha Stone


I wiped the stray tears that fell as I wrote this letter. It always makes me sad that I have to write to them, instead of just talking to them in person. If only they weren’t killed, I probably wouldn’t be going through this as bad. I mean you know dads, they always protect their ‘little girls.’ Even though I’m in tenth grade, I’m probably still considered his little girl. There are times like this, when I really wish I had parents. And this is one of those times...

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