
Start from the beginning

"Yeah?" She questioned.

"You okay?"

She nodded once, it was a short and subtle nod that you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't paying close attention to her.

"Fine." She looked away from him for a spilt second, before she looked back. ]

"I'm going to go and find the girls." She stated, removing her hand from on top of James', he removed his hand from her jaw in turn.

"I'll take you-"

"No. I can go on my own." She snapped, causing James to furrow his eyebrows at her.

James quickly looked over his shoulder to see Sirius raising an eyebrow at Cassie, James shook his head before he turned back to Cassie.

"I know you can, I didn't mean anything by it-"

"Okay," Her voice was quiet again.


Cassie stepped on her tip toes for a short moment, pressing a short kiss to James' lips before she waved at the two of them and walked off.

"What the fuck was that about?" Sirius asked as he took a step towards James, who was still looking at Cassie's retreating figure as she walked down the train, looking in different compartments to find her friends.

James shrugged, turning around to look at Sirius, a matching look of confusion on both of their faces.

"I don't know." James replied, Sirius shook his head slightly, beginning to walk in the opposite direction as Cassie to find Remus and Peter.

Sirius stopped when he realised that James wasn't following him, he turned around to see the other boy once again looking at Cassie, who you almost couldn't see through the sea of other people.

"She called me Potter." He said, turning around to face Sirius.

"She hasn't called me that since we started dating and she looked confused. . ." James trailed off as he took a few steps towards Sirius, who shrugged slightly.

"It was probably just from that bastard hitting her, she may have needed a second." He replied, placing his hand on James' shoulder.

James nodded, but he wasn't entirely sure.


"Cassie!" Marlene exclaimed as Cassie stepped into their compartment, a large grin on her face.

Cassie didn't know what was happening before she was practically tackled into a hug by the blonde.

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around Marlene, the two of them swaying from side to side slightly as they hugged tightly.

"I missed you Cass." Marlene stated as she pulled away from the Slytherin, the grin not leaving her face but faltering slightly as she noticed the red hand-print on Cassie's cheek.

"Wish I could say the same to be honest." Cassie replied, a small smirk making its way onto her face.

Marlene took a step back in fake offence, but the two of them were soon laughing.

"Don't hog her Marls." Lily commented, pushing Marlene out the way to hug Cassie.

Marlene huffed as she sat down on one of the seats, but the smile didn't leave her face.

The only reason she wasn't asking was because James and Sirius had told them before they went to the zoo not to, and to let Cassie tell them when she was ready to.

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